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Issue 40 - 5 December 2013


Articles - Teleworking/Telecommuting

1. Teleworking boosts wellbeing
Safeguard Update - 1/12/2013
The first major New Zealand study of teleworkers and their managers has found people who use IT tools to work away from their regular office for one to three days a week are more productive and more satisfied with their job than those who are office-bound - and their managers agree.

2. Workplace Flexibility Has Positive Effect on Engagement, Motivation.
By Freeman, Caryn. HR Focus. Dec 2013, Vol. 90 Issue 12, p10-11. 2p
: The article presents the results of the "Survey on Workplace Flexibility 2013" by WorldatWork, which showed that telework programs and other flexible work options are still popular and have a positive impact on employee engagement, motivation and satisfaction. The report also showed that only 3% of employers cancelled their telework programs in 2011-2012. The opinion of WorldatWork's Rose Stanley on the survey is also cited.

3. Telecommuting and Leadership Style.
By Dahlstrom, Timothy R. Public Personnel Management. Sep 2013, Vol. 42 Issue 3, p438-451. 14p
: Telecommuting is an increasingly popular organizational dynamic that presents unique challenges for workers, managers, and human resources departments regarding how employees relate to their organizations, as well as what telecommuters need from their managers to be satisfied, committed employees. Much is known about how employees in private companies relate to their organizations in a standard work setting. However, little is understood about how teleworkers in government organizations relate to their organizations, and how managerial leadership behaviors influence the organizationally related outcomes of telecommuters. This article reviews some of the challenges with telecommuting, focusing on telecommuting's impact on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The article then presents a prominent leadership style dichotomy and assesses the impact of the two leadership styles on job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

Articles - Holiday Strategies

4. Travelling with babies and toddlers.
By Gawthrop, Mary. Practice Nurse. 2/10/2012, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p26-30
: The article offers pieces of advice when taking children to package holidays. It cites the role of practice nurses in emphasising safety and non-vaccine preventable hazards including offering proper travel vaccines and anti-malarials. It notes that children especially babies and very young children are at risk of severe malaria and parents are advised not to take children to malarial areas. It suggests nurses to offer consistent advice that encompass nationally recognised recommendations..

5. Better eating. eating seasonally.
By Zevnik, Neil. Better Nutrition. Nov 2013, Vol. 75 Issue 11, p66-68. 2p
: The article reports on the benefits that consumers can find from eating seasonally, or eating foods which are in season and are available from local sources, instead of eating foods which have to be shipped from foreign locations at increased cost. Recipes for ginger-orange sweet potato mash and quintessential winter salad are also presented..

6. Extended Vacation.
By Starr, Karla. Psychology Today. May/Jun2008, Vol. 41 Issue 3, p54-55
: The article offers tips for extending the benefits of a vacation to one's mental health. Researchers say that mindfully using mementos can prolong the holiday experience. The importance of controlling when and how you access your memories is emphasized. Another way to memorialize a trip is behavioral reenactment, or trying to reconstruct physically and in the environment the same things that you were experiencing when you were on the vacation..

7. Avoid holiday sleep deprivation: sleep problems caused by factors such as travel, stress, and excess alcohol can play havoc with your mental state.
Mind, Mood & Memory. 9.11 (Nov. 2013) p3. Word Count: 766.
: If you want to maximize your enjoyment of the holiday season, don't let your celebrations interfere with your sleep. That's the message of recent research that has linked sleep loss with a number of negative cognitive and emotional consequences. The studies suggest that changes in routines and behavior that go along with holiday activities are linked to an increase in disturbed or insufficient sleep that may have unwanted mental effects. Factors such as unfamiliar sleep environments, the stress of deadlines and family obligations, time changes and jet lag, late-night parties, and overindulgence in food and alcohol are known to interfere with sleep.

Selected articles - Emergency Nurse [RCN Journal]

8. Community nurses can reduce strain on urgent care staff.
By Triggle, Nick. Emergency Nurse. Nov 2013, Vol. 21 Issue 7, p8-9. 2p
The article focuses on the capability of community nurses to minimize strain on emergency care staff in Great Britain, as indicated in the results of a study released by the research firm QualityWatch in Great Britain in 2013. The results revealed an increase in the number of admissions of patients with avoidable medical conditions. It states that a percentage of emergency admissions may be classified as preventable.

