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Issue 32 - 26 Sept 2012

Updated NZNO library Resource Lists

We can supply copies of any of the articles in these lists 

  • Alienating Attitudes in the Workplace
  • Critical Care Nursing
  • Diabetes Nursing
  • District and Community Nursing Resources
  • Documentation
  • ICN Publications
  • Leadership
  • Nursing and Health Research - Free online resources
  • Palliative Care
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Books Available for Borrowing

1. Beating stress at work: A safeguard survival guide
By David Brown
Published by Brookers, 2004

2. Medical errors and medical narcissism
By John Banja
Published Jones and Bartlett, 2005

3. Medical ethics [3rd edition]
By Alastair Campbell, Grant Gillett & Gareth Jones.
Published Oxford University Press 2001

4. Whistleblowing in the health service: Accountability, law and professional practice
By Geoffrey Hunt
Published in Great Britain 1995 by Hodder

Articles - Nursing Forum, Jul-Sep 2011

5. Converting Manuscripts to Hot Issues [Editorial]
By Yoder-Wise, Patricia S. Nursing Forum. Jul-Sep 2011, Vol. 46 Issue 3: p117-118
: In this article the author suggests authors to create and review manuscripts which address the nursing-related issues surrounding a particular topic. She encourages the authors to consider developing and submitting manuscripts which speaks about their experiences concerning certain nursing-related professional issues and which aligns with mission of the respective publications. The author also discusses a need to promote a dialog surrounding such professional issues through published articles..

6. Managing Multiple Generations: Scenarios From the Workplace
By Hahn, Joyce A. Nursing Forum. Jul-Sep 2011, Vol. 46 Issue 3: p119-127
The current nursing workforce is composed of multigenerational staff members creating challenges and at times conflict for managers. METHODS. Generational cohorts are defined and two multigenerational scenarios are presented and discussed using the ACORN imperatives and Hahn's Five Managerial Strategies for effectively managing a multigenerational staff. FINDINGS. Communication and respect are the underlying key strategies to understanding and bridging the generational gap in the workplace. CONCLUSION. Embracing and respecting generational differences can bring strength and cohesiveness to nursing teams on the managerial or unit level. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

7. Concept Analysis of Acculturation in Filipino Immigrants Within Health Context
By Serafica, Reimund. Nursing Forum. Jul-Sep 2011, Vol. 46 Issue 3: p128-136
Although acculturation has been widely used as a health research variable among other immigrant populations, it is nonexistent to the Filipino immigrant population. Accurate assessment, measurement, and exploration of acculturation of Filipinos in the United States can help improve the overall health care of this population. The work of Walker and Avant is used as a guide to analyze and clarify the operational definition of acculturation of this group within the context of health. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

8. Nurses' Caring Attitude: Fall Prevention Program Implementation as an Example of Its Importance
By Tzeng, Huey-Ming. Nursing Forum. Jul-Sep 2011, Vol. 46 Issue 3: p137-145
Fall prevention programs are universally multidisciplinary, but nursing care plays the central role. Since October 2008, Medicare has no longer reimbursed acute care hospitals for the costs of additional care required due to hospital-acquired injuries (e.g., injurious falls). PROBLEM. However, fall prevention programs for hospitalized patients have had limited success, and multifaceted strategies for implementing fall prevention programs cannot guarantee success. It is possible that cultivating and sustaining a caring attitude among clinicians is often overlooked as an intervention strategy. METHOD. This article discusses the barriers to implementing fall prevention programs in acute care hospitals. The attributional theory of success and failure is used to analyze these barriers. In addition, the author discusses whether a lack of knowledge and/or a lack of caring attitude play a role as the underlying barriers to implementing a successful fall prevention program. A patient's story illustrates patients' expectations for the care environment to center on their needs. Possible educational strategies as interventions for fall prevention programs are discussed. FINDINGS. It is suggested that education goals for nurses need to not only promote their professional knowledge and skills in implementing a fall prevention program but also cultivate their caring attitudes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

