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Nursing Council of NZ - Consultation on proposal to increase fees for Internationally Qualified and Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement Nurse applications

The Council has recently undertaken a review of the processing costs relating to applications received from Internationally Qualified Nurses (IQNs) and those received from applicants under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement (TTMR) to ensure that the Council is accurately covering...

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Posted in: Consultations


Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment - Proposal to increase the rates paid in the Accident Compensation (Liability to Pay or Contribute to Cost of Treatment) Regulations 2003 to help suppor

The consultation will run from 17 December 2014 to 27 January 2015. The consultation document, and information on how to make a submission, is available at . The proposal is to provide an additional contribution under the...

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Posted in: Consultations


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Due to scheduled website maintenance our usual Consultation listing is temporarily unavailable.

We expect it to be back soon.