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Issue 6 - 5 March 2012

Books in the NZNO Library:

- Midwifery
- Plunket Society of New Zealand

These books can be borrowed by NZNO staff and members for a period of 4 weeks.

1. I was a Plunket Baby: 100 years of the Royal New Zealand Plunket Society (Inc)
By Jim Sullivan. Published 2007

2. A Voice for Mothers: The Plunket Society and Infant Welfare 1907-2000
By Linda Bryder. Published 2003

3. The Midwife-Mother Relationship
Edited by Mavis Kirkham. Published 2000
Includes a chapter "The midwifery partnership in New Zealand: past history or a new way forward" by Valerie Fleming

4. Midwifery and Public Health: Future Directions and New Opportunities
Edited by Padraig O Luanaigh & Cindy Carlson. Published 2005


5. Advances in Alcoholism Treatment
By Huebner, Robert B.& Kantor, Lori Wolfgang. Alcohol Research & Health, 2011, Vol. 33 Issue 4: p295-299
: Researchers are working on numerous and varied approaches to improving the accessibility, quality, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of treatment for alcohol use disorders (AUDs). This overview article summarizes the approaches reviewed in this issue, including potential future developments for alcoholism treatment, such as medications development, behavioral therapy, advances in technology that are being used to improve treatment, integrated care of patients with AUDs and co-occurring disorders, the role of 12-step programs in the broader realm of treatment, treating patients with recurring and chronic alcohol dependence, strategies to close the gap between treatment need and treatment utilization, and how changes in the health care system may affect the delivery of treatment. This research will not only reveal new medications and behavioral therapies but also will contribute to new ways of approaching current treatment problems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

6. Medications for Unhealthy Alcohol Use: Across the Spectrum
By O'Malley, Stephanie S.& O'Connor, Patrick G. Alcohol Research & Health, 2011, Vol. 33 Issue 4: p300-312
The prevalence of unidentified or untreated unhealthy alcohol use remains high. With the advent of pharmacotherapy and models of counseling appropriate for use in primary care settings as well as in specialty care, clinicians have new tools to manage the range of alcohol problems across the spectrum of health care settings. By extending treatment to primary care, many people who do not currently receive specialty care may have increased access to treatment. In addition, primary care providers, by virtue of their ongoing relationship with patients, may be able to provide continuing treatment over time. Extending the spectrum of care to hazardous drinkers who may not be alcohol dependent could result in earlier intervention and reduce the consequences of excessive drinking. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

By LaPaglia, Donna. Alcohol Research & Health, 2011, Vol. 33 Issue 4: p306-307
The article presents an overview of the adoption of medication-based approaches which have been developed for the treatment of alcohol dependence. A discussion of the history of the adoption of medication-based approaches, and of options which are available for addiction treatment in 2011, is presented. In the article the author offers her opinions on the implementation of medication use in addiction treatment.

8. Behavioral Therapy Across the Spectrum
By Witkiewitz, Katie & Marlatt, G. Alan. Alcohol Research & Health, 2011, Vol. 33 Issue 4: p313-319
Numerous effective behavioral therapies have been developed that can bring the treatment to the patient rather than bringing the patient to treatment. These behavioral therapy techniques, which can provide effective treatment across the spectrum of severity of alcohol abuse disorders, include facilitated self-change, individual therapies, couples and family approaches, and contingency management. New methods of delivery and successful adjuncts to existing behavioral treatments also have been introduced, including computerized cognitive-behavioral treatments, Web-based guided self-change, and mindfulness-based approaches. Although a wide variety of behavioral approaches have been shown to have good efficacy, choosing the treatment most appropriate for a given patient remains a challenge. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

9. The Use of Emerging Technologies in Alcohol Treatment
By Cunningham, John al. Alcohol Research & Health, 2011, Vol. 33 Issue 4: p320-326
Emerging technologies, such as the Internet and text messaging, have an ever-growing role in providing services to problem drinkers. This article summarizes selected examples of emerging technologies that have been developed and implemented as stand-alone interventions and as part of other face-to-face interventions. It provides a taste of the different opportunities available for implementing emerging technologies as a way to improve the accessibility and effectiveness of services for problem drinkers. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

