The New Zealand Nurses Organisation made the following submissions between the years of 2002 - 2008.
This page is under development and links to all submissions will be added in the near future.
2008, by month
- Nursing's role in After Hours PHC Services, December 2008
- Voluntary A588 Addition of Fluoride to packaged Water, December 2008
- DHBNZ specification for support for Maori and Pacific nursing and midwifery students, December 2008
- Maternity Action Plan 2008-12, November 2008
- Draft NZ Ambulance Service Strategy. November 2008
- Building sustainable Urban communities, November 2008
- English Language Policy, November 2008
- Recommendations to improve quality and the measurement of quality in NZ emergency departments, November 2008
- English Language policy for graduate interns, October 2008
- Standards for NETP expansion programme, October 2008
- Proposed changes to English language policy, October 2008 xxx
- Telemedicine consultation, October 2008
- Principal Guide to contracting, September 2008
- Guide to contracting to meet Health and Safety in Employment Act, September 2008
- Non therapeutic use of human tissue, August 2008
- Retirement Homes code of practice 2008, August 2008
- Draft Guidelines for Managing Disruptive Behaviour, August 2008
- ACC proposed regulations to align health professionals, August 2008
- Nursing Advisory Committee on the Clinical Workforce to Support Registered Nurses, August 2008
- Services for Termination of Pregnancy, July 2008
- Plan of action to prevent people trafficking, July 2008
- Living Cells Technologies Application for Pig Cell Transplantation to 8 patients with Type 1 Diabetes, July 2008
- Ethics of intervention studies, July 2008
- Safe Staffing Escalation Toolkit Consultation and Feed Back, July 2008
- PDRP Project, July 2008
- ACC change to Injury prevention, Rehabilitation & compensation Regulations Consultation document, July 2008
- Draft policy for the management of healthcare incidents, June 2008
- Skills Strategy Document, June 2008
- Palliative Care Nursing competencies, May 2008
- National Strategic plan of Action for Breastfeeding, May 2008
- Employment Relations (Breastfeeding & Breaks) Amendment Bill, May 2008
- Holidays (transfer of Public Holidays ) Amendment Bill, May 2008
- Draft Digital Strategy, May 2008
- Children Young persons and their families Amendment Bill (no 6.), April 2008
- Family Violence Death Review Committee Terms of Reference, March 2008
- Public Health Bill, March 2008
- Application A576 – Labelling of Alcoholic Beverages with a Pregnancy Health Advisory Label, February 2008
- ACC Amendment Bill (No 2), February 2008
- H5N1 Pre-Pandemic Vaccine, February 2008
- Review of Tobacco Displays in New Zealand, February 2008
- Tribunals in New Zealand, February 2008
- Review of Policy on Naming Providers in Public HDC Reports, February 2008
- Review of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act (2003), January 2008
2007 by month
- Development of National Guidelines on Professional Boundaries for Nurses and Midwives, December 2007
- Interface between the Shop Trading Hours Act Repeal Act 1990, Sale of Liquor Act 1989 and Holidays Act 2003, December 2007
- Easter Trading and Holidays Legislation, December 2007
- Draft Competency Standards and Code of Conduct for Licensed Immigration Advisers, December 2007
- Response to the Consultation Document on the Registration of Nurse Assistants who Qualified in the New Zealand between 2001 and 2005, November 2007
- Draft Guidelines: Direction and Delegation, November 2007
- Second Scope of Practice: Midwifery Assistant, October 2007
- Annual Minimum Wage Review, October 2007
- Immigration Bill, October 2007
- Caring for New Zealand Carers, September 2007
- Continuous Improvement in Health & Disability Services, September 2007
- Health and Disability Services (Restraint) Standard to Replace NZS8141:2001, August 2007
- Career Framework for the Health and Disability Workforce in New Zealand, July 2007
- Seeking a System Capable of Delivering an Ideal Interface Between the Public Requiring Urgent Health Care and the Health System, June 2007
- Notice of Scopes of Practice and Related Qualifications prescribed by the NCNZ, May 2007
- Enabling the Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill to Allow for the Development of Collaborating Prescribing, April 2007
- Form of the Authority to Regulate Anaesthetic Technicians under the HPCA Act 2003, April 2007
- Revised New Zealand Tobacco Smoking Cessation Guidelines, April 2007
- Towards a New Zealand Medicines Strategy, March 2007
- Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill, February 2007
- Student Loan Scheme Amendment Bill (no.2), January 2007
- Ambulance Service Sector Standards, January 2007
2006 by month
- Regulations 2002, December 2006
- Review of the Policy Relating to the Operation of the Medicines (Standing orders), December 2006
- Proposal to develop national cancer & palliative nursing specialty education programmes, December 2006
- Quality Flexible Work: Increasing availability and take up in New Zealand, December 2006
- Draft specification for a pilot Midwifery First Year of Practice programme, October 2006
- Proposal to Vary Section 88 Maternity Services Notice, September 2006
- Standards for approval of pre-registration midwifery education programmes and accreditation of education providers, September 2006
- Guidelines for the Management of Group A Streptococcal Sore Throat, September 2006
- Australia New Zealand Therapeutic Products Regulatory Scheme Rule 2006 (Medical Devices), August 2006
- Australia New Zealand Therapeutic Products Regulatory Scheme Rule 2006 (Medicines), August 2006
- Australia New Zealand Therapeutic Products Regulatory Scheme Rule 2006 (Administration and Interpretation), August 2006
- Ethical values of planning for and responding to a Pandemic in New Zealand: A statement for discussion, August 2006
- Midwifery Workforce Strategy Discussion Document, August 2006
- New Zealand Influenza Pandemic Action Plan (V15 – Draft for Discussion), July 2006
- Psychosocial Recovery Planning Guidelines, July 2006
- Law Reform (Epidemic Preparedness) Bill, June 2006
- Employment Relations (Probationary Employment) Amendment Bill 2005, May 2006
- Regulation of the profession of Anaesthetic technicians under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, May 2006
- Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Medicines in New Zealand, May 2006
- SSC Pandemic Planning Guidelines Document for the State Services, April 2006
- Title Change for the Nurse Assistant Scope of Practice, February 2006
- Parental Leave and Employment Protection (Paid Parental Leave for Self-Employed Persons) Amendment Bill, February 2006
- Crimes (Abolition of force as a Justification for Child Discipline) Amendment Bill, February 2006
- Guidance on the treatment and care of New Zealanders in a pandemic – Community based Assessment Centres, version 2 - Draft 17/01/06
2005 by month
- Providing Further Information on the NZNO National Petition to the House of Representatives, December 2005
- Towards accessible, effective and resilient After House Primary Health Care Services, November 2005
- Fit for Purpose and practice: A Review of the Medical Workforce in New Zealand, September 2005
- Notification to vary Section 88 Maternity Services Notice, September 2005
- Employment Relations (Flexible Working Hours) Amendment Bill, July 2005
- Cost of Treatment Regulations, June 2005
- The Cultural, Spiritual and Ethical Aspects of Xenotransplantation: Animal-to-Human Transplantation, May 2005
- Public Finance(State Sector Management) Bill, April 2005
- Drowning Prevention Strategy: Towards a Water Safe New Zealand 2005-2015
- Coroner’s Bill, April 2005
2004 by month
2003 by month
2002 by month