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Issue 8 - 21 March 2014

Selected Journal Articles - Nursing Management {UK}

  • Religion at work

1. EDITORIAL Does faith have a place at work?
Nursing Management. Vol 20, Issue 10, 27 February 2014: p5 
According to etiquette, there are three topics you should avoid discussing in polite company at a dinner party – religion, politics and money.

2. Expression of religious beliefs still contentious in workplace
By Beena Nadeem. Nursing Management. Vol 20, Issue 10, 27 February 2014: p10-11
: In September last year health minister Dan Poulter asked regulators to tighten up guidelines regarding religious dress in the workplace. He sparked debate when he said the niqab, the veil worn by some Muslim women, formed a barrier between nurses and patients.

  • Staffing levels

3. How will seven-day working actually work?
By Nick Triggle. Nursing Management. Vol 20, Issue 9 January 2014:p11
: NHS England’s recent review, in response to evidence of higher mortality at weekends, has prompted calls for clarification. THE VISION for seven-day working in the NHS in England may have only recently been published, but calls are already growing for greater clarity over the costs and staffing implications to ensure a smooth implementation

4. Chief nurse questions the value of displaying staffing level notices
Nursing Management. Vol 20, Issue 9, January 2014: p6
Staffing levels posted at ward entrances will not improve care and could heighten patient anxiety, according to the chief nurse at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London

Selected Articles: Prescription drugs - misuse/abuse

5. Prescription Drug Abuse: Executive Summary of a Policy Position Paper From the American College of Physicians.
By: Kirschner, Neil; Ginsburg, Jack; Snyder Sulmasy, Lois. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2/4/2014, Vol. 160 Issue 3, Following p198-200: 16p
: In this article, the author focuses on the recommendations provided to physicians and policymakers to address the significant issues related to prescription drug abuse. Topics discussed include Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. has declared the U.S. prone to epidemic of deaths from prescription drug overdose, addressing detection, deterrence, and treatment of this condition. Other topics discussed include importance of maintaining patient involvement..

6. Adolescent Use of Prescription Drugs to Get High in Canada.
By Currie, Cheryl L.; Wild, T. Cameron. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Dec 2012, Vol. 57 Issue 12, p745-751. 7p
Objective: To present epidemiologic information on adolescent use of prescription drugs to get high, and not for medical purposes, in Canada. Methods: Data were obtained from 44 344 adolescents in grades 7 to 12 living across Canada's 10 provinces who completed the Youth Smoking Survey in 2008/2009.

7. Prescription drug misuse.
By: Cohen, Jon R. MLO: Medical Laboratory Observer. Sep 2012, Vol. 44 Issue 9, p48-49. 2p
The author discusses his previous suggestions regarding dual healthcare epidemics of chronic pain and prescription medication misuse as well as strategies developed by government to combat these issues. He highlights a report by Quest Diagnostics which revealed that majority of tested Americans misused their prescription drugs, and states that as per the findings from his study, misuse risk prevails in all age groups. He highlights several measures needs to be undertaken by clinicians..

8. The weird & dangerous world of sleeping pills.
By Thornton, Jim. Men's Health (10544836). Sep 2010, Vol. 25 Issue 7, p146-153. 8p.
: The article offers information on sleeping pills and their side effects. Ambien (generic name Zolpidem tartrate) was the first of a class of sleeping pills and the sleeping pills available in the market today include Sonata (zaleplon), Lunesta (eszopiclone), and Ambien CR (an extended-release formulation). The side effects of these drugs have been discussed including their effect on sexual behavior, eating patterns, and addiction..

Articles - Journal of Clinical Nursing

9. Editorial: Is a 'mini' uniform code just skirting around the issues?
By Kelly, Jacinta. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Mar 2013, Vol. 22 Issue 5/6, p599-600. 2p
The author reflects on the news report which states that Clinica San Rafael hospital, Spain, charged nurses to wear 'mini-skirts' instead of 'trousers' as part of their uniform dress code. Controversial 'mini-skirt' is said to be decent and barely above knees. According to the head of Clinica San Rafael hospital, wearing a skirt is a part of nurse's duty. The author suggests that nurse's image among its patients is important and it shouldn't be vilified because of her uniform..

10. The effect of massage on agitated behaviours in older people with dementia: a literature review.
By Moyle, Wendy; Murfield, Jenny E; O'dwyer, Siobhan; Van Wyk, Sierra.

Journal of Clinical Nursing. Mar 2013, Vol. 22 Issue 5/6, p601-610. 10p
Aims and objectives. To review the literature on massage used to manage agitated behaviours in older people with dementia, assess its efficacy as a non-pharmacological approach and provide recommendations for future research. Background. Agitation has traditionally been managed with chemical or physical restraint. There has been a growing interest in complementary therapies such as massage. Design. A literature review. Methods. Cooper's five-stage model of synthesising research guided the review process.