9. Making Healthy Connections: Introducing Nursing as a Career Choice to Middle School Students
By Knight, Margaret; Abdallah, Lisa; Findeisen, Mary; Melillo, Karen Devereaux; Dowling, Jacqueline. Nursing Forum. Jul-Sep 2011, Vol. 46 Issue 3: p146-151
The current economic climate has resulted in many experienced nurses returning to the workforce. Despite this, the nursing shortage is looming in our future and the recruitment of a diverse nursing workforce reflective of the population remains a high priority. The Merrimack Valley in northeastern Massachusetts has two large cities, Lawrence and Lowell, in which the Hispanic and the Southeast Asian populations are disproportionately higher than state and national levels. Through the University of Massachusetts Lowell's Bring Diversity to Nursing Project, partnerships with both city school systems were developed and after-school programs aimed at highlighting nursing as a career choice were initiated. Mr. Thompson's Heart is the focus of a middle school, pre-entry program developed by faculty. Introducing career choices in middle school gives students fundamental information about careers and how to begin investigating them. Mr. Thompson's Heart introduces nursing as a career choice combining career information with a focus on developing healthy lifestyle habits. Multiple hands on activities create excitement and interest in the nursing profession. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

10. A Social Purpose Model for Nursing
By Ball, Elaine. Nursing Forum. Jul-Sep 2011, Vol. 46 Issue 3: p152-156
The very current international debate regarding the construction of professional role-identity in nursing involves analysis of context, competency, reflection, and theory. PROBLEM. What most of the literature shows is that nursing continues to struggle with inherited moral and behaviorist constructs in which essential is in opposition to essentialist caring values and remains part of a convoluted argument. Each of these two types of caring either figure or pre-figure in the 'future of nursing,' which, in the 21st century is contained within the market economy of healthcare reforms and international change. Therefore, how nursing's past is mapped is germane to any current or future understanding of nursing in a multidisciplinary workforce. METHODS. The paper takes a theoretical position employing a nursing model, newly constructed by the author, to examine 21st century nursing. The model seeks to gain an informed knowledge of practice to develop a means of evaluating nursing within its social context. The model is called a social purpose model. This article provides a historical mapping of the concept of new nursing from when it was utilized in another context nearly 18 years ago to now in the United Kingdom. This article includes a critical discussion of nursing's purposeful future to make the discussion more meaningful from an international perspective. Cartographically linking the past to the present is important, but if there is opportunity to define and identify the profession for a purposeful future, appropriate tools are needed to do so. FINDINGS. This article offers a social purpose model in which a subjective, objective, and contextual ideal of what nursing is today can be explored critically and applied both to the student and mentor's practice arena. CONCLUSION. To extend a definition of nursing for pragmatic purposes, nursing needs to be defined in relation to the social context within which it is practiced. Theory and experiential evaluation must inform action as a working adjunct to governmental documentation, taking 21st century nursing from the desktop to the bedside. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Articles - Nursing Philosophy, Jul 2011

11. Nursing and the political
By Cameron, Brenda; Ceci, Christine; Salas, Anna Santos. Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2011, Vol. 12 Issue 3:p153-155
An introduction to the journal is presented in which the editors discuss the political aspect of nursing, the effect of globalization on health care and strategies to resist the effects on nursing practices..

12.. The Institute for Philosophical Nursing Research (IPNR) Conference held at the Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 16-18 May 2010: A Personal Reflection
By Drummond, John S. Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2011, Vol. 12 Issue 3: p156-157
The article presents the highlights of the Institute for Philosophical Nursing Research (IPNR) Conference held at the Banff Centre in Banff, Alberta, from May 16 to 18, 2010. Hosted by the Nursing Faculty of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, the conference discussed the philosophy of the nursing practice. Several papers on a variety of topics had been presented at the conference, which include the state of nursing knowledge and the virtues of evidence-based practice..

13. The incommensurability of nursing as a practice and the customer service model: an evolutionary threat to the discipline
By Austin, Wendy J. Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2011, Vol. 12 Issue 3: p158-166
Corporate and commercial values are inducing some healthcare organizations to prescribe a customer service model that reframes the provision of nursing care. In this paper it is argued that such a model is incommensurable with nursing conceived as a moral practice and ultimately places nurses at risk. Based upon understanding from ongoing research on compassion fatigue, it is proposed that compassion fatigue as currently experienced by nurses may not arise predominantly from too great a demand for compassion, but rather from barriers to enacting compassionate care. These barriers are often systemic. The paradigm shift in which healthcare environments are viewed as marketplaces rather than moral communities has the potential to radically affect the evolution of nursing as a discipline. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