By Gustafson, David al. Alcohol Research & Health, 2011, Vol. 33 Issue 4: p327-337
Self-management of chronic diseases has been a research focus for years. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have played a significant role in aiding patients and their families with that management task. The recent dramatic increase in smartphone capabilities has expanded the potential of these technologies by facilitating the integration of features specific to cell phones with advanced capabilities that extend the reach of what type of information can be assessed and which services can be provided. A recent review of the literature covering the use of ICTs in managing chronic diseases, including addiction, has examined the effectiveness of ICTs, with an emphasis on technologies tested in randomized controlled trials. One example of an addiction-relapse prevention system currently being tested is the Alcohol Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System (ACHESS) Program. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Alcohol Research & Health, 2011, Vol. 33 Issue 4: p329-331
The article discusses services, including contact, triage and social support services, which are available to recovering alcoholics from the Alcohol-Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System. A discussion of the role that self determination theory and a model of relapse prevention that was developed by Witkiewitz play in the system is presented.

12. Integrating Care for People With Co-Occurring Alcohol and Other Drug, Medical, and Mental Health Conditions
By Sterling, Stacy et al. Alcohol Research & Health, 2011, Vol. 33 Issue 4: p338-349
: Most people with alcohol and other drug (AOD) use disorders suffer from co-occurring disorders (CODs), including mental health and medical problems, which complicate treatment and may contribute to poorer outcomes. However, care for the patients' AOD, mental health, and medical problems primarily is provided in separate treatment systems, and integrated care addressing all of a patient's CODs in a coordinated fashion is the exception in most settings. A variety of barriers impede further integration of care for patients with CODs. These include differences in education and training of providers in the different fields, organizational factors, existing financing mechanisms, and the stigma still often associated with AOD use disorders and CODs. However, many programs are recognizing the disadvantages of separate treatment systems and are attempting to increase integrative approaches. Although few studies have been done in this field, findings suggest that patients receiving integrated treatment may have improved outcomes. However, the optimal degree of integration to ensure that patients with all types and degrees of severity of CODs receive appropriate care still remains to be determined, and barriers to the implementation of integrative models, such as one proposed by the Institute of Medicine, remain. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

13. The Role of Mutual-Help Groups in Extending the Framework of Treatment
By Kelly, John F.& Yeterian, Julie D. Alcohol Research & Health, 2011, Vol. 33 Issue 4: p350-355
Alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are highly prevalent in the United States and often are chronic conditions that require ongoing episodes of care over many years to achieve full sustained remission. Despite substantial scientific advances in specialized care, professional resources alone have not been able to cope with the immense burden of disease attributable to alcohol. Perhaps in tacit recognition of this, peer-run mutual-help groups (MHGs), such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), have emerged and proliferated in the past 75 years and continue to play an important role in recovery from AUDs. This article describes the nature and prevalence of MHGs, particularly AA, and reviews evidence for their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and the mechanisms through which they may exert their effects. The article also provides details about how health care professionals can facilitate their alcohol-dependent patients' participation in such groups and reviews the evidence for the benefits of doing so. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

14. Treating Alcoholism As a Chronic Disease: Approaches to Long-Term Continuing Care
By McKay, James R. & Hiller-Sturmhöfel, Susanne. Alcohol Research & Health, 2011, Vol. 33 Issue 4: p356-370
: For many patients, alcohol and other drug (AOD) use disorders are chronic, recurring conditions involving multiple cycles of treatment, abstinence, and relapse. To disrupt this cycle, treatment can include continuing care to reduce the risk of relapse. The most commonly used treatment approach is initial intensive inpatient or outpatient care based on 12-step principles, followed by continuing care involving self-help groups, 12-step group counseling, or individual therapy. Although these programs can be effective, many patients drop out of initial treatment or do not complete continuing care. Thus, researchers and clinicians have begun to develop alternative approaches to enhance treatment retention in both initial and continuing care. One focus of these efforts has been the design of extended treatment models. These approaches increasingly blur the distinction between initial and continuing care and aim to prolong treatment participation by providing a continuum of care. Other researchers have focused on developing alternative treatment strategies (e.g., telephone-based interventions) that go beyond traditional settings and adaptive treatment algorithms that may improve outcomes for clients who do not respond well to traditional approaches. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Journals - Table of Contents