11. Preventing contamination at the time of central venous catheter insertion: a literature review and recommendations for clinical practice.
By Yacopetti, Nicholas; Davidson, Patricia M; Blacka, Joy; Spencer, Timothy R.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Mar 2013, Vol. 22 Issue 5/6, p611-620. 10p
Aims and objectives To evaluate the evidence base and rationale underpinning the various infections control strategies during central venous catheter insertion and to promote discussion about the key, recurring concepts and recommendations in the literature. Logistical and organisational factors relating to central venous catheter insertion are also examined. Background Catheter-related bloodstream infections following the insertion of central venous catheters are associated with significant patient mortality and morbidity, prolonged hospital stays and increased economic costs. Limited published literature specifically examines microbial contamination during the peri-insertion process. Methods An integrative literature review supervised by a health informatics librarian was undertaken. On the basis of these data, considerations for clinical practice are provided

12.  Self-management programmes for people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a call for a reconceptualisation.
By Jonsdottir, Helga. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Mar2013, Vol. 22 Issue 5/6, p621-637. 17p
: Aims and objectives To synthesise findings from previously published studies on the effectiveness of self-management programmes for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Background Self- management is a widely valued concept to address contemporary issues of chronic health problems. Yet, findings of self-management programmes for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are indecisive.

13.  Using mode and maximum values from the Numeric Rating Scale when evaluating postoperative pain management and recovery.
By Eriksson, Kerstin; Wikström, Lotta; Lindblad-Fridh, Marianne; Broström, Anders.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Mar 2013, Vol. 22 Issue 5/6, p638-647. 10p
Aims and objectives. To (1) examine the clinical applicability of compiled mode and maximum values from the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) by comparing the correspondence between patient perceptions of pain and pain values from monitoring records, as well as (2) to study the relationship between mode and maximum values and self-assessed ability for early postoperative recovery. Background. Documentation of pain remains a problem despite recommendations of quality improvements. To examine the correlation between patient perceptions and documented pain therefore becomes important. Few have studied how pain affects recovery

14. Cross-cultural validity of the Individualised Care Scale - a Rasch model analysis.
By Suhonen, Riitta; Schmidt, Lee A; Katajisto, Jouko; Berg, Agneta; Idvall, Ewa; Kalafati, Maria; Land, Lucy; Lemonidou, Chryssoula; Välimäki, Maritta; Leino-Kilpi, Helena.
Journal of Clinical Nursing. Mar 2013, Vol. 22 Issue 5/6, p648-660. 13p
Aims and objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate, using Rasch model analysis, the measurement invariance of the item ratings of the Individualised Care Scale. Background. Evidence of reliability is needed in cross-cultural comparative studies. To be used in different cultures and languages, the items must function the same way

Journal Table of Contents
15. From The Tube, Vol 37, Issue 1, February 2014

15A. Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: A silent illness
15B. Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseae
15C. Mortality education and training at St Marks Hospital, Harrow, London
15D. Safe and effective colonscopy advanced polypectomy
15E. From Aussie to Auski (Part 2): An Auski goes to AGW
15E. The use of millipore strips at Hawkes Bay Hospital
15F. Scope for improvement: The Christchurch Hospital IBD audit nursing outcomes


16. Optimising the Patient Experience Conference
Date: 20 - 21 May, 2014
Venue: Auckland
Learn how to measure, manage and improve patients experience. Join us to hear the best case studies from New Zealand and borrow some tips to increase patients satisfaction.
More information:

17. UV Radiation: Effects on Human Health and the Environment (2014)
Date: 15-17 April, 2014
Venue: Heritage Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand
More information:

18. The Official Statistics User Forum 2014
Date: Wednesday 26 – Thursday 27 March, 2014
Venue: Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington
Theme: Informing today, advancing tomorrow – Working together to obtain better value from statistics
More information:

News - National

19. 'Hillbilly heroin' use grows
Stuff - Nov 15, 2013

20. Update on oxycodone: what can primary care do about the problem?
Best Practice Journal, Issue 44, May 2012
The volume of oxycodone prescribed in New Zealand is continuing to rise, despite efforts to encourage clinicians to use this medicine appropriately. Approximately 30% of oxycodone is initiated within general practice. A further 17% of prescriptions are continued by General Practitioners, when initiated outside general practice.

News - International

21. Maker of OxyContin developing tamper-resistant hydrocodone drug
Washington Post - March 13, 2014 
The manufacturer of Oxy­Contin said Wednesday that it had successfully tested a tamper-resistant form of another powerful painkiller, hydrocodone — an announcement that could upend this month’s release of the controversial drug Zohydro, which has faced widespread criticism in part for its lack of such safety measures.


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