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Issue 200 - 11 Oct 2011

Selected books - NZNO Library
These books can be borrowed by members, free of charge for a period of 4 weeks.

1. How to get the things done: The art of stress-free productivity
By David Allen
Are emails keeping you in the office late at night? Is your desk overflowing with things to read and process? Are you overwhelmed by loose ends and unfinished projects? This book offers powerful, practical strategies for vastly increasing your organisation, efficiency and creativity. Personal productivity expert David Allen shows you how to process and prioritise your in-tray and email, and master the essential two minute rule.

2. Pursing Social Justice in New Zealand: 14 New Zealanders share their stories of communities helping people in ways government cannot
Edited by Ruth Porter
Published on 30 March 2007, Pursuing Social Justice in New Zealand is a collection of essays and stories from a range of New Zealanders from all sides of the political and cultural spectrum. It is not often that you see Pita Sharples and Muriel Newman rubbing shoulders. These two outspoken politicians have both experienced, along with the 12 other contributors in Pursuing Social Justice in New Zealand, that when it comes to providing social justice, communities are best.

3. Teaching defiance: stories and strategies for activist educators
By Michael Newman
This book examines the use of rational discourse, and storytelling to bring about personal and collective change. This book examines how educators can teach people to take effective action, and he discusses how educators and learners can work together to make that morally justifiable.

4. Contract costing for union negotiators
By Donald Spatz
Published by Union Communication Services, Annapolis, Maryland.
This manual focuses primarily on costing a collective agreement covering employees who are paid on an hourly basis.  It covers the fringe benefits that are the most common across many union contracts and seeks to explain the fundamental concepts of evaluating the benefits (costs) of fringe benefits so that union negotiators can adapt the concepts to their own particular concepts

Articles on alcohol use/abuse

Source: Gale/Cengage - Psychology Collection

5. Self determination theory and potential applications to alcohol and drug abuse behaviors.(EDITORIAL)
By Manoj Sharma & Laura Smith.
Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education. Vol 55(2) August 2011: p3. (1389 words)
There are several new behavior change theories that have come up in recent years. One theory is the self determination theory (SDT). It is an "organismic metatheory" (Ryan & Deci, 2000) grounded on the foundation that humans have an innate tendency toward growth, integration and health. SDT proposes that humans have three basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness that must be satisfied in order for growth and well-being to be achieved (Fortier, Williams, Sweet, & Patrick, 2009). Self-determination theory is particularly focused on the processes through which a person acquires the motivation for initiating new health-related behaviors and maintaining them over time. SDT argues that developing a sense of autonomy and competence is critical to the processes of internalization and integration through which a person comes to self-regulate and sustain behaviors conducive to health and well-being. Equally important is relatedness, as people are more likely to adopt behaviors promoted by those whom they trust (Ryan, Patrick, Deci & Williams, 2008).

6. The belief that alcohol use is inconsistent with personal autonomy: a promotive factor for younger adolescents.(Report).
Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education. Vol 55(2) (August 2011): p37. (4799 words)
This study explored an understudied promotive factor, a belief that alcohol use is inconsistent with personal autonomy, which may reduce adolescent intention to drink and subsequent alcohol use. Autonomy was examined as an attitudinal construct within the Theory of Reasoned Action. Longitudinal data from 2,493 seventh grade students nested in 40 schools were analyzed using a structural equation model. Autonomy was negatively correlated with intention to use alcohol and subsequent alcohol use at a later wave, and intention to use fully mediated the effect of autonomy on subsequent alcohol use. These results are consistent with the proposition that when personal autonomy is perceived as inconsistent with alcohol use among younger adolescents, students indicate a lower intention to use alcohol and use less alcohol during the following school year.