15. From Primary Health Care, February 2012, Volume 22, Number 1
. Policy shifts on cervical cancer treatment win expert support; Drinking guidelines suggest abstinence for at least two days per week
15B. A hard-hitting message on hands-only CPR; Distribution of lone worker policy key to reducing attack risk; QNI positive on government health serfice reform plans; ten top tips to help care for patients with kidney disease
15C. Prescriber satisfaction comes at a cost [Christian Duffin reports on a study showing how stress is taking a toll on nurses in autonomous roles]
Fame and Misfortune [Celebrity culture is having a malign influence on the health of young women]
On the Web
. Bowel cancer Screening; cancer Pain
Research News
15F. Asthma consultations; Identifying domestic abuse; Cervical screening barriers; Influenza vaccination
Research Focus
. Alleviating social isolation
15H. Physical activity is the key to cardiac health [Ways in which community nurses can promote regular exercise to help patients reduce mortality from coronary heart disease]
Developing an end of life care support pathway [How specialist provision can assist the people caring for patients who are in the final stages of life]
District Nursing
Addressing the palliative care needs of minority groups
Continuing Professional Development
. Using and developing the evidence base in primary health care


16. Fifth International Asian and Ethnic Minority Health and Wellbeing Conference
This is the fifth conference that the Centre for Asian and Ethnic Minority Health Research (CAHRE) is hosting at the heart of the research- based School of Population Health in at the University of Auckland's Tamaki Innovation Campus. Organized by: Centre for Asian and Ethnic Minority Health Research (CAHRE), the School of Population Health (SoPH), the University of Auckland
Date: 27 to 29 June 2012
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
17. 8th Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference
Organized by: ASHM
10 to 12 September 2012
Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
More information:

News - National

18. MPs join rest home workers walking off job
By Matthew Backhouse and Hayden Donnell. New Zealand Herald - Thursday Mar 1, 2012 
Green Party MPs have joined hundreds of rest home workers on the picket line in a strike against what their union claims is unfair pay. About 1500 staff at Oceania Group rest homes from Auckland to Dunedin picketed 20 of the company's 59 retirement villages for two hours from 8.30am. The caregivers, who are represented by the Nurses Organisation and Service and Food Workers Union, include cleaners, kitchen staff, laundry workers, health care assistants and nurses

19. Strike action fails to change rest home bosses' minds
One News - Thursday March 01, 2012
A two hour strike this morning has not budged aged care provider Oceania Group's stance on a pay rise for its workers. Up to 1500 caregivers, nurses and service workers from 20 of the company's 59 facilities walked off the job at 8.30am.

20. Medicines Amendment Bill - First Reading

21. 5000 deaths after surgery each year - report
Up to 5000 people die after surgery each year, a government-funded report has found. While most of the deaths were not caused by the operations, the report's authors say there were lessons to be learned in a "small number" of cases and future reports will look at the reasons why those people died. The report is the first made public by the Perioperative Mortality Review Committee, which is funded by the Government's Health Quality and Safety Commission.

22. Suing doctors a return to 'dark days', court told
The lawyer for a surgeon sued after a woman became pregnant following a failed sterilisation operation, has warned against a return to the "dark days". The doctor, Keith Allenby of Auckland's Middlemore Hospital, says Terri Hannam should have ACC cover but ACC says she should not. Hannam was represented at a Supreme Court hearing today but her lawyer, John Miller, told the five judges that she was "abiding the decision of the court".

News - International

23. Vital cancer drugs blocked Kate Hagan
The Age - March 5, 2012
Australian cancer patients may be missing out on the best treatments due to delays in having them approved by regulators, according to new research. Researchers from Melbourne's Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute have found that 43 per cent of treatment regimens used at the hospital were not included on the government's list of subsidised medicines, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

24. Adverts for cheap alcohol could be banned
The Telegraph - 4 Mar 2012

Supermarkets could be banned from advertising cheap alcohol under Coalition plans. The ban, which would form part of the Coalition’s alcohol strategy, would see an end to retailers such as Tesco and Asda advertising money-off deals on beer, wine and spirits. Promotional deals by supermarkets such as ‘3 bottles of wine for £10’ or half-price lager have been seen as contributory factors to the increase in binge drinking in the UK.

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