International nursing websites

The list of sites found here is not exhaustive. It is up to the individual to assess the relevance and application of any of the content found on these sites to their own practice. NZNO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information found on any of these sites.

It is our recommendation that you assess the valid application of all information to New Zealand settings through discussion with your peers, available evidence and common sense.

VHA Education pages

VHA is an accredited educational provider for a variety of disciplines, including nursing education, pharmacy education and medical education for physicians. See the education pages.

NHS Local Learning

The NHS Local Learning website contains a range of digital services for NHS staff and the public in the West Midlands. NHS local is developing digital services to help healthcare staff develop their careers and to enable people to make informed choices about their care to improve their health experiences.

NHS Education for Scotland

Information about the NHS Education for Scotland - a special health board responsible for supporting NHS services in Scotland by developing and delivering education and training for those who work in NHSScotland.

Barnett-Briggs Medical Library

The Barnett-Briggs Medical Library website is a guide to finding and managing nursing information for teaching, research and evidence-based nursing practice.

Free courses available offers links to a wide range of free courses that may be of interest to nurses. Although the courses are not nursing specific, there are a range of topics that will be directly relevant to nurses. The courses are offered free of charge from some of America’s top universities.

Cancer Nursing Education

The following websites provide a range of information and courses regarding cancer nursing and associated topics:

Forensic Nursing Resource

The Forensic Nursing website is home to a great many resources that span from general nursing theory, to primary sexual violence prevention, to a discussion of paediatric care.


The Essential Genetic and Genomic Competencies for Nurses With Graduate Degrees, co-published by the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG), is also available with a description of the document and how it was developed.

Canadian Nurses Association

While the content of this is site is North American based, there is still some useful information for nurses practicing down under. This includes information on nursing practice, a range of position statements, and useful links to other nursing sites. Visit the CNA website

The Commonwealth Fund

The Commonwealth Fund website will link you into the large amount of health information this Fund has to offer. The Fund is a private foundation that aims to promote a high performing health care system that achieves better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, particularly for society's most vulnerable, including low-income people, the uninsured, minority Americans, young children, and elderly adults.

The Fund carries out this mandate by supporting independent research on health care issues and making grants to improve health care practice and policy. An international program in health policy is designed to stimulate innovative policies and practices in the United States and other industrialized countries.

International Council of Nurses

The ICN is a federation of more than 130 national nurses associations (NNAs), representing more than 13 million nurses worldwide.

The ICN website includes information on ICN programmes and a range of useful publications. Many of the position statements from the ICN can form the basis for arguments in support of nursing worldwide. Visit the ICN website

NHS Direct - Patient Decision Aids

The National Health Service (UK) has developed Patient Decision Aids (PDAs). They are designed to help patients make difficult decisions about their treatments and medical tests. They are used when there is no clinical evidence to suggest that one treatment is better than another and patients need help in deciding which option will be best for them.

National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence

High quality guidelines are an important means of setting standards. They should be recognisable, accessible and easy to use. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has developed several new initiatives to address this, such as NICE pathways, which maps all available guidelines on a particular topic into a single pathway in a user friendly format. NHS Evidence, another service provided by NICE, accredits guidelines producers that meet 25 internationally recognised quality criteria.


This website holds a range of interesting and relevant material for registered nurses who are considering establishing a nurse-led clinic or who are already involved with one. This English-based site has a range of videos and guidelines from around the world including some Australia/New Zealand guidelines. Visit the site

Palliative Care Network

The Palliative Care Network’s mission is to provide a free platform to empower Palliative Care professionals to teach, interact, and exchange ideas with fellow colleagues globally to promote collaboration and an exchange of knowledge.

Free Lectures - PCN Lectures Series 2011

RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

  • RMIT has a fully online Master of Wellness program with nested Graduate Certificate in Wellness and Graduate Diploma in Wellness.
  • Subjects include Wellness and Lifestyle, Wellness Assessment and Health Analysis, Happiness and Positive Psychology, Wellness Coaching, Research Project, and a choice of electives such as Food as Medicine, Mindbody Wellness and Yoga Fundamentals.
  • Wellness nursing adds another dimension to the care of patients during recovery, rehabilitation, and promotion of wellbeing.

For information about the M. Wellness program see:;ID=MC171

To apply online:;ID=MC171#application_procedures

For further information contact the program leader, Professor Marc Cohen on [email protected]

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

  • The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is a philanthropic organisation based in the United States that seeks to improve health and health care in America.
  • The RWJF has been very supportive of nursing and has provided significant funding for research and development in nursing for a number of years.
  • This link will take you to the RWJF initiative on the future of nursing – a two year programme designed to find solutions to the challenges facing the nursing profession in America and build upon nursing-based solutions to improve quality and models of care.

Royal College of Nursing UK

The RCN UK has a wealth of publications and resources - while many are only available to members, a brief search will find you many useful documents and resources.
Visit the RCN professional development page.

Royal College of Nursing Australia

The RCN Australia also has a range of resources that may be helpful and can be accessed by non-members. In particular publications and position statements will be of interest.

School of Nursing Educational Technology Group

This UK site has a collection of RLOs (Reuseable Learning Objects) delivered as part of the Universities Collaboration in E-Learning (UCEL).  This site provides links to a number of RLO databases that are mainly freely available and accessible. Visit the website