New Zealand Nursing Practice Survey
This study is the first large scale study to apply a research framework to the many different nursing roles and titles we have in New Zealand and address the confusion about the difference between them. Professor Jenny Carryer and Dr Jill Wilkinson from Massey University are conducting the study.
As a Registered Nurse or Nurse Practitioner currently employed in a clinical service environment you are invited to participate in the survey.
Participate in the survey by opening this link
Questions? having difficulty accessing the survey?
Email [email protected]
Articles – Advanced Nursing Practice
1. Addressing Issues Impacting Advanced Nursing Practice Worldwide
By Kleinpell, Ruth; Scanlon, Andrew; Hibbert, Denise; Ganz, Freda DeKeyser; East, Linda; Fraser, Debbie; Wong, Frances Kam Yuet & Beauchesne, Michelle.
Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. May 2014, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p1-1
Abstract: Advanced practice nursing roles are developing globally, and opportunities for advanced practice nursing are expanding worldwide due to the need for expert nursing care at an advanced level of practice. Yet it is well recognized that barriers exist with respect to APRNs being able to practice to the full extent of their education and training.
2. Development of a tool to describe the role of the clinical nurse consultant in Australia
By Fry, Margaret; Duffield, Christine; Baldwin, Richard; Roche, Michael; Stasa, Helen & Solman, Annette.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Jun 2013, Vol. 22 Issue 11/12, p1531-1538
Abstract: Aims and objectives. To develop a tool for defining and measuring the role characteristics and responsibilities of an advanced practice nursing role in Australia. Background. Internationally, there is considerable confusion about the precise role responsibilities of advanced practice nursing positions. In Australia, the clinical nurse consultant is an advanced practice role with five nominated domains of practice. However, there are no tools for measuring the performance of clinical nurse consultants against the listed domains
3. Development of advanced practice in the district nurse role
By Scott, Sarah.
Primary Health Care. Oct 2013, Vol. 23 Issue 8, p18-24. 7p.
Abstract: The aim of this literature review was to examine advanced practice in relation to the role of the district nurse. A significant finding was a paucity of evidence relating to advanced district nursing roles, which may influence future development of the service. A hypothesis drawn from the data is that district nurses are pro-actively advancing their practice but in doing so are changing their role rather than remaining in district nursing. The searched literature supports advanced nursing roles in terms of safe clinical practice, but questions remain over their cost effectiveness.
4. Advanced nursing practice hours as part of endorsement requirements for nurse practitioners in Australia: A definitional conundrum
By Scanlon, Andrew; Cashin, Andrew; Watson, Ngaire; Bryce, Julianne.
Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Nov 2012, Vol. 24 Issue 11, p649-659. 11p
Abstract: Purpose: To define what can be considered to be nursing practice, time that can be calculated as the practice of nursing as well as what is considered to be advanced nursing practice and how all this can be related to the current endorsement process for nurse practitioner (NP) in Australia
Articles – Health promotion
5. Increasing Hand Washing Compliance With a Simple Visual Cue.
By Ford, Eric W.; Boyer, Brian T.; Menachemi, Nir & Huerta, Timothy R.
American Journal of Public Health. Oct 2014, Vol. 104 Issue 10, p1851-1856. 6p
Abstract: We tested the efficacy of a simple, visual cue to increase hand washing with soap and water. Automated towel dispensers in 8 public bathrooms were set to present a towel either with or without activation by users. We set the 2 modes to operate alternately for 10 weeks. Wireless sensors were used to record entry into bathrooms. Towel and soap consumption rates were checked weekly.
6. Inspiring stories kick-start the Eat Well, Nurse Well campaign.
By Kleebauer, Alistair.
Nursing Standard. 9/24/2014, Vol. 29 Issue 4, p14-15. 2p
Abstract: Nursing Standard’s campaign aims to improve health workers’ nutrition. Alistair Kleebauer talks to two nurses who have changed their eating habits
7. Tackle childhood obesity with HENRY.
By Trueland, Jennifer.
Nursing Standard. 9/3/2014, Vol. 29 Issue 1, p22-23. 2p
Abstract: Identifying the strengths within a family is the key to creating positive change, says Jennifer Trueland
8. Preventing Childhood Obesity: What Are We Doing Right?
By Farley, Thomas A.; Dowell, Deborah.
