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Issue 29 - 1 September 2014

Articles – Violence/Assaults on Nurses

1.  Violence in primary care
By Judge, Joe; Bolton, Judi. Primary Health Care. Dec 2013, Vol. 23 Issue 10, p18-22. 5p.
 The Glasgow Challenging Behaviour Rehabilitation Service (CBRS) was developed to provide primary health care to individuals who have been removed from mainstream general practice due to violence or aggression perpetrated against primary healthcare staff. This article describes the service and includes statistical information about the prevalence of violence and aggression in primary care. It outlines some of the political responses to increasing rates of violence and the difficulties that front line staff encounter. It describes the way in which the CBRS has responded to the challenge, including the authors' roles as clinical psychologists embedded in the service. It also offers practice points on how to prevent and manage violence and aggression. 

2. Just Another Drunk: Binge Drinking -- The Need for Competent Nursing Care
By Donnelly, Glenn; Kent-Wilkinson, Arlene; Rush, Alecia.
MEDSURG Nursing. Nov/Dec 2013, Vol. 22 Issue 6, p355-358. 4p.
 Alcohol binge drinking puts a person at a higher risk for hazards of poor judgment, such as violence, vandalism, sexual assault, and unprotected sexual encounters. Thorough assessment and judicious management of patients who have consumed too much alcohol serve as a basis for competent nursing care. 

3. Reducing violence and aggression in the emergency department
By  Powley, Denise. Emergency Nurse. Jul 2013, Vol. 21 Issue 4, p26-29. 4p.
 Emergency department (ED) staff, particularly nursing students and inexperienced nurses, are at risk of violence and aggression from patients. However, by reflecting on violent incidents, nurses can gain new knowledge, improve their practice and prepare themselves for similar incidents. This article refers to the Gibbs reflective cycle to analyse a violent incident involving a patient with mental health and alcohol dependence problems that occurred in the author's ED. It also identifies strategies for nurses to pre-empt and defuse violent situations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

4. Impact of hospital security programmes and workplace aggression on nurse perceptions of safety
By Blando, James D.; O'hagan, Emily; Casteel, Carri; Nocera, Mary-Alice; Peek-Asa, Corinne.
Journal of Nursing Management. Apr 2013, Vol. 21 Issue 3, p491-498. 8p
  To assess how nurses' perception of their safety and risk of violence was affected by their work environment and whether this perception correlated with their actual risk. Background The work environment has an impact on nurses' perception of their risk of violence and this perception affects worker productivity, quality, employee retention, worker satisfaction and their actual safety.

5. Violence in the nursing workplace - a descriptive correlational study in a public hospital.
By  Chen, Kang-Pan; Ku, Yan-Chiou; Yang, Hsiu-Fan.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Mar 2013, Vol. 22 Issue 5/6, p798-805. 8p
Aims and objectives. To explore the prevalence, types and sources of violence in the nursing workplace and to assess the factors related to violence. Background. Workplace violence in nursing is not a new phenomenon; in recent years, much more attention has been paid to the issue in Taiwan. Few studies, however, have investigated the overall distribution of violence and the reasons for not reporting these incidents in nursing workplaces.

6.  Patient and visitor violence in the general hospital, occurrence, staff interventions and consequences: a cross-sectional survey.
By  Hahn, Sabine; Hantikainen, Virpi; Needham, Ian; Kok, Gerjo; Dassen, Theo; Halfens, Ruud J.g.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. Dec 2012, Vol. 68 Issue 12, p2685-2699. 15p
Aim. This study focuses on the experience of healthcare staff with regard to patient and visitor violence in a general hospital. The occurrence of patient and visitor violence, staffs' interventions and the consequences of violence for different professions are investigated. Background. There is a lack of studies describing the factors influencing the occurrence of patient and visitor violence, intervention strategies and consequences. Existing studies often focus on nurses' experiences and single interactive factors between staff and patients/visitors involved

Articles - International Journal of Nursing Knowledge

7. Is Attitude Toward Nursing Diagnosis a Determinant of Its Use?
By Romero-Sánchez, José Manuel; Paloma-Castro, Olga.
International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. Jun 2014, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p71-72. 2p
The article provides information on several factors that influence attitudes toward nursing diagnosis. Topics discussed include the Theory of Reasoned Action that explains the connection between attitude and behavior, the characteristics of nurses and their attitude toward diagnosis, and the need to consider attitude as a possible determinant of the use of the nursing diagnosis in future research.

8.  Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Moderate to Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Concept Analysis.
By Mouser, April L.
International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. Jun 2014, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p73-79. 7p
: The purpose of this concept analysis is to examine the health-related quality of life in patients with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD). Background COPD is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Health-related quality of life ( HRQoL) in patients with moderate to severe COPD has not been clearly defined. Design Walker and Avant's concept analysis methodology was employed. 

