In this area:


Organisers are the frontline staff who deal with members issues in the workplace. The role is often complex, as issues often link the industrial and professional contexts.

You can contact your local Organsier by getting in touch with the NZNO Member support centre on 0800 28 38 48/

What can NZNO organisers do for you?

The NZNO organisers' role is to work with members to build a strong, active and democratic organisation.

Organisers are involved in assisting members to resolve issues that include:

  • Professional issues
  • Collective agreement negotiations
  • Health and safety issues
  • Individual issues including personal grievances
  • Broader workplace issues including restructuring and changes to work practices
  • Organisers also play a leadership role in wider political campaigns, with other unions, community groups and relevant organisations.

The work of Organisers also includes:

  • Training and supporting delegates
  • Collective agreement negotiations and enforcement
  • Handling disputes
  • Health and safety enforcement
  • