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Issue 32 - 26 September 2014

Articles – Pain Management

1. Treating Pain HEAD-ON
By  Ries, Eric. PT in Motion. Sep 2014, Vol. 6 Issue 8, p16-23. 7p.
The article focuses on the significance of physical therapists (PTs) in eradicating the interaction of pain and injury in patient presentations. PT Joe Brence notes the relevance of screening the patients for factors beyond the scope of PT care and of determining multidisciplinary practitioners' team who share pain understanding. PT Joel Bialosky contends that PTs do not always consider the notion that they can boost the effectiveness of PT intervention based on patient expectations.

2. Remedial action in the management of wound-related pain
By  Butcher, Martyn; White, Richard.
Nursing Standard. 7/16/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 46, p51-60. 8p
: Wound-related pain, particularly following wound care interventions, is a concern to all involved in wound management. However, little is understood about how remedial action to manage such pain can affect healthcare provision, particularly in terms of resources. This article describes a Delphi study -- a process of gaining expert consensus in a particular area -- identifying the main factors influenced by the presence of pain at wound dressing change.

3.  Back pain
By  Campbell, James.
Pulse. Jul 2014, p78-81. 3p
The article presents three case studies including of a 25-year-old man, a 48-year-old woman and of a 65-year-old man who suffers back pains. It states that in the first case the patient is advised to take neuropathic pain drugs or can ask for neurosurgical opinion, in the second case it is advised to take on the psychosocial aspects of the patient, and in the last case spinal imaging through computed tomography (CT) is recommended.

4.  A better approach to opioid prescribing in primary care
By  Canada, Robin E.; DiRocco, Danae; Day, Susan.
Journal of Family Practice. Jun 2014, Vol. 63 Issue 6, pE1-E8. 8p.
Primary care physicians are at the center of a national prescription opioid epidemic, with little training or knowledge about the management of patients on opioids for chronic noncancer pain (CNCP). We developed an electronic medical record (EMR)-based protocol and educational intervention to standardize documentation and management of patients prescribed opioids by primary care providers. Our objective was to evaluate provider adherence to this protocol, attitudes toward the management of these patients, and knowledge of opioid prescribing.

Articles – Professional Boundaries

5. Boundary violations, gender and the nature of nursing work
By  Chiarella, Mary & Adrian, Amanda.
Nursing Ethics. May 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 3, p267-277. 11p
: Complaints against nurses can be made on several grounds and orders, including removal from the registry of nurses, can be made as a result of these complaints. Boundary violations generally relate to complaints around criminal charges, unsatisfactory professional conduct or professional misconduct or a lack of good character. This article explores the spectrum of boundary violations in the nurse–patient relationship by reviewing disciplinary cases from the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives Tribunal and Professional Standards Committees

6. Messy boundaries: younger students' experiences of nursing young people in hospital
By  Shepherd, Jean.
Nursing Children & Young People. Oct 2013, Vol. 25 Issue 8, p23-26. 4p.
: To explore the experience of younger students of children's nursing when required to care for clients of similar age in hospital, and their concerns in relation to professional boundaries

7. Constructing nurses’ professional identity through social identity theory
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Vol 20, Issue 2, April 2014, Pages: 164–169
The profession of nursing continues to struggle with defining and clarifying its professional identity. The definitive recognition of nursing as a profession was the moving of training from the hospital apprentice model to the tertiary sector. However, this is only part of the story of professional identity in nursing. Once training finishes and enculturation into the workplace commences, professional identity becomes a complicated social activity. This paper proposes social identity theory as a valuable research framework to assist with clarifying and describing the professional identity of nurses.

Selected Articles – International Journal of Nursing Practice

8. Predicting nurses' turnover intentions by demographic characteristics, perception of health, quality of work attitudes (pages 79–88)
By Mahmoud Al-Hussami, Muhammad Darawad, Ali Saleh & Ferial Ahmed Hayajneh
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Vol. 20, Issue 1, February 2014, p79–88,
: The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of demographic variables, organizational commitment levels, perception of health and quality of work on turnover intentions

9. Nurse practitioner prescribing practice in Australia: Confidence in aspects of medication management (pages 1–7)
By Andrew Cashin, Helen Stasa, Sandra V Dunn, Lisa Pont and Thomas Buckley
International Journal of Nursing Practice Vol. 20, Issue 1, February 2014

