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Issue 4 - 9 Feb 2012


1. We Can Talk. Can We Communicate?
By Bonifazi, Wendy L. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 4: p163-165
That’s why periodic clinical refreshers in pediatrics could improve overall nursing practice tremendously. Instead of making assumptions about the messages we send and receive, taking cognition and communication for granted, we’d be forced to sharpen our observations, analyzing and refining each message we receive and send.

2. Deafness as Metaphor, and Partnerships in Practice in 2012
By Lewis-Hunstiger, Marty. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 4: p166-167
When Creative Nursing’s editorial board met to review the articles for this issue of our journal, one stood out as very different from what the other board members assumed it to be about based on its title. The article about caring for deaf clients (see p. 174) was originally titled “Sensitive Care for the Culturally Deaf.” Several board members thought the article was about people who are deaf to the nuances of cultures other than their own (which describes most of us at one time or another). From my correspondence with the author, I had learned that the term
culturally Deaf has a very specific meaning for those who use it, in the same way that congestive heart failure has a very specific meaning for health care professionals and doesn’t mean that a person’s heart stops.

3. The Sounds of Silence: Exploring Lessons About Silence, Listening, and Presence
By Savett, Laurence A. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 4: p168-173
Unless we--in our professional and nonprofessional roles--learn the importance and practice of deliberate silence, engaged listening, and restrained response, we will miss the opportunity to provide our presence and comfort to those about whom we care. And unless we--as health care professionals--learn these lessons, we will miss the opportunity to do all of that and provide a more accurate, complete diagnosis and informed plan of treatment. Done well, these practices have application to all our relationships with patients, colleagues, family, and friends. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

4. Sensitive Care for the Deaf: A Cultural Challenge
By Fileccia, Joyceann. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 4: p174-179
Of the more than 36 million American adults who have some degree of hearing loss (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2008), 500,000 are acculturated into the culturally Deaf community who share behavioral norms, values, customs, educational institutions, and organizations. This article discusses the Deaf community, their culturally based health care needs, and health care providers' (HCPs) lack of understanding and recognition of Deafness as a distinct culture, which individually or cumulatively result in barriers to culturally sensitive care that can lead to disparities in care. It suggests transcultural methods HCPs can use to narrow the cultural divide. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

5. Pictures of a Client's Silent Distress
By Felicilda, Rhea Faye D. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 4: p180-183
A trust-based nurse--patient relationship and open communication can help nurses alleviate clients' intrapersonal and interpersonal distress. However , the client's silence about unspoken needs can present an obstacle to successful holistic care. This article describes how pictures, both mental and printed, can be used by nurses to open pathways of healing communication and holistic nursing care. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

6. Music's Unspoken Messages
By Briggs, Tami. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 4: p184-186
Today, integrative medicine encompasses many healing arts therapies, including music. The universal language of music is simple, yet often forgotten, and communicates unspoken messages. The healing power of music in the health care setting creates a healing environment, distracts from pain, relaxes and de-stresses, and helps with sleep. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

7. Works of Art as a Pedagogical Tool: An Alternative Approach to Education
By Wikström, Britt-Maj. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 4: p187-194
: Contemporary authors on nursing issues discuss the importance of expanding knowledge at all levels of nursing education to empower future nurses to respond in caring situations for the benefit of their patients. This article reviews several studies in which paintings, complemented by a pedagogical structure, allowed students to observe situations relevant to nursing. Results suggest that the use of visual art in nursing education can add a new dimension to students' experiences. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

8. Canine Communication
By Engel, Marcus. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 4: p195-197
: A Seeing Eye dog handler discusses nonverbal, nonvocal communication between human and animal. Each gesture and nonverbal element from dog to master and vice versa shows intricate patterns of communication that can relate to patient care. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

9. The Unspoken Exchange Between Two Human Beings
By Anderson, Michele. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 4: p198-200
Even though the English language is full of complex words that help us to express ourselves and connect with each other through speech, most communication between two human beings transpires without the use of words. Human beings begin communicating as soon as their energy fields cross; and this exchange can lead to even greater insight when it takes place in someone's home. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

10. The Nursing Salon Experience - Conversation and Much More
By Scanlon, Kelsey. Creative Nursing, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 4: p201-202
While in nursing school, I participated in many cocurricular and preprofessional activities. I volunteered for various organizations; I was an active member of the National Student Nurses Association, serving on both the state and national boards of directors; and I was fortunate enough to have been introduced to the wonderful world of nursing salons.

