Articles - Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
1. Healthcare personnel's experiences of situations in municipal elderly care that generate troubled conscience.
By Ericson-Lidman, Eva; Norberg, Astrid; Persson, Birgitta; Strandberg, Gunilla.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Jun 2013, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p215-223. 9p
Abstract: Healthcare personnel may perceive troubled conscience when feeling inadequate and powerless. It is important to further explore healthcare personnel's descriptions of situations in daily work, which generate troubled conscience to increase the awareness of such situations. This study aimed to describe health care personnel's experiences of situations in municipal elderly care that generate troubled conscience.
2. Factors influencing compliance to hygiene routines in community care - the viewpoint of medically responsible nurses in Sweden.
By Lindh, Marianne; Kihlgren, Annica; Perseius, Kent-Inge.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Jun 2013, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p224-230. 7p.
Abstract: The aim of the study was to describe factors influencing compliance to hygiene routines in community care in Swedish municipalities from the perspective of medically responsible nurses (MRN).
3. The influence of cultural background in intercultural dementia care: exemplified by Sami patients.
By Hanssen, Ingird.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Jun 2013, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p231-237. 7p
Abstract: Aim: To gain knowledge about how the original culture may influence communication and interaction with institutionalised patients with dementia and of what particular cultural aspects may come to the fore, exemplified by Sami patients.
4. Living with polio and postpolio syndrome in the United Kingdom.
By Atwal, Anita; Giles, Amy; Spiliotopoulou, Georgia; Plastow, Nicola; Wilson, Lesley. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Jun 2013, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p238-245. 8p.
Abstract: The term Postpolio Syndrome (PPS) is used to describe new and late manifestations of poliomyelitis that occur later in life in polio survivors. Polio had been eradicated in the United Kingdom (UK) and most of Europe, although this is not the case in all countries. Research in this area has tended to focus upon the impact of polio and PPS on health status and functional health rather than its overall effect on people's lives. This study's two main aims were to explore the ways in which polio and PPS in the UK has affected the respondents' lives and to ascertain their views about how the quality of life could be improved.
5. Effect of home-based walking on performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure.
By Fayazi, Sedigheh; Zarea, Kourosh; Abbasi, Ali; Ahmadi, Farzaneh.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Jun 2013, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p246-252. 7p
Abstract: Chronic heart failure defined as the inability of the heart to meet the demands of the tissues, which results in symptoms of fatigue or dyspnoea on energy progressing to dyspnoea at rest. The inability to perform the exercise without discomfort and poor quality of life may be one of the first symptoms experienced by patients with heart failure and is often the principal reason for seeking medical care.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to find the effect of a home walking programme on the performance and quality of life in the patients with heart failure.
6. Consumer satisfaction among patients and their general practitioners about involving nurse specialists in primary care for patients with urinary incontinence.
By Albers-Heitner, Pytha; Winkens, Ron; Berghmans, Bary; Joore, Manuela; Nieman, Fred; Severens, Johan; Lagro-Janssen, Toine.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Jun 2013, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p253-259. 7p
Abstract: Urinary incontinence (UI) is a very common problem, but existing guidelines on UI are not followed. To bring care in line with guidelines, we planned an intervention to involve nurse specialists on UI in primary care and assessed this in a randomised controlled trial. Alongside this intervention, we assessed consumer satisfaction among patients and general practitioners (GPs). Methods: Patients' satisfaction with the care provided by either nurse specialists (intervention group) or GPs (control group), respectively, was measured with a self-completed questionnaire. GPs' views on the involvement of nurse specialists were measured in a structured telephone interview.
Selected Articles - Psoriasis
7. Psoriasis is a systemic disease that requires monitoring
By Oakley, Amanda. New Zealand Doctor. 21/05/2014, p34-35. 2p.
8. Managing psoriasis.
Australian Journal of Pharmacy. 01/10/2013, Vol. 94 Issue 1121, p30-31. 2p.
Abstract: The article presents questions and answers related to the plaque psoriasis and treatment of the psoriasis with the drug Stelara (Ustekinumab) that are human immunoglobulin G1kappa monoclonal antibodies
9. The role of biologic agents in the treatment of severe psoriasis.
By Rubel, Diana. Australian Journal of Pharmacy. 01/09/2013, Vol. 94 Issue 1120, p68-71
Abstract: The focuses on the use of biologic drugs to treat patients with severe psoriasis. It states that psoriasis is a skin disease that is conceived to be an immune system disorder and is characterised by vascular abnormalities and epidermal growth alterations. It adds that biologic drugs are suitable for patients who are prospected to undergo phototherapy or systemic therapy..
Selected articles - Nurses and Visibility/Image
10. Nurses retain top spot as most ethical. (cover story).
American Nurse. Jan/Feb 2014, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p1-4. 2p.
Abstract: The article reveals that the nursing profession has retained the top spot in the Gallup survey of professions based on their honesty and ethical standards released in December 2013.
11. Nurses’ perception of ethical climate, medical error experience and intent-to-leave.
By Hwang, Jee-In; Park, Hyeoun-Ae. Nursing Ethics. Feb 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p28-42. 15p.