9. Caring for patients at high speed
By Suserud, Bjorn-Ove; Jonsson, Anders; Johansson, Anders; Petzall, Kerstin. Emergency Nurse. Nov 2013, Vol. 21 Issue 7, p14-18. 5p
The aim of this article is to explore whether ambulance clinicians in Sweden perceive their working environment to be safe. Method Twenty four ambulance nurses and nine paramedics at five ambulance stations in urban and rural areas of Sweden were interviewed. Findings After transcripts of the interviews had been analysed, nine issues that affect how participants perceive the safety of patient care in ambulances emerged: planning before departure; use of safety belts; driving at high speeds; patient first, safety second; equipment design and placement; noise; driving styles; presence of relatives; documentation.
Conclusion Ambulance personnel should have greater involvement in the design of ambulance care spaces and drivers should be given more regular training.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

10. Haemorrhage control: lessons from the military.
By Rowell, William. Emergency Nurse. Nov 2013, Vol. 21 Issue 7, p20-24. 5p
Traumatic injuries with haemorrhage are among the leading causes of death in military and civilian settings. Following recent combat in Afghanistan and Iraq, the UK military has made advances in, for example, first-responder haemorrhage control, massive transfusion protocols and equipment, and it is important that staff in ED settings study the results. With reference to a case study concerning a patient who received a fatal stab wound to his femoral artery, this article examines the haemorrhage-control methods adopted by military and civilian emergency medical services to determine if any lessons can be learned and applied to similar cases.

11. Recognising and managing decompression illness.
By Caton-Richards, Michelle. Emergency Nurse. Nov 2013, Vol. 21 Issue 7, p26-30. 5p
Seen primarily in scuba divers who have breathed compressed air, decompression illness is a rare but potentially fatal condition. Prompt recognition and treatment of the illness, and urgent referral of patients to hyperbaric chambers, can mean the difference between full recovery and paralysis or death. This article describes decompression illness and how to recognise it, and discusses the treatment that patients require for the best chance of recovery with no adverse effects. It also includes a case study of a patient who developed this condition after a dive.

12. Ingestion or aspiration of foreign bodies by children.
By Paul, Siba Prosad; Sanjeevaiah, Manjunath K.; Routley, Christine; Kane, Meridith. Emergency Nurse. Nov 2013, Vol. 21 Issue 7, p32-36. 5p
: Ingestion and aspiration of foreign bodies are common reasons for children presenting to emergency departments. A significant proportion of such events are often unnoticed by the children's parents or carers. Emergency nurses should become suspicious of foreign body ingestion or aspiration if they see symptoms such as stridor, gagging, wheeze and difference in air entry on auscultation (Hilliard et al 2003, Paul et al 2010).

13. Raising standards.
By Davis, Carol. Emergency Nurse. Nov 2013, Vol. 21 Issue 7, p39-39. 1p
: The article features emergency department charge nurse and coordinator Craig Wood and his career in the health care industry in Great Britain in 2013. It states that Wood worked as an army medical technician and parachutist in 1980s wherein he developed his emergency skills. It also mentions his success in pursuing a master's degree in primary care.

Selected articles - Journal of Oncology Nursing

14.  Oncology Nurse as Wounded Healer: Developing a Compassion Identity.
By Corso, Vincent M. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Oct 2012, Vol. 16 Issue 5, p448-450. 3p.
: Oncology nurses caring for patients with complex medical, psychosocial, and spiritual issues-including patients at end of life-rely on current medical interventions to offer comfort to their patients. Equally important, but less acknowledged, is nurses' reliance on the internal processes of reflection and self-care. That internal focus is vital to the longevity of the nurse in a rewarding, but often depleting, arena. Compassion fatigue and burnout among oncology nurses are great risks to professional development and personal growth.

