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Issue 18 - 13 June 2012


Soft Drinks and Health Implications

1. Hard News About Soft Drinks
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter, Jun 2011, Vol. 29 Issue 4: p4-5
Special Report: Quenching your thirst for answers about sodas and your health
Soft-drink lovers who thought they were doing something good for their health got a jolt -- not the highly caffeinated soda kind -- earlier this year when a report linked diet sodas to greater risk of stroke and heart attack. The surprising findings captured headlines and blared over the nightly news: In a study of 2,564 people, average age 69, over about nine years, drinking diet soda daily was associated with a 60% higher rate of stroke, heart attack and death from cardiovascular causes. Even after adjusting for other factors linked to heart disease, diet-soda drinkers remained at 48% greater risk.

2. Point-of-Purchase Price and Education Intervention to Reduce Consumption of Sugary Soft Drinks
By Block, Jason P.; Chandra, Amitabh; McManus, Katherine D. & Willett, Walter C. American Journal of Public Health, Aug 2010, Vol. 100 Issue 8: p1427-1433
. We investigated whether a price increase on regular (sugary) soft drinks and an educational intervention would reduce their sales.
Methods. We implemented a 5-phase intervention at the Brigham and Women's Hospital cafeteria in Boston, Massachusetts. After posting existing prices of regular and diet soft drinks and water during baseline, we imposed several interventions in series: a price increase of 35% on regular soft drinks, a reversion to baseline prices (washout), an educational campaign, and a combination price and educational period. We collected data from a comparison site, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, also in Boston, for the final 3 phases.
Results. Sales of regular soft drinks declined by 26% during the price increase phase. This reduction in sales persisted throughout the study period, with an additional decline of 18% during the combination phase compared with the washout period. Education had no independent effect on sales. Analysis of the comparison site showed no change in regular soft drink sales during the study period.
Conclusions. A price increase may be an effective policy mechanism to decrease sales of regular soda. Further multisite studies in varied populations are warranted to confirm these results. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

3. Soft drinks found to increase stroke risk: Study implicates both diet and sugar-sweetened sodas.
Harvard Heart Letter, Jun 2012, Vol. 22 Issue 10: p7
Pop. Soda. Cola. No matter what you call soft drinks, they are among the unhealthiest beverages in this country. Sugar-sweetened soft drinks have been linked with coronary artery disease and its risk factors, including obesity, high blood lipid levels, hypertension, and diabetes.
Highlights of the Nurses' Health Study - Click on this link

Articles from MEDSURG Nursing Journal

4. Nurses Lead From Where We Stand: How Can You Impact the Future Of Nursing?
By Fights, Sandra D. MEDSURG Nursing, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 21 Issue 2: p57-58
The article discusses the role of nurses in providing high-quality, safe and patient-centered care based on The Future Nursing report issued by the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2010. The report encourages nurses to embark on a life-long learning and commit to scientific inquiry. Nurses and nursing associations are also enjoined to help create the foundation of evidence-based nursing practice with an end goal of redesigning the health care system..

5. Maintaining Placement of Temporary Enteral Feeding Tubes in Adults: A Critical Appraisal of the Evidence
By Stepter, Catherine R. MEDSURG Nursing, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 21 Issue 2: p61-102
Maintaining placement of temporary enteral feeding tubes requires ongoing bedside nursing assessment. Tube placement verification is essential to detect and minimize adverse effects. A critical appraisal of current evidence and best practice recommendations regarding temporary feeding tubes is provided. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

6. Comparison of Pulse Oximetry Measures in a Healthy Population
By Johnson, Cynthia L.; Anderson, Mary Ann & Hill, Pamela D. MEDSURG Nursing, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 21 Issue 2: p70-76
In this study, finger and ear oximetry readings of 89 healthy persons were compared. The findings do not support the common nursing practice of using a finger sensor to obtain a pulse oximetry reading from an individual's ear if the finger is not usable. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

