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Issue 17 - 30 May 2014

Selected Articles - Nursing Philosophy [Journal]

1. Bodily cleanliness in modern nursing.
By Boge, Jeanne; Kristoffersen, Kjell; Martinsen, Kari.
Nursing Philosophy. Apr 2013, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p78- 85. 8p
: Why are bodily washing practices the way they are in nursing? Michel Foucault argues that modern democratic societies discipline human bodies in accordance with political interests. In the extension of that argumentation we will show that bodily cleanliness in modern nursing may have been used as a disciplining tool. The first part of our discussion takes as its point of departure the second half of the 19th/the beginning of the 20th centuries, the period in which modern nursing emerged. At that time scientific theories on hygiene seem to have legitimized the political effort to produce a clean, pleasant-smelling, decent, obedient, and productive population. Doctors, nurses and teachers played important roles in the implementation of hygienic bodily washing practices. The second part of the discussion focuses on the post-War period.

2. Charles Taylor, hermeneutics and Social Imaginaries: a framework for ethics research.
By Carnevale, Franco A.
Nursing Philosophy. Apr 2013, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p86-95. 10p
: Hermeneutics, also referred to as interpretive phenomenology, has led to important contributions to nursing research. The philosophy of Charles Taylor has been a major source in the development of contemporary hermeneutics, through his ontological and epistemological articulations of the human sciences. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that Taylor's ideas can further enrich hermeneutic inquiry in nursing research, particularly for investigations of ethical concerns. The paper begins with an outline of Taylor's hermeneutical framework, followed by a review of his key ideas relevant for ethics research. The paper ends with a discussion of my empirical research with critically ill children in Canada and France in relation to Taylor's ideas, chiefly Social Imaginaries

3. Doctor? Who? Nurses, patient's best interests and treatment withdrawal: when no doctor is available, should nurses withdraw treatment from patients?
By Birchley, Giles. Nursing Philosophy. Apr 2013, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p96-108. 13p
: Where a decision has been made to stop futile treatment of critically ill patients on an intensive care unit - what is termed withdrawal of treatment in the UK - yet no doctor is available to perform the actions of withdrawal, nurses may be called upon to perform key tasks. In this paper I present two moral justifications for this activity by offering answers to two major questions. One is to ask if it can be in patients' best interests for nurses to be the key actors in withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment. The other is to ask if there is any reason that the nursing profession should not undertake such tasks if this is so.

4. An internal morality of nursing: what it can and cannot do.
By Newham, Roger A.
Nursing Philosophy. Apr 2013, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p109-116. 8p.
: It has been claimed that there are certain acts that nurses as people practising nursing (nurses qua nurses) must never do because they are nurses and this is regardless of what the same agent (when not acting in the role of a nurse) should do; that certain actions are not part of proper nursing practice. The concept of an internal morality has been discussed in relation to medicine and has been used to ground the actions proper to medicine in a realist tradition. Although the concept of an internal morality of nursing is not explicitly mentioned in the literature the underpinning ideas about the proper practice of nursing based on philosophical realism I argue equate with it and a discussion of the method of an internal morality can help to understand how arguments against euthanasia (amongst other acts) related to the profession of nursing are far from clear.

5. Nurses as 'guests'- a study of a concept in light of Jacques Derrida's philosophy of hospitality.
By  Öresland, Stina; Lutzén, Kim; Norberg, Astrid; Rasmussen, Birgit H.; Määttä, Sylvia.
Nursing Philosophy. Apr 2013, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p117-126. 10p
: As revealed in previous empirical research, nurses describe their position in home-based nursing care (HBNC) as that of 'guests' in the patient's home. Such a description is problematic as 'guests' might not be considered to belong to the realm of professionalism. As Jacques Derrida's work on hospitality has received wide publicity, sparking theoretical and philosophical discussion about host and guest, the aim of this study was to explore how the concept 'guests' can be understood in the light of Derrida's philosophy of hospitality.

Selected Articles - Shiftwork

6. Navigating shiftwork: 5 tips for managing fatigue.
American Nurse. Mar/Apr 2014, Vol. 46 Issue 2, p13-13. 1/5p.

Nursing Standard. 11/27/2013, Vol. 28 Issue 13, p16-16. 1/3p
The article discusses research in the article "Hospital Lighting and Its Association With Sleep, Mood and Pain in Medical Inpatients" by E. Bernhofer et al. in the "Journal of Advanced Nursing" which found that hospital lighting interrupts sleep cycles and increase fatigue in patients..

8. Shift work and fatigue -- and the possible consequences.
By Wilkinson, John. Occupational Health. Nov 2013, Vol. 65 Issue 11, p27-30. 4p
: The article indicates that the 2005 Buncefield explosion and fires incident in Hertfordshire, England can be used to highlight several key practical factors that safety and health professionals should look for in managing shift work and fatigue. It narrates the sequence of events leading to the explosion, which was Great Britain's largest peacetime explosion. A Continuing Professional Development (CPD) study about the report is also presented..