American Journal of Public Health. Sep 2014, Vol. 104 Issue 9, p1579-1583. 5p
Abstract: After decades of increases, the prevalence of childhood obesity has declined in the past decade in New York City, as measured in children participating in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and public school students, with the greatest reductions occurring in the youngest children. Possible explanations were changes in demographics; WIC, day care, and school food policies; citywide obesity prevention policies, media messages; and family and community food consumption.
Selected articles – Children’s Health Care [Journal]
9. Feasibility of an Individualized, Home-Based Obesity Prevention Program for Preschool-Age Children. By Koulouglioti, Christina; Cole, Robert; McQuillan, Brenda; Moskow, Marian; Kueppers, Julie & Pigeon, Wilfred.
Children's Health Care. Apr-Jun 2013, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p134-152. 19p
Abstract: This study explored the feasibility and acceptability of an individualized, home-based routines intervention targeting preschool-age children's everyday sleeping and eating routines. Using a one-group, pre–post design (N?=?11), single mothers with 3- to 5-year-old children participated in an intervention over 6 weeks
10. Insufficient Sleep and Weight Status in High School Students: Should We Be Focusing on the Extremes?
By Culnan, Elizabeth; Holliday, Stephanie Brooks; Daly, Brian P.; Aggarwal, Richa & Kloss, Jacqueline D. Children's Health Care. Apr-Jun 2013, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p99-115. 17p
Abstract: The relation between insufficient sleep and weight status among adolescent populations has yielded equivocal findings. This study investigated the relation between length of sleep and weight status by analyzing data from 9,321 high school students on the 2007 national Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Findings indicate that insufficient sleep was associated with higher odds of being categorized as obese in only the most extreme range (5 hr or less of sleep on an average night). Differences in the sleep–weight relation emerged when examined by gender and race/ethnicity. The implications of the results for prevention and intervention programs that address sleep and weight status among adolescents are considered
11. Is Temperament or Behavior a Better Predictor of Preoperative Anxiety in Children?
By Wright, Kristi D.; Stewart, Sherry H.; Finley, G. Allen.
Children's Health Care. Apr-Jun 2013, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p153-167. 15p
Abstract: The relation between parent-rated temperament and behavior and observer-rated child preoperative anxiety was examined in 61 children undergoing a day surgery procedure. Parents completed measures of child temperament and behavior prior to surgery. Child preoperative anxiety was observer-rated throughout the day surgery process.
Journal - Table of Contents
12. From Employment Today, September/October 2014
12A. The uncomfortable truth [ When HR and the line work well together, it has a profound effect on a company’s performance. However, the relationship is not always plain sailing]
12B. Capitalising on diversity [Diversity and inclusion initiatives should start for ethical reasons, but economic drivers can make them succeed, says Stefan Doll]
12C. A journey to 2022 [Forward-looking HR teams are considering a range of different scenarios for the future, but few are taking a sufficiently long-term view, says Debbie Francis]
12D. Oh my God! religious diversity at work [For many people, religion is a living dynamic background against which they operate]
12E. Conflicting interests [Conflict in the workplace is not uncommon, but it’s important to identify the source of conflict before making any interventions, says Cher Williscroft]
12F. Diversity in action [The Diversity Awards continue to celebrate the people who make our businesses tick, says Bev Cassidy-Mackenzie]
12G. Bending over backwards [Is flexibility the key to attracting a diverse workforce?]
12H. Toxic employees [Nobody’s ever been fired just for being grumpy, but when an employee exhibits toxic and undermining behaviour, it can affect the whole team]
13. Transforming Together Coaching and Mentoring Conference
This inaugural conference provides a platform for researchers, practitioners and interested parties to connect and deepen their knowledge of coaching and mentoring practice that leads to effective, transformative and sustained change in all fields
Date: 8th to 10th April 2015
Venue: Hamilton, New Zealand
More information:
News – National
14. Health mystery: Decades of digestive distress
Stuff - 01/10/2014
Janice Rohlf wasn't easily fazed, displaying the indomitability of someone who grew up "dirt poor" in a house without running water, then went on to earn two graduate degrees and build a prosperous career. But for more than 40 years, she lived with an emotionally taxing condition, worried that something she ate might trigger a sudden digestive upset.
15. Specialist blocked over health board issues
ODT - Fri, 3 Oct 2014
An attempt to raise the subject of recent high-level resignations at the Southern District Health Board was blocked yesterday by the chairman at a board meeting in Dunedin
News - International
16. Care home restraint seven times level previously thought
The Telegraph – 2 Oct 2014
Surge in applications for legal clearance to deprive elderly and disabled people of basic liberties after landmark ruling shows practice was seven times more common than previously thought.