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Issue 19 - 13 June 2014

Articles - Palliative Care/Nursing Ethics

1. End-of-life experiences and expectations of Africans in Australia: Cultural implications for palliative and hospice care.
By Hiruy, Kiros; Mwanri, Lillian. Nursing Ethics. Mar 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p187-197. 11p
The ageing and frail migrants who are at the end of life are an increasing share of migrants living in Australia. However, within such populations, information about end-of-life experiences is limited, particularly among Africans. This article provides some insights into the sociocultural end-of-life experiences of Africans in Australia and their interaction with the health services in general and end-of-life care in particular.

2. Should palliative care patients’ hope be truthful, helpful or valuable? An interpretative synthesis of literature describing healthcare professionals’ perspectives on hope of palliative care patients.
By Olsman, Erik; Leget, Carlo; Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Bregje; Willems, Dick.
Palliative Medicine. Jan 2014,Vol. 28 Issue 1, p59-70. 12p
The article discusses research which examined healthcare professionals' stand on palliative care patients' hope described in literature. It cites the association of palliative care patients' hope with their psycho-spiritual well-being. Findings revealed that 31 literary articles were of sufficient quality and described perspectives of nurses or physicians. The types of perspectives on hope of palliative care patients include realistic, functional and narrative perspective..

3. How nurses can help ease patient transitions to end of life care.
By Lewis, Kellie. Nursing Older People. Oct 2013, Vol. 25 Issue 8, p22-26. 5p.
: Moving from curative to palliative care is often difficult for patients, families and healthcare providers, because hospice or end of life care can be seen as a failure of healthcare teams or as patients having given up. Nurses' role in this transition is to provide care, educate and advocate for patients, and encourage reflection on the implications of end of life. Providers face challenges in identifying when end of life begins, impaired communication in healthcare teams and feelings of guilt. Patients and families must come to terms with the idea of death while maintaining dignity.

4. 'Viewing in slow motion': patients', families', nurses' and doctors' perspectives on end-of-life care in critical care.
By Pattison, Natalie; Carr, Susan M; Turnock, Chris; Dolan, Shelley.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. May 2013, Vol. 22 Issue 9/10, p1442-1454. 13p.
Aims and objectives To explore the meaning of end-of-life care for critically ill cancer patients, families, oncologists, palliative care specialists, critical care consultants and nurses. Background End-of-life care for critically ill patients, of whom nearly 20% will die in critical care, remains somewhat problematic (Truog et al. 2008). End-of-life care is an established domain in cancer; however, research has not been conducted previously into dying, critically ill cancer patients' experiences. 

5. A Death With Dignity: A Nurse's Story of the End of Life of Her Mother.
By Nelson, Noreen.
Nursing Forum. Apr-Jun 2013, Vol. 48 Issue 2, p134-138. 5p
Purpose Recognizing and accepting when someone is within the palliative care trajectory is often a challenge, particularly for nursing students. In sharing this story of a nurse's experience of caring for her mother, it is hoped that the reader will gain insight into ways to enhance comfort and improve the quality of life of family members, friends, and patients. Through the lens of this lived experience, the challenges associated with honoring the wishes of a loved one during the palliative care trajectory through the end of life are shared. Practice Implications Exploring a person's perceptions about their quality of life is an important component of a nursing assessment. Nurses need to be prepared to maximize opportunities with patients and provide resources and information about options on their quality of life issues.