14. The 'well-run' system and its antimonies
By Rudge, Trudy. Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2011, Vol. 12 Issue 3: p167-176
An aim of all of the management of healthcare systems is the smooth provision of services. A great deal of effort is put into ensuring processes will obtain this ideal - the well-run system. The central argument in this paper is that these processes result in a system that perpetrates violence and coercion on its clients and workers. This violence is structural and personalizing in its effects. Moreover, time and effort is taken away from the actual work of the system for its management. Under such managerialist control, the idea of chaos and the need to ensure order are used to fuel an apparatus that takes the focus from other aspects of the system such as the power relations that keep the system as it is. In such an ordering, the clinical audit is promoted as a method to ensure order by keeping ahead of, or removing the potential for chaos. In using Žižek's ideas about violence it is possible to identify how efforts and attempts to correct the system are doomed to fail just as they hide how nurses' enrolment in the service of the system leads to alienation and subjectification. A central aim of this paper is to rethink how power and implicit violence are practised in such processes. To overcome the inherent violence of the audit culture, this paper suggests an interruption of audit cultures with a promotion of more radical positions for nursing practice and clinically based research. The hope is to recalculate and interrupt how nurses are to operate in the management structures that organize healthcare. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

15. Stance and strategy: post-structural perspective and post-colonial engagement to develop nursing knowledge
By Sochan, Anne M. Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2011, Vol. 12 Issue 3: p177-190
How should nursing knowledge advance? This exploration contextualizes its evolution past and present. In addressing how it evolved in the past, a probable historical evolution of its development draws on the perspectives of Frank & Gills's World System Theory, Kuhn's treatise on Scientific Revolutions, and Foucault's notions of Discontinuities in scientific knowledge development. By describing plausible scenarios of how nursing knowledge evolved, I create a case for why nursing knowledge developers should adopt a post-structural stance in prioritizing their research agenda(s). Further, by adopting a post-structural stance, I create a case on how nurses can advance their disciplinary knowledge using an engaging post-colonial strategy. Given an interrupted history caused by influence(s) constraining nursing's knowledge development by power structures external, and internal, to nursing, knowledge development can evolve in the future by drawing on post-structural interpretation, and post-colonial strategy. The post-structural writings of Deleuze & Guattari's understanding of 'Nomadology' as a subtle means to resist being constrained by existing knowledge development structures, might be a useful stance to understanding the urgency of why nursing knowledge should advance addressing the structural influences on its development. Furthermore, Bhabha's post-colonial elucidation of 'Hybridity' as an equally discreet means to change the culture of those constraining structures is an appropriate strategy to enact how nursing knowledge developers can engage with existing power structures, and simultaneously influence that engagement. Taken together, 'post-structural stance' and 'post-colonial strategy' can refocus nursing scholarship to learn from its past, in order to develop relevant disciplinary knowledge in its future. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

16. Serving two (or more) masters: accomplishing autonomous nursing practice in chronic disease management
By Kimpson, Sally; Purkis, Mary E. Nursing Philosophy. Jul 2011, Vol. 12 Issue 3: p191-199
The concept of professional autonomy has figured prominently in literature that addresses nursing's project of professionalization. Nursing's capacity to determine the nature and scope of its practice is related in important ways to the location of practice. Within highly structured environments such as acute-care hospitals, nurses' professional autonomy has frequently been contested yet is often implicated by nursing's elite as a necessary condition in the construction of quality work environments. Professional concerns and management practices related to retaining experienced nurses to support sustainability in healthcare delivery systems' impact on the ability of nurses to practice autonomously. Our paper focuses on the emerging field of practice of chronic disease management. We describe the complex relationships negotiated by a nurse in a theoretically autonomous practice setting as she seeks to fulfil both the requirements of a research protocol designed by physician experts representing the specialty of renal medicine, and her professional obligations to respond to the expressed needs of patients with early-stage renal disease. We utilize a case study approach to explore particular contemporary concerns that nurses in practice confront as they attempt to accomplish professional relationships with patients central to achieving prescribed medical outcomes where nursing practice, as an element of the achievement of those outcomes, is constituted as absent or unacknowledged by the medical researchers leading the project. Implications for nursing's discourses on the professional project of autonomy will be discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Journal - Table of Contents