Abstract: We examined nurses’ perceptions of the ethical climate of their workplace and the relationships among the perceptions, medical error experience and intent to leave through a cross-sectional survey of 1826 nurses in 33 Korean public hospitals. Ethical climate was measured using the Hospital Ethical Climate Survey.
12. Readers panel: A shift in perceptions.
By Drake, Linda; Scullion, Jane; Byrne, Grant; Shaw, Pamela.
Nursing Standard. 2/12/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 24, p28-29. 2p
Selected articles - Antibiotic Overuse
13. Antibiotic Overkill.
By Maron, Dina Fine. Scientific American. Apr 2014, Vol. 310 Issue 4, p32-32. 1p
Abstract: The article discusses research by Daniella Meeker of the nonprofit group the Rand Corporation and colleagues in the January 27, 2014 online issue of the journal "JAMA Internal Medicine" describing an approach that may reduce antibiotic overuse that can cause drug resistance in microorganisms.
14. The war on superbugs. (cover story).
By Trossman, Susan. American Nurse. Jan/Feb2014, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p1-8. 2p
Abstract: The article focuses on the problem on antibiotic-resistant infections in the U.S. Topics discussed include the concern about the rise of superbugs, the concern raised by nurse infection preventionists Linda Goss and Mary Lou Manning on carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and the role of nurses in responsible antibiotic use. Also mentioned is the importance of educational efforts to keeping patients safe in health care settings
15. Antimicrobial stewardship: the role of the nurse. (cover story).
By Ladenheim, David; Rosembert, Denise; Hallam, Carole; Micallef, Christianne. Nursing Standard. 10/9/2013, Vol. 28 Issue 6, p46-49. 4p
Abstract: Infections caused by organisms resistant to multiple drugs are associated with morbidity and mortality, prolonged hospital stay and increased costs. Since antibiotic use is the main factor in the development of resistance, it is hoped that the judicious use of antibiotics will reduce the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. This article addresses antibiotic misuse in the inpatient setting and outlines the role of the nurse in optimising antibiotic therapy through antimicrobial stewardship
Journal - Table of Contents
16. From CANADIAN NURSE, May 2014
16A. Blood-transfusion risk may outweigh benefit
16B. Bullying and gender
16C. Charter: Shared voice of the diabetes community
16D. Emphasizing mental health in nursing education
16E. Hoofing it healthy for kidney patients’ hearts
16F. Leading change in wound care
16G. Lessons at my father’s bedside
16H. Light of hope for paralysis patients
16I. Lights, camera, accuracy
Conferences & Seminars
17. Sustainability Trust workshop- Make your Home an Eco-Castle
How to make some wallet, people and planet friendly changes to common household habits. This is a free, learn how to cut your power bill, stay warm and cosy, and even how to make your own washing powder.
Date: Fri 20th June, 10.30-12.30
Venue: Miramar Community Centre, 27 Chelsea St
More info: [email protected]
18. The promises and challenges of integrating competencies into higher education and public health”.
The University of Canterbury School of Health Sciences invites you to a Public Lecture presented by Erskine Fellow, Dr Stephen Walston. Dr Walston
Date: Thursday 5th June
Time: 5 to 6pm
Location: L1 Lecture Theatre in the Otakaro building, Dovedale campus (entrance off Dovedale Avenue).
More information:
19. Warm, Dry Homes Workshop
Date: Thurs 10th July, 6.00-7.00pm
Venue: Mervin Kemp, Wellington City Council, Tawa Library
News - National
20. Want to get ahead? Get more sleep
ODT - Tue, 3 Jun 2014
Money and power are all well and good but if you really want to live a successful life, get more sleep and turn the phone off. That was the message from Arianna Huffington, founder of the online Huffington Post and one of the world's most prominent - and wired-in - businesswomen, to an audience at the Hay Festival of literature and arts, which ended on Sunday.
21. Editorial: Elderly care boost right thing to do
NZ Herald - Thursday Jun 5, 2014
The move by the Hawke's Bay District Health Board to pump more money into medical care for the elderly in the region must be applauded. The district health board voted last week to implement a Community Services Proposal for the frail elderly, costing $2.7 million for the next two years. The board will roll out successful trials focused on care through general practices.
22. BMJ urged to widen its approach to transparency
Unversity of Otago - 4 Jun 2014
A group of University of Otago health policy researchers, based in Dunedin and Christchurch, has called on the leading medical journal BMJ to be much more even handed in scrutinising the transparency of what it publishes. Professor Robin Gauld, the Director of the Centre for Health Systems, has co-written a letter that has appeared in the BMJ on 31 May, expressing concern about a journal editorial reviewing a report into the performance of the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) prepared by the King's Fund in England.
News - International
23. WA health experts warn of extra pounds in winter months
The Age - June 5, 2014
With winter approaching are you finding it hard to resist the call of indulgent comfort foods and hitting the snooze button in favour of exercise? You’re not alone, researchers have found almost half of the Australian population is expected to pack on around two kilos of extra weight during winter
24. Stroke deaths down but burgeoning older population threatens gains
The Canadian Press - June 5, 2014
TORONTO - Canadian experts say deaths from strokes have declined in this country over the past decade because of advances in diagnosing and treating the brain attacks. But they suggest the aging of the population could soon threaten the gains made by treatment advances and expansion of specialized care programs.