14 Productivity Commission - More Effective Social Services The Commission has been asked to look at ways to improve how government agenciescommission and purchase social services. This will include how agencies identify the needs of people who use the services, how they choose organisations to provide the services, and how the contracts between agencies and organisations work. The Issues Paper http://www.productivity.govt.nz/inquiry-content/2032?stage=2 outlines the Commission's approach which primarily focuses on alternative modes of service delivery from sole government provision of service including partnerships with for- profit providers, social investment, private public partnerships etc. It asks a number of wide ranging questions to help frame this early stage of the inquiry. This is an important opportunity for members to state the principles on which social services, including health, should be delivered, to provide feedback on how services are operating in your area, and to offer suggestions for service delivery to improve health outcomes. Feedback Due: Please send feedback on any aspect of the issues paper to Marilyn Head, Senior Policy Advisor: [email protected] Consultation closed 5 December 2014