9. Rethinking shiftwork: mid-life nurses making it work!
By West, Sandra; Mapedzahama, Virginia; Ahern, Maureen; Rudge, Trudy.
Nursing Inquiry. Jun 2012, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p177-187. 11p.
Rethinking shiftwork: mid-life nurses making it work! Many current analyses of shiftwork neglect nurses' own voices when describing the dis/advantages of a shiftworking lifestyle. This paper reports the findings of a critical re-analysis of two studies conducted with female mid-life Australian nurses to explore the contention that the 'problem-centred' focus of current shiftwork research does not effectively address the 'real' issue for mid-life nurses, that is, how to develop and maintain shiftwork tolerance. Participants used shiftwork to: (i) manage, navigate and negotiate various aspects of their nursing work and the workplace itself; (ii) facilitate more manageable work/life negotiations; and (iii) self-identify opportunities to engage in their own self-care (body work and mind work).

10. The mediating role of work-to-family conflict in the relationship between shiftwork and depression.
By Haines III, Victor Y.; Marchand, Alain; Rousseau, Vincent; Demers, Andree.
Work & Stress. Oct-Dec 2008, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p341-356. 16p
: With significant segments of the working population involved in shiftwork, there is the possibility of serious health outcomes. There are two possible pathways to ill health. In the biological pathway the body's circadian rhythms are affected, leading to physiological disturbances and the inability to cope. By contrast, the aim of this study is to elucidate a social pathway by which shiftwork may lead to mental ill health.

11. The dark side of night shifts.
By Duffin, Christian. Nursing Standard. 4/16/2014, Vol. 28 Issue 33, p24-25. 2p
Increasingly demanding night shifts are putting nurses' health in danger. Christian Duffin reports

12. Surviving night shift.
By McPherson, Kim. Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. Feb 2014, Vol. 21 Issue 7, p27-27. 1p
The article reports on the health benefits of sleep, including brain cell growth, muscle building and immune system health support, and discusses health problems, including decreased immune system health, poor mood and blood sugar level changes, which are associated with disrupted sleep. Strategies, including breathing, drinking more water and eating nourishing meals, which nurses who work night shifts can use to offset sleep deprivation, are discussed

Journal Table of Contents

13. From NURSING MANAGEMENT (RCN), Volume 21, Issue 3, 29 May 2014

13A. What does it take to cope with the pressures of work?
13B. ‘Being a nurse leader is a tough role’ [In these challenging times, staff need to be re-energised to increase team confidence, says Jane Valle]
13C. Compassionate care for women who miscarry
13D. A positive culture brings success [Kristina Ibitayo and colleagues reflect on the benefits of the mentoring process to a healthcare organisation]
13E. International outlook - German and UK nurses can learn from each other [
The RCN recently hosted a colleague, Andrea Weskamm, from our counterpart organisation in Germany, Deutsche Berufsverband für Pflegeberufe, who had come to the UK to look at advanced roles for nursing in this country]
13F. Vantage point - Developing leaders [FOR NURSING to develop, leadership is the one constant factor that can influence the quality of outcomes such as patient care and job satisfaction]
13G. It’s the skill mix not the numbers [Patients will understand staffing ratios if the information is presented appropriately, argues Jennifer Hunt]
13H. Shadowing: a central component of patient and family-centred care [Patient and family-centred care (PFCC), as distinct from patient-centred, or patient-focused, care, enables healthcare organisations to work collaboratively with patients and their families to enhance and improve their care experiences]
13I. A leadership framework to support the use of e-learning resources [As nursing students become consumers of education, Karen McCutcheon makes the case for adapting the NHS leadership framework to online use]
13J. Role development: barriers, enablers and the function of a national organisation [Successful implementation of any role development relies on strong partnership working between employers, managers, education providers and clinicians in the short and longer term to ensure sustainability]


14. HINZ 2014 Conference and Health Innovation Marketplace
Making IT work for you today: Routes to transformational change
Date: 10-12 November 2014
Venue: Sky City Convention centre_Auckland
More information:

15. National Injury Prevention Conference - In our own Backyard
Date: 6 & 7 November 2014.
Venue: Te Papa, Wellington

16. Seminar: Selected Topics in Women's Health
Date: 13-June-2014
Venue: PHARMAC, Wellington
More information:

17. Pain Management
Audience: GPs, Practice Nurses and Pharmacists.
Date: 21-August-2014
Venue: PHARMAC, Wellington
More information:

News - National

18. Jo Goodhew - 28 May, 2014
Updated immunisation guide for the health sector
Associate Health Minister Jo Goodhew has today launched an updated immunisations reference guide for health professionals. “The Immunisation Handbook contains the latest best practice advice about diseases and the vaccines available to prevent them,” says Mrs Goodhew.

19. ACC Levy consultation
2015/2106 proposed levy rates

20. My life with an invisible illness
How do you make people understand that you're ill if you don't have any physical symptoms? As Shabnam Dastgheib reports, for those with a chronic illness, managing medication, exercise, diet and health outcomes is often combined with managing other people's expectations and well-intentioned suggestions. Chronic illnesses and disabilities such as arthritis, hearing loss, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes or depression, may not always be visible on the outside, but their effects can be just as devastating, and painful, as an obvious wound.

News - International

21. Measles cases hit 20-year high in US, CDC reports
Doctor for the Center for Disease Control says 288 case are largely driven by unvaccinated Americans bringing the virus from abroad

22. Loneliness is not a bug with a technological solution
Helping elderly people to use the internet is a good idea. But let's not mistake broadband connections for social ones

23. Avoiding bugs and germs is in your hands
by Cathy Johnson
You may know keeping your hands clean is one of the best ways to prevent a bunch of illnesses, but there's more to keeping your mitts germ-free than you may think.

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