Selected Articles - Mens Health

6.  "Real Men Don't": Constructions of Masculinity and Inadvertent Harm in Public Health Interventions.
By Fleming, Paul J.; Lee, Joseph G. L.; Dworkin, Shari L.
American Journal of Public Health. Jun 2014, Vol. 104 Issue 6, p1029-1035. 7p.
Research shows that constraining aspects of male gender norms negatively influence both women's and men's health. Messaging that draws on norms of masculinity in health programming has been shown to improve both women's and men's health, but some types of public health messaging (e.g., Man Up Monday, a media campaign to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections) can reify harmful aspects of hegemonic masculinity that programs are working to change. We critically assess the deployment of hegemonic male norms in the Man Up Monday campaign. We draw on ethical paradigms in public health to challenge programs that reinforce harmful aspects of gender norms and suggest the use of gender-transformative interventions that challenge constraining masculine norms and have been shown to have a positive effect on health behaviors

7. The Guy's guide to prostate health
By Challem, Jack. Better Nutrition. Jun 2014, Vol. 76 Issue 6, p38-42. 4p
: The article discusses the dietary supplements to lower the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) which is a noncancerous growth of the gland. Topics discussed include dietary intake of lycopene supplement stops the growth of Prostate gland, cranberries had significant reduces urinary symptoms and lower prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level and prostatitis is the prostate inflammation which results in pain when urinating, painful ejaculations or pain in the pelvic area..

8. Smoking and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Younger, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults.
By Tolstrup, Janne S.; Hvidtfeldt, Ulla A.; Flachs, Esben Meulengracht; Spiegelman, Donna; Heitmann, Berit L.; Bälter, Katarina; Goldbourt, Uri; Hallmans, Göran; Knekt, Paul; Liu, Simin; Pereira, Mark; Stevens, June; Virtamo, Jarmo; Feskanich, Diane.
American Journal of Public Health. Jan 2014, Vol. 104 Issue 1, p96- 102. 7p
: We investigated associations of smoking and coronary heart disease (CHD) by age. Methods. Data came from the Pooling Project on Diet and Coronary Heart Disease (8 prospective studies, 1974-1996; n = 192 067 women and 74 720 men, aged 40-89 years).

Selected articles - Acute Respiratory Infections/Antibiotics

9. Antibiotics: mode of action and mechanisms of resistance
Gerri Kaufman Lecturer in health sciences. University of York
Nursing Standard, 2011. 25, 42, 49-55.
Antibiotic therapy has revolutionised medical care and has many benefits for patients with or at risk of infections. However, the development of antibiotic resistance now limits the effectiveness of these agents,which is a serious public health concern. This article examines these issues and offers guidance on prescribing strategies and resources for nurse prescribers.

10. Preventing the spread of acute respiratory viral infections Dinah Gould Professor in applied health. Senior lecturer, City University, LondonN
Nursing Standard, 24, 5, 44-49.
: Acute respiratory tract infections (ARIs) caused by viruses are not easily treated, so public health measures to prevent transmission are important. Most ARIs cause only mild, self-limiting illnesses. Nevertheless, they account for considerable loss of time from school and work, disrupting education and affecting the economy. The role of hygiene, especially handwashing in reducing the risk of infection, was established in research studies in the 1970s, but few members of the public or health professionals appear to recognise the importance of hand hygiene. The emergence of new, more serious ARIs may renew interest in hygiene, particularly hand hygiene, as an important preventive measure

Selected articles - Medication errors

11. How do we reduce drug errors?
Nursing Times - 21 January, 2008
Medication errors are not uncommon and often go unrecognised and unreported. Ingrid Torjesen looks at key precautions nurses can take to avoid mistakes. Medication mistakes are unfortunately not rare events. National Patient Safety Agency research shows that almost one in ten inpatients experience medication-related harm. However, many mistakes go unreported as staff often do not realise an error has occurred

12. How to avoid drug errors
Nursing Times - 4 September, 2010
Abstract: Chris Tyreman looks at common causes of drug errors and offers his tips on how to avoid them

13. Implementing a systematic response to medication errors
Nursing Standard - 2007
Abstract: Healthcare delivery is associated with various risks and it is unlikely that these can ever be completely eliminated. Medicine management is an area known to involve errors. This article describes how implementing a systematic response to medication errors enables health professionals to identify individual and organisational failures and reduce adverse patient outcomes

14. The role of nurses in medicine administration errors
Kerri Wright Freelance writer Senior lecturer. University of Greenwich, London
Nursing Standard, 2013. 27, 44, 35-40.
Abstract: This article explores the commonly held belief that nurses are to blame for the high rate of medication administration errors in health care. The article argues for a need to move away from a culture of blame and to consider changes to medicine and the increasing complexity of administration as potential reasons for error. Medicine administration should be viewed within the wider context of health care rather than as an isolated process in order to develop effective solutions to reduce medicine-related errors.