15. Determining the Minimum Discard Volume for Central Venous Catheter Blood Draws.
By Wyant, Sheri; Crickman, Rachael. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Oct 2012, Vol. 16 Issue 5,
p454-458. 5p
This study aimed to determine the minimum discard volume from central venous catheters (CVCs) to avoid dilution or contamination from flush or IV fluids. In 93 adult patients with CVCs, minimum discard volume findings were 9 ml for tunneled and 6 ml for nontunneled catheters. Nurses who obtain samples from CVCs are uniquely positioned to minimize blood loss from sampling.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

16. Understanding Depression: Awareness, Assessment, and Nursing Intervention.
By Blair, Ellen W. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Oct 2012, Vol. 16 Issue 5, p463-465. 3p
Clinical depression often is overlooked by healthcare providers when treating patients with cancer. Oncology nurses are in a pivotal position to assess for depression, communicate any changes in emotional status to the oncology treatment team, and offer support and education to patients and families. This article discusses the symptoms of depression and the available treatment options.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

17. Oncology Clinical Challenges: Caring for Patients With Preexisting Psychiatric Illness.
By Thomson, Kate; Henry, Barb. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Oct 2012, Vol. 16 Issue 5, p471-480. 10p.
: People with severe mental disorders (SMDs) have a higher mortality rate and reduced life expectancy compared to the general population. Factors that contribute to higher mortality rates include a higher rate of smoking and increased incidence of obesity from lifestyle, diet, or medication side effects. Cancer treatment may exacerbate mood and psychotic symptoms in patients with SMD. Some of the medications used in cancer treatment or the medications used to alleviate the side effects of cancer treatment can have adverse reactions with psychotropic medications. This article examines problems that patients with SMD encounter with their cancer diagnosis and treatment. Oncology nurses in any clinical setting play a pivotal role in identifying the special needs of a patient with SMD and must become familiar with psychosocial issues, psychotropic medications, and SMD to educate and advocate for these patients and their families. Collaborating and coordinating care between oncology and psychiatry providers is needed for optimal patient outcomes.[ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] .

Journal - Table Of Contents

17. From Whitireia Nursing & Health Journal, Issue 20 2013
Realising the potential of simulation: Integrating simulation into nursing programmes at Whitireia New Zealand
17B. Giving feedback to student paramedics in the clinical setting
17C, Developing culturally distinctive journal clubs for undergraduate students
17D. My years at Napier Hospital December 1924 - May 1931
17E. Reflecting on my Te Tiriti o Waitangi presentation 30 April 2013

Conferences & Seminars

18. Combined Education Symposium
Australian Association of Practice Managers Ltd and Practice Managers & Administrators Association New Zealand
: Friday 7th and Saturday 8th March 2014
Venue: James Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor, Wellington
More information:

Information on Water Safety

19. Water Safety Auckland Inc.
New Zealand is in the unenviable position of having one of the highest drowning rates (*2.6) per capita in the OECD, approximately twice that of Australia
•93 persons died by drowning in 2012, the second lowest annual toll on record and a 30% decrease from 2011
•Males accounted for 88% of drownings.
More statstics and information here:

News - National

20. Thalidomide class action ends with $100m payout
Stuff - 03/12/2013
A record multimillion-dollar settlement for victims of the morning-sickness drug thalidomide has let the manufacturer off the hook, a New Zealand sufferer says. Thalidomide, made by German company Gruenenthal, was widely distributed in several countries, including New Zealand, in the 1950s and early 60s.

21. Lake Tarawera tragedy: Dad's frantic final act
NZ Herald - Monday Dec 2, 2013
More details are emerging of a father's desperate attempts to save his young daughter before both died in a Rotorua lake yesterday. The 40-year-old Aucklander and his 6-year-old daughter tipped into Lake Tarawera from a one-person kayak yesterday morning

22. Driving with hangover as bad as drink driving - study
One News - 27 November 2013
Getting behind the wheel while hungover could be just as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol, according to new research

News - International

23. Britain's baby boomer generation suffering ill-effects of years of hard living
The Telegraph - 4 Dec 2013
Britain's baby boomer generation is suffering the toll of decades of high-living, according to official figures which show alcohol-related hospital admissions among those in their 60s have tripled in a decade. The statistics show that among those aged 45 and above, the numbers admitted to hospital as a result of drinking have more than doubled in a decade

24. Primary Health Care boss says Australia's economy is 'slowly grinding uphill'
The Age: November 30, 2013
Primary Health Care managing director Edmund Bateman says avoiding a recession at the time of the global financial crisis may have locked the Australian economy into a drawn-out recovery, as opposed to a painful but short-term hit. Dr Bateman said the economy was unlikely to improve soon from the "hard place" where it was languishing. "It is slowly grinding uphill," he said.

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