27 Code of Ethics and A Process to Manage Challenging Professional and ethical issues DATE DUE: Feedback to Jill Clendon Nursing Policy Adviser/Researcher [email protected] by Thursday March 5th The NZNO ‘Code of Ethics’ and ‘A Process to Manage Challenging Professional and Ethical Issues’ documents were last updated in 2010. We are seeking any general comments on whether... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
23 MSD - Authority to sign Work Capacity Medical Certificates (WCMCs) As part of the Ministry of Development’s Health and Disability Long Term Work Programme, it is reviewing the type of health practitioners who should sign work WCMCs which inform Work and Income’s decisions. There are mixed views about who should have the authority to sign, but... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
22 NEAC - Cross sectoral ethics arrangements for health and disability research NEAC is seeking feedback on the current health and disability research ethics arrangements, including the responsibility for ethical health and disability research and the standards, processes and structures that support this responsibility. The discussion document link outlines issues across... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
13 Nursing Council of NZ - Consultation on proposal to increase fees for Internationally Qualified and Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement Nurse applications The Council has recently undertaken a review of the processing costs relating to applications received from Internationally Qualified Nurses (IQNs) and those received from applicants under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement (TTMR) to ensure that the Council is accurately covering... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
13 PHARMAC - Proposal to reinstate monthly dispensing on various pharmaceuticals PHARMAC is proposing to remove 'stat' dispensing (i.e. three months all-at-once dispensing) on several pharmaceuticals used to treat common conditions eg hydrocortisone cream, prednisone oral liquid, Beta Creams, Dermol, Epilim etc. as they believe the costs outweigh savings from reduced... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
20 Law and Order Committee - Policing (Cost Recovery) Amendment Bill This bill proposes amendments to the Policing Act 2008 to enable cost recovery for certain Police services where there is a degree of private benefit to the users of the service. The bill will enable the police to charge for the police vetting services which will be part of the child safety... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
20 Health Committee - Health (Protection) Amendment Bill Health (Protection) Amendment Bill This bill proposes amendments to the Health Act 1956 to improve the tracing of people who may have an infectious disease, or may have been exposed to one; increase the range of infectious diseases that are notifiable, and provide incremental options for the... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
20 Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment - Proposal to increase the rates paid in the Accident Compensation (Liability to Pay or Contribute to Cost of Treatment) Regulations 2003 to help suppor The consultation will run from 17 December 2014 to 27 January 2015. The consultation document, and information on how to make a submission, is available at http://www.dol.govt.nz/consultation/acc-payments-for-treatment/ . The proposal is to provide an additional contribution under the... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
17 Consultation on the Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice and Qualifications The Nursing Council is undertaking a review of the nurse practitioner scope of practice and prescribed qualifications. The consultation is focused on the future requirements for the nurse practitioner scope of practice and qualifications. It discusses the positioning of nurse... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
2 Children's Action Plan Directorate and MSD - Approved information sharing agreement In a further consultation paper on implementing the Vulnerable Childrens Act, Children Actions Plan Directorate is now seeking views on the issues around the sharing of information. Proposals are expected to go to Cabinet early in the new year. Children’s Action Plan Approved... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
2 Infant Nutrition Council - Advertising of Infant Formula The body representing most of the infant formula industry has asked the Commerce Commission to approve its voluntary code which restricts the advertising of infant formula. Although it is illegal to be anti-competitive, the Infant Nutrition Council, which represents the vast majority of... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
14 Productivity Commission - More Effective Social Services The Commission has been asked to look at ways to improve how government agenciescommission and purchase social services. This will include how agencies identify the needs of people who use the services, how they choose organisations to provide the services, and how the contracts between agencies... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
31 Workplace Exposure Standards and Biological Exposure Indices Guidance document The Workplace Exposure Standards (WES) are intended to be used as guidelines for people qualified in occupational health practice in workplace. This is a technical document focused on airborne monitoring for assessing health risk. Covers hazardous substances and mitigating health and safety... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
23 Productivity Commission - More Effective Social Services The Commission has been asked to look at ways to improve how government agencies commission and purchase social services. This will include how agencies identify the needs of people who use the services, how they choose organisations to provide the services, and how the contracts between... [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations
21 Australia and NZ College of Anaesthetists - Revised draft on their Position Statement (PS08) on the Assistant to the Anaesthetist. ANZCA is inviting feedback on the above and has provided the following documents for review: Consultation closed 10 November 2014 [Read the rest of this article...] Posted in: Consultations