9.  Content Validation of the Operational Definitions of the Nursing Diagnoses of Activity Intolerance, Excess Fluid Volume, and Decreased Cardiac Output in Patients With Heart Failure.
By  Souza, Vanessa; Zeitoun, Sandra Salloum; Lopes, Camila Takao; Oliveira, Ana Paula Dias; Lopes, Juliana de Lima; Barros, Alba Lucia Botura Leite.
International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. Jun 2014, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p85-93. 9p
:  To consensually validate the operational definitions of the nursing diagnoses activity intolerance, excessive fluid volume, and decreased cardiac output in patients with decompensated heart failure. Method Consensual validation was performed in two stages: analogy by similarity of defining characteristics, and development of operational definitions and validation with experts.

10. Construction and Validation of an Instrument for Assessment of the Nursing Diagnosis, Risk for Infection, in Patients Following Cardiac Surgery.
By  Schulz, Carla Ethel Filippi; Lopes, Camila Takáo; Herdman, T. Heather; Lopes, Juliana de Lima; Barros, Alba Lucia Bottura Leite.
International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. Jun 2014, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p94-101. 8p.
Purpose To construct and validate a data collection instrument ( DCI), and a corresponding instructional guide, for assessment of the nursing diagnosis, risk for infection, in patients following cardiac surgery. Methods Construction of conceptual and operational definitions for risk factors based on literature, content validation by experts, and clinical validation by clinical nurses.
Findings There were significant internal consistency and reproducibility in the content validation. In the clinical validation, agreement among nurses was higher than 70% for all risk factors. Conclusions The DC I was constructed and validated. Implications for Nursing Practice This DCI could be used for assessment of adult patients after cardiac surgeries worldwide because of its detailed cues for risk factors, which facilitate clinical reasoning and diagnostic judgment.

Journal Table of Contents - International Nursing Review - Sept 2014 

11. From International Nursing Review, Vol 61, No. 3, September 2014

11A. Nurses are essential players in all health and policy arenas (pages 297–298)
11B. Ethical dilemmas: the challenge of advocating for human rights (pages 299–300)
11C. The power of unity (page 301)
11D. Scoping the context of programs and services for maintaining wellness of older people in rural areas of Indonesia (pages 310–317)
11E. Factors associated with cognition recovery among elders with mild cognitive impairment in Korea (pages 318–326)
11F. Chinese community-dwelling elders' needs: promoting ageing in place (pages 327–335)
11G. Application of a theoretical framework to foster a cardiac-diabetes self-management programme (pages 336–343)
11H. Unreported workplace violence in nursing (pages 344-351)
11I. Factors influencing registered nurses perception of their overall job satisfaction: a qualitative study (pages 352–360)
11J. Hospital nurses' individual priorities, internal psychological states and work motivation (pages 361–370)
11K. An analysis of influenza prevention measures from air travellers’ perspective (pages 371–379)


12. The New Zealand Society for Oncology 2014 Conference
Date: 21 - 23 October, 2014
Venue:  The Sebel Trinity Wharf, Tauranga
Theme: Oncology in New Zealand; current and future challenges
More information:

News – National

13. Health workers surpass care targets
Wanganui Chronicle - Monday Sep 1, 2014
Wanganui has reached or surpassed all six of the latest national health targets and is second in the country for increased immunisation. The results were a tribute to the professionalism and expertise of health care staff, Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) acting chief executive Brian Walden said.

14. Grieving family to call on watchdog after rest home patient dies
NZ  Herald - Monday Sep 1, 2014
Rest home defends actions after wandering 88-year-old woman is fatally hit by taxi on Auckland road. Alzheimer's sufferer Jie Rong Luo had a habit of wandering off on her own - so when her family decided a rest home was the best place for the 88-year-old, they asked that she not be left alone outside. Several months later, she was hit by a taxi after disappearing from the Avonlea Rest Home in Orakau Ave, Epsom. She died in hospital five days days later.

15. Easing pain and cost for arthritis sufferers
ODT - Sat, 30 Aug 2014
University of Otago

News - International

16. Seeing the light: smart glasses boost vision for partially sighted people
The Guardian – 31 August 2014
Developers use cameras and laser to help wearers recognise everyday objects and navigate surroundings

17. Rickets returns as poor families find healthy diets unaffordable
The Observer,  Saturday 30 August 2014
The UK Faculty of Public Health will call for national food policy including sugar tax as concerns rise over vitamin deficiencies
Poverty is forcing people to have dangerously poor diets and is leading to the return of rickets and gout – diseases of the Victorian age that affect bones and joints – according the UK Faculty of Public Health. The public health professionals' body will call for a national food policy, including a sugar tax, as concerns rise over malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies in British children. It will also appeal for all political parties to back a living wage to help combat the illnesses.


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