Journal Table of Contents

15. From Nursing Times 28 May - 3 June 2014
Editors View
15A. Alarm bells should ring when staff stay silent
The Nursing Week
15B. EU nurses lacking language skills
15C. Hunt: use staff concern figures to rate safety; Trusts scramble to employ nurses
Clinical Digest
15D. Extend postnatal depression monitoring; Maternity care better in freestanding units; Ovarian cancer survey launched
15E. Nostalgic view of nursing risks retrograde education15I.  policies; Fresh concerns raised on nurse numeracy skills
15F. Twitter offers opportunity for care feedback; Nurses much less positive about work culture than their bosses
15G. Staffing ratios of 1:8 indicate danger, not a safe minimum
15H. has NICE gone far enough in its staffing recommendations
15I. Intelligent use of open visiting would aid patient recovery
15J. Managing misuse of novel psychoactive substances
15K. Training critical care nurses in trauma care
15L. How extra nursing notes point to deterioration
15M. Identfying parents with learning disabilities
15N. It's music to your lungs [Singing sessions to manage pulmonary conditions]
15O. Understand and manage anxiety

Conferences & Seminars

16. New Zealand Diversity Forum 2014
Migrant and Refugee Employment: Valuing Diversity.The New Zealand Human Rights Commission 
2014 marks the 10th year anniversary of the New Zealand Diversity Forum, and this year the theme is – “Migrant and Refugee Employment: Valuing Diversity”.
Date: Sunday, August 24, 2014 at 7:30 AM - Monday, August 25, 2014 at 6:00 PM (NZST)
Venue: Christchurch, New Zealand
More information:

News - National

17. Measles outbreak spreads in Hamilton
Measles alert after Hamilton's Armageddon expo
A case of measles has now been confirmed at Hamilton Girls' High School as the disease continues to circulate in the city. The district health board has confirmed 38 measles cases in Hamilton in recent weeks, with many at Fraser High School.

18. Obesity 'will be a bigger problem than smoking for Kiwis' - Health society
TVNZ - Monday June 09, 2014
Medical experts are backing a call for urgent action to be taken to tackle New Zealand's growing obesity problem. The New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine says the obesity epidemic is a "time bomb" which "will soon be a bigger problem than smoking".

19. Support helps addict's struggle
ODT - Sun, 8 Jun 2014
Dunedin residents spent more than $17 million on the pokies last year. Star reporter Jonathan Chilton-Towle spoke to a woman who is fighting a gambling addiction while working to re-establish a Gamblers Anonymous support group in the city. A group of gambling addicts are working together to resurrect Gamblers Anonymous in Dunedin.

20. Incidence of stroke 'highly avoidable'
ODT - Sat, 7 Jun 2014
Leading Auckland health researcher Prof Valery Feigin says 90% of New Zealand's annual stroke death toll could ultimately be prevented, despite the country's ''very alarming'' obesity problems

News - International

21. Mixed report card for ACT health system
Sydney Morning Herald - June 13, 2014 - 12:30AM
Infection rates from hospital care in the ACT have risen and the territory continues to perform poorly for the number of emergency department patients treated within recommended time frames, a report reveals. The Council of Australian Governments Reform Council released its final report on healthcare reform finding that although Australians are living longer and government are delivering positive results, issues such as obesity and type 2 diabetes will pose major challenges for the healthcare system unless they are addressed urgently.

22. More man-friendly health services needed to stem suicide flow
Sydney Morning Herald - June 11, 2014
Suicide continues to be one of the top 10 causes of death amongst men, with suicide prevention campaigners using a Canberra conference to call for more "male friendly" health services to encourage men to seek help.

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