17. From The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, August 2012, Volume 43, Number 8
CNE Article
. Moving Forward With a Clear Definition of Continuing Competence
CNE Quiz
Moving Forward With a Clear Definition of Continuing Competence
Original Article
The Emotional Intelligence Profile of Successful Staff Nurses
17C. Using Simulation Pedagogy to Enhance Teamwork and Communication in the Care of Older Adults: The ELDER Project
17D. Internationally Educated Nurses’ Experiences With an Integrated Bridge Program
17E. Nurses’ Knowledge About End-of-Life Care: Where Are We?
Administrative Angles
Transforming Continuing Education Across the Health Professions
Clinical Updates
. NICU Perspectives on Palliative Care
Teaching Tips
. Developing and Using Multiple-Choice Tests in Clinical Settings

18. From The Tube, Volume 31, issue 3, August 2012
Conference report - Sydney International Endoscopy Symposium [Sandra Burton]
18B. Leadership and management
18C. Conference report - 1st Australasian course on capsule and double balloon endoscopy July 2011
18D. Safety in procedural sedation - For endoscopy teams
18E. Conference report - Sydney International Endoscopy Symposium [Raewyn Tasker]
18F. Conference report - Sydney International Endoscopy Symposium [Sherry Sharp]
18G. Literature Review IBD nursing

Conferences, Workshops
 Training Opportunities

19. Workshop on Pacific Determinants of Health
Friday 19th October, 2012
Venue: Tauranga on
More information:

20. Using Social Media for Effective Public Engagement
This course explores the opportunities, challenges and conditions under which social media can be used by public sector agencies, NGOs and community organisations to achieve effective public engagement. It provides an overview of the latest international experience and works with practical examples from New Zealand.
Date: 29 Nov 2012
Venue: Wellington - 2 days, Thu & Fri 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Presenter: Miriam Lips
More information:

21. Managing Long-Term Conditions
Two in every three adults in New Zealand is diagnosed with at least one long-term condition and the number is expected to increase. How will the increasing burden on individuals, their families and communities be managed.
With presentations from:   
- Karen Evison, Ministry of Health, Planning for the effects of Long-term conditions
- Prof Norman Sharpe, Heart Foundation, Targeting diabetes and cardiovascular disease
- Paul Roseman, Procare, Primary care initiatives to improve care
Date: 12 - 13 November, 2012
Venue: Auckland

News - National

22. Smoking ban in Hamilton to be self policing
A move to ban smoking in designated public spaces in Hamilton will rely on people's "moral consciences" to make it work.
Hamilton City Council's strategy and policy committee yesterday signalled preference for a self-policing policy to make all council-owned facilities, children's playgrounds and smoking hot spots - Garden Place and Hamilton Transport Centre - smoke-free zones.

23. Brain surgery patient died after 'sub-optimal care'
Stuff - 25 Sept 2012
A young man who died after elective brain surgery received "sub-optimal" care, the Health and Disability commissioner has found.
In early 2009, a 21-year-old man died in the Canterbury District Health Board's neurosurgery unit after elective surgery to relieve pressure on his brain.

News - International

24. Bosses intruding on workers' doctor visits
The Age - 26 Sept 2012
BOSSES are increasingly attending doctor appointments with sick employees - and in some cases trying to alter their medical certificates to get them back to work sooner, unions say.
The trend, observed by the ACTU, raises unions' fears that the privacy of ill workers is being eroded. ACTU assistant secretary Michael Borowick said the council had seen a rise in the number of workers being given false or misleading information about their rights when ill or injured.
Read more:

25. Health spending reaches $130b: report
Sydney Morning Herald - 26 Sept 2012
Health spending jumped 6.5 per cent in 2010/11 but dipped slightly as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), new figures reveal. Expenditure on health reached $130.3 billion, up from $122.5 billion in 2009/10, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) says. As a percentage of GDP it came to 9.3 per cent in 2010/11, down from 9.4 per cent in the previous year.
"In recent years the ratio of health expenditure to GDP has risen. However this was largely the result of a slowing in GDP growth following the global financial crisis rather than extraordinary health expenditure growth," AIHW director David Kalisch said in a statement.

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