7. Blood (breath) alcohol concentration rates of college football fans on game day.(Report).
By Tavis Glassman, Robert Braun, Diana M. Reindl & Aubrey Whewell.
Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education. Vol 55(2) August 2011: p55. (4665 words)
The purpose of this study was to determine the Blood (breath) Alcohol Concentration (BrAC) rates of college football fans on game day. Researchers employed a time-series study design, collecting data at home football games at a large university in the Midwest. Participants included 536 individuals (64.4% male) ages 18-83 (M = 28.44, SD = 12.32). Approximately 90% (n = 482) of the sample indicated consumption of alcohol. The average BrAC for the entire sample was .061 mL/L (SD = .044). Results demonstrate the majority of college football fans consume alcohol while tailgating on campus. Various ways to minimize alcohol consumption exist including limiting the number of areas where drinking is permitted on game day. Participants appear to support these measures if alcohol consumption is legal in select tailgating areas

8. Advances in alcoholism treatment.(Report)
By Robert B. Huebner and Lori Wolfgang Kantor
Alcohol Research & Health. Vol 33(4)(Wntr 2011): p295 (5 pages).
This article reviews the origins of alcoholism treatment and major studies of behavioral therapies and medications for treating alcohol dependence. It then provides a preview of the topics covered in this issue, including the potential future developments for alcoholism treatment such as medications development, behavioral therapy, advances in technology that are being used to improve treatment, integrated care of patients with alcohol use disorders (AUDs) and co-occurring disorders, the role of 12-step programs in the broader realm of treatment, treating patients with recurring and chronic alcohol dependence, strategies to close the gap between treatment need and treatment utilization, and how changes in the health care system may affect the delivery of treatment.

9. The use of emerging technologies in alcohol treatment.(Report).
By John A. Cunningham, Kypros Kypri & Jim McCambridge
Alcohol Research & Health. Vol 33(4) (Wntr 2011): p320. (5304 words)
How can the greatest number of problem drinkers--an intentionally broad term covering the range of drinking behaviors--obtain help given limited health care resources? Emerging technologies such as electronic tools that service providers can use to help problem drinkers may provide a partial answer to this question. This article will outline the rationale for using emerging technologies to help problem drinkers and summarize the types of technologies already being used, along with a review of the research base supporting their use.

10. The recovery spectrum: from self-change to seeking treatment.(Report).
By Jalie A. Tucker & Cathy A. Simpson
Alcohol Research & Health. Vol 33(4) (Wntr 2011): p371. (7448 words)
In the past 40 years, the alcohol research field has made great strides in developing evidence-based treatments for alcohol problems (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [NIAAA] 2005). Nevertheless, a large gap remains in the United States between treatment need in the population and the small percentage of those who avail themselves of it (Cohen et al. 2005; Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA] 2007; Wang et al. 2005). Studies suggest that the majority of those with alcohol problems recognize their situation long before they seek treatment, implying that interventions could be provided earlier.

11. Is alcoholics anonymous effective?(Editorial)
By  Manoj Sharma & Paul Branscum.
Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education. Vol 54(3) (Dec 2010): p3. (1081 words)
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a world wide organization that is a social support group for people with a desire to quit alcohol. The primary purpose of the organization is to help its members stay sober and to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety (Alcoholics Anonymous, 2010).

12. Anchoring and estimation of alcohol consumption: implications for social norm interventions.
By Megan M. Lombardi & Jessica M. Choplin
Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education. Vol 54(2) (August 2010): p53. (5780 words)
Three experiments investigated the impact of anchors on students' estimates of personal alcohol consumption to better understand the role that this form of bias might have in social norm intervention programs. Experiments I anal II found that estimates of consumption were susceptible to anchoring effects when an open-answer and a scale-response format were used. Experiment III utilized a design that communicated social norm information as a previous social norm intervention had done and found that self-reported binge drinking was reduced though actual consumption could not have changed. Implications for the use and assessment of social norm intervention as a component of alcohol education are discussed including the pessimistic possibility that social norm interventions may not be affecting students 'actual consumption.

Articles that you can download yourself

13. Crisis has opened up new space for discrimination at work
World of Work Magazine, No 72, August 2011
Economically adverse times are a breeding ground for discrimination at work and in society more broadly. The ILO’s new Global Report entitled Equality at work: The continuing challenge cites equality bodies which are receiving increased numbers of complaints, showing that workplace discrimination has become more varied and discrimination on multiple grounds is becoming the rule rather than the exception.

14. Equality at work:The continuing challenge
Global Report under the follow-up to the ILO Declarationon Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

15. The ILO in 1941: Preserving and extending the social frontiers of democracy
World of Work Magazine, No 72, August 2011
Not long after the Second World War broke out in 1939, Switzerland was surrounded by Germany and its allies. It became clear that normal operations of the Geneva-based ILO were no longer possible. The Office moved to Montreal, Canada, in May 1940, where it was accommodated at McGill University.