7. Preventing Hospital-Associated Infection: MRSA
By Upshaw-Owens, Marcella; Bailey, Catherine A. MEDSURG Nursing, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 21 Issue 2: p77-81
By understanding the preventive strategies associated with reducing HA-MRSA transmission, the medical-surgical nurse can impact mortality rates and health care costs. He or she should model andenforce adherence to prevention strategies, such as hand hygiene, contact isolation, and other evidence-based strategies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

8.Treating Calcific Aortic Stenosis: An Evolving Science
By Hull, Christine L. MEDSURG Nursing, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 21 Issue 2: p82-88
Calcific aortic stenosis is a common valvular disease, but its pathophysiology remains undetermined and important considerations exist for treatment. Pathophysiology, treatment by the advanced practice nurse, and literature review are discussed in the context of a case study. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

9. The Lived Experiences of a Male Survivor of Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Case Study
By Nayback-Beebe, Ann Marie; Yoder, Linda H.
MEDSURG Nursing, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 21 Issue 2: p89-96
The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative case study, analyzed using Colaizzi's (1978) method, was to gain a holistic understanding of the lived-experience of a male victim of intimate partner violence and the real-life context in which the violence emerged. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

10. NZNO Professional Development Forum -
Greater Auckland Regional Council 
Social Networking for Nurses and Midwives
All NZNO Members are welcome
Wednesday, 27 June, 2012
Venue: Auckland NZNO Office, 11 Blake Street, Ponsonby
Speaker: Angela Clark, Professional Nursing Advisor
RSVP to:
Anita Leppan
Phone: 09 360 3791
Email: [email protected]

Journal - Table of Contents

11. From Journal of Infection Prevention, May 2012, Volume 13, Issue 3
Knowledge is power – why infection surveillance matters even more in 2012 (p73-74)
. Early onset group B streptococcus sepsis: guidelines review (p75-78)
11C. Control of vascular access device associated bloodstream infection in a large London teaching hospital (p79-83)
11D. Influenza immunisation status among nursing students (p84-87)
11E. UNIFIES - a model to aid in the successful introduction of infection prevention and control innovations and improvements (p88-91)
11F. Infection prevention practice: how does experience affect knowledge and application? (p92-96)
11G. Outbreak column 2: norovirus, our perennial infection control winter challenge (p97-98)

News - National

12. Soft drinks should be taxed in NZ - businessman
Saturday June 09, 2012 - ONE News
A tax on sugared soft drinks has been called for in New Zealand following a move in New York City to limit sales of the fizzy beverages. Auckland businessman Tony Falkenstein is calling for the Government to tax sugared soft drinks, saying it is a major contributor to childhood obesity. "There's more and more scientific evidence that we've got an addiction," said Falkenstein, the chief executive officer at Just Water.

13. Lung problems made worse by soft drinks
By Isaac Davison. NZ Herald - 13 Feb 2012
People who drink more than half a litre of fizzy drink a day are also more likely to have asthma or serious lung conditions - especially if they are smokers as well, a major study has found. University of Adelaide researchers found that 10 per cent of people in South Australia drank 500ml or more of soft drink every day, and such heavy consumption was associated with an increased chance of airway problems.

News - International

14. Health apps pose issues of liability, says lawyer
Sydney Morning Herald - June 12, 2012

MEDICAL and fitness experts are worried about increasing reliance on smartphone and tablet apps for health and fitness advice, in the same way many people rely on a ''Google diagnosis'' for health problems. A senior medical negligence lawyer said app creators and distributors could be sued if something goes wrong - in the same way as manufacturers and distributors of drugs or medical devices.
Read the full article:

15. Health screening concerns
Sydney Morning Herald - June 11, 2012

MENTAL Health Minister Mark Butler is concerned about possible over-reaction to clinical experts' advice after three-year-olds are screened under the new Healthy Kids Check program. The program, which starts on July 1, will be predominantly managed by GPs who will refer children with troubling behaviour to psychologists or paediatricians.
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