Journals - Table of Contents

11. From The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, December 2011, Volume 39, Number 3
Writing for portfolios, publication and pleasure
. Fiona Unac's success provides fantastic conclusion to 2011 [Fiona becomes a Nurse Practitioner]
Device signs on as gold sponsor; Wave of interest in new cancer therapy; Surgical team for disasters?; NPs and Physicians Assistants replace doctors; PHA concerned that TPPA deal could harm health
Nurse Practitioner registration: Accepting the challenge
. The guts of it [Bowel surgery; Bariatric surgery; Colorectal cancer]
. Thermal ablation of hepatic & renal tumours
Reflection as a practice development tool
Impact of altered hydration status in elderly patients waiting for surgery: A review of the literature

12. From Nursing.Aust, Autumn 2011, Vol 12, No 1
Dementia care and reform: the nurse and the advocate
. Not oppressed - just outmanoeuvred [Campaigns by groups with a track record of effective lobbying in social policy are usually well organised and calculated to trigger the desired community response
12C. Nursing in the "grey zone": Extreme preterm birth
12D. Supporting sisters and aunties to survive!
12E. Do you hear me? Australians and hearing impairment
12F. International Men's Health Week: 'Normalising' male reproductive health


13. The Wilson Home Trust - For Children with Disabilities
75th Jubilee
20th-22nd April 2012
Enquires: Ph 09-4853461

14. Reunion - Timaru Nurses
A small gathering of Timaru Nurses from the 1960 Prelim classes is planned from March 9th-11th
It will be held in Rangiora and all other nurses associated with these 1960 classes or who nursed at Timaru Hospital between 1960-1964 welcome to attend. 
Contact: Helen Wallis [email protected];  03 313 6045;
027 2213701 
A couple of days of remembering, fun and fine food.    Any photos from the era would be appreciated.
Email to [email protected] or send to 1 Chelsea Court Rangiora.  If labeled with name and address they will be returned.

News - National

15. Anger grows as maternity issue set for debate
Wanganui Chronicle - February 9, 2012 7:36
Plans for a regional maternity service with Palmerston North will do nothing but relegate Wanganui Hospital to a "birthing" centre.
That is the view of Whanganui District Health Board member Michael Laws, reacting to the release of a regional women's health services review. The review and its proposals will be considered when Whanganui District Health Board committees meet in a combined session at 12.30pm tomorrow.

16. Criticism of changes to ethics group
Radio New Zealand - 9 February 2012
A group responsible for monitoring the ethics of medical experiments says people will be put at risk by planned changes to its role. The Government plans to cut the number of Health and Disability Ethics Committees from seven to four and reduce the number on the committees. Five committee members have signed a letter to the Minister of Health saying some medical experiments will have no ethical oversight at all if the changes go ahead. But Health Minister Tony Ryall says he has heard evidence the process is slow, bureaucratic, and uncoordinated and he does not believe the changes will sacrifice safety.

17. Public views sought on standards of conduct for nurses
Thursday, 9 February 2012, 10:34 am
Press Release: Nursing Council of New Zealand
Public views sought on standards of conduct for nurses
The Nursing Council is seeking public feedback on a new draft Code of Conduct it is developing for nurses. The current code was developed in 1994 and since then there have been huge changes in society, technology, nursing practice and the healthcare and legislative environments. The new draft Code has been substantially reviewed to bring it into line with situations nurses may encounter today and to reflect more contemporary attitudes and values.

News - International

18. More boys falling victim to eating disorders as messages mixed
The Australian - February 08, 2012 
RATES of eating disorders are soaring among boys, affecting some as young as 10 - and doctors say the blame lies partly on the proliferation of public health messages that dwell on the ill-effects caused by eating an excess of particular foods or other habits. Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa were considered a phenomenon overwhelmingly concentrated among girls, with the patient gender ratio roughly 20:1 as recently as 10 years ago.

19. Emergency treatment target 'saving lives'
The Australian February 06, 2012 
A LANDMARK study analysing the effect of introducing a four-hour treatment target in hospital emergency departments has found it has cut deaths by 13 per cent in the small group of hospitals where it was first introduced - raising hopes hundreds of lives could be saved as the policy is rolled out nationally over the next three years.

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