16. Domestic work is not just a “domestic issue”
World of Work Magazine, No 72, August 2011
According to ILO estimates, there are between 50 and 100 million domestic workers worldwide and many countries have traditionally excluded them from employee protection legislation. Ian Williams reports from the state of New York, which passed the first law in the United States establishing a social and legal safety net for domestic workers in August 2010.

17. Public Health Association News [New Zealand] - August 2011
Includes Child wellbeing advocacy - time to act in an election year;Child Advocacy Network up and running; "Achieving equity in a generation in Aotearoa" - action from the Marmot Symposium; The development of self-control in children; Gluckman report reviewed - Improving the transition: reducing social and psychological morbidity during adolescence; Public health heroes

Journals - Table of Contents

18. From International Journal of Nursing Practice, Volume 17, Issue 5, October 2011
Nursing science and practical wisdom: The pillars of nursing knowledge
18B. The top eight issues Queensland Australia's aged-care nurses and assistants-in-nursing worried about outside their workplace: A qualitative snapshot (pages 444–454)
18C. Factors affecting evidence translation for general practice nurses
18D. Hand-washing behaviour and nurses' knowledge after a training programme
18E. Behaviour-change interventions in primary care: Influence on nutrition and on the metabolic syndrome definers
18F. Relationships in pain: The experience of relationships to people living with chronic pain in rural areas
18G. Nursing and midwifery college students' expectations of their educators and perceived stressors during their education: A pilot study in Turkey (pages 486–494)
18H. Perception of patient aggression among nurses working in a university hospital in Turkey (pages 495–501)
18I. Nursing diagnoses in patients having mechanical ventilation support in a respiratory intensive care unit in Turkey (pages 502–508)
18J. Building organizational capacity for effective mentorship of pre-registration nursing students during placement learning: Finnish and British mentors' conceptions (pages 509–517)
18K. Development of the Attitude Scale for Nursing Profession (pages 518–524)
18L. The inaccuracy of automatic devices taking postural measurements in the emergency department (pages 525–533)
18M. Tobacco and media exposure in poor neighbourhoods: Implications for the incidence of smoking among community residents (pages 534–538)

News from the Health and Disability Commissioner

19. Consumer-centred Care: Seamless Service Needed
This issue, Health and Disability Commissioner Anthony Hill discusses a recent case that highlights what can be required to deliver a seamless, consumer-centred service for a patient with both aged care and mental health needs.

20. Director of Proceedings v Norfolk Court Rest Home Ltd
Human Rights Review Tribunal HRRT No. 45/10 and 46/10 (12 May 2011)
In two decisions dated 12 May 2011 the Human Rights Review Tribunal (HRRT) made declarations that Norfolk Rest Home Limited (Norfolk Court) breached the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights in relation to separate care of two different consumers.  Both matters proceeded by way of an agreed summary of facts.

News - National

21. Teens 'so drunk they could die'
TVNZ - 10 October 2011
It is the flip side to rugby revelry, young people brought into hospital so drunk they could die. "We see some terribly sad levels of intoxication. It breaks your heart to see these young people destroying their brain cells like that," Wellington Hospital emergency department charge nurse manager Lee Allsop said.

22. NZ teens take controversial acne medicine
The Press - 10 October 2011
Teenage girls are turning to a "magic" drug which fights acne – even when they don't need it.
New Plymouth Dermatologist Dr Jaswan Singh said he was treating a large number of teenage girls who have "perfect" skin with the acne drug isotretinoin, and was concerned they were victims of peer pressure.

News - International

23. Panic to meet Nicola Roxon's e-health deadline 
The Australian - October 11, 2011 
Documents released by the National e-Health Transition Authority show it wants to bypass the usual standards-setting process via "tiger teams" that have one month to come up with 149 "specifications" for the $500 million personally controlled record rollout. Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon has repeatedly said the PCEHR will be available to all Australians who want one by July 1 next year

24. Patients forgotten in setting healthcare standards
The Australian October 11, 2011
STANDARDS are critical to any system that involves federation among large numbers of organisations.
In some circumstances, there may be a dominant player that can set standards and force everyone else to follow them. Customs, for example, forced change in the import and export sectors 20 years ago to its own benefit, as well as the considerable benefit of others.That option won't work in healthcare, which is the most complex of all sectors. It comprises very large, large, medium, small and micro organisations -- and many of each size

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