10. Motivations to nurse: An exploration of what motivates students in Pacific Island countries to enter nursing (pages 447–454)
By Kim Usher, Caryn West, Mary MacManus, Silina Waqa, Lee Stewart, Renee Henry, David Lindsay, Jo Conaglen, Julianne Hall, Marie McAuliffe and Michelle Redman-MacLaren
International Journal of Nursing Practice, Vol. 19, Issue 5, October 2013
: The aim of this study was to explore the motivations of student nurses enrolled in nursing courses across a variety of Pacific Island countries. The image of nursing, the desire to help others, family and friends in the profession, personal experience, security, travel opportunities and flexibility have all been identified as motivators for people to enter nursing. To date, what motivates students in Pacific Island countries to enrol in a nursing course has not been investigated. An exploratory qualitative approach using focus group interviews with 152 nursing students was undertaken

11. Change of glycaemic control and predictors in diabetes patients: Longitudinal observational study during the one year after hospital discharge (pages 28–35)
By Li-Ai Tai, Li-Yu Tsai and Shu-Ching Chen
International Journal of Nursing Practice September 2013, Vol. 19, Supplement S3
Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) might reflect glycaemic control in persons with diabetes. Study aims were to identify changes in glycated haemoglobin values and predictors (baseline coping behaviour, fasting plasma glucose, disease-related and demographic factors) in patients during 1 year after hospital discharge. A longitudinal prospective design with convenience sampling was used. Subjects were recruited from a community hospital in Taiwan. Measures included Jalowiec Coping Scale, fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c values, and demographics. Generalized estimating equation was used to determine factors of change in glycated haemoglobin

ICN Journal - International Nursing Review, September 2014

Note: Articles 12A, B, C & D are free on the web.  Click on the links below to download the articles yourself.

12A.  Nurses are essential players in all health and policy arenas (pages 297–298)
12B. Ethical dilemmas: the challenge of advocating for human rights (pages 299–300)
12C. The power of unity (page 301)
12D. International Perspectives (pages 302–309)

Request up to 2 of the articles below from the NZNO Library

Ageing and Aged Care
12E. Scoping the context of programs and services for maintaining wellness of older people in rural areas of Indonesia (pages 310–317)
12F. Factors associated with cognition recovery among elders with mild cognitive impairment in Korea (pages 318–326)
12G. Chinese community-dwelling elders' needs: promoting ageing in place (pages 327–335)
Experience from the Field
12H. Application of a theoretical framework to foster a cardiac-diabetes self-management programme (pages 336–343)
Nursing Work Life Research
12I. Unreported workplace violence in nursing (pages 344–351)
12J. Factors influencing registered nurses perception of their overall job satisfaction: a qualitative study (pages 352–360)
12K. Hospital nurses' individual priorities, internal psychological states and work motivation (pages 361–370)


"Facing virtual reality" - Managing professional and personal safety in a  changing world.
Digital media, social media, electronic records and a raft of other technologies are becoming a part of our everyday practice. Learn about the benefits and risks at this important forum being held at a variety of venues around the country in October. Places are limited
More information:

News – National

14. Paracetamol link to ADHD: study
NZ Herald - Friday Sep 26, 2014U
niversity finds children whose mothers took drug while pregnant more likely to have behavioural problems.

15. Drug resistant sex diseases now endemic
Stuff - 26/09/14
Sexually transmitted diseases brought under control last century could be coming back as new strains find ways to cheat antibiotic treatments, a report warns. Research published in the New Zealand Medical Journal today charts the changing face of drug-resistant disease during the past two decades, and found resistance to a raft of infections has become "endemic".

16. SDHB has to make tough choices – Heatly
Fri, 26 Sep 2014
Frustrated senior doctors need to see beyond their specialty area and recognise the limits of health funding, Southern District Health Board chief executive Carole Heatly says.

News - International

17. Three 9/11 firefighters die of cancer in one day
More than 2,500 New York police, firefighters, ambulance and sanitation workers now have the disease. Thousands of people who aided in the rescue and recovery effort were diagnosed with respiratory ailments and other health problems in the years after the attacks. Cancer, though, remains the biggest fear for people exposed to the gritty soot at the site. Hundreds of first responders have gotten cancer in the 13 years since the attacks, but doctors and researchers are still uncertain whether there is any link between those illnesses and 9/11

18. Office politics: When does assertive become aggressive?
The Age - September 20, 2014
Are you the type who doesn't take any nonsense in the office and can put your position across in a frank and forthright manner? Assertiveness skills are an essential quality for workers looking to rise through the ranks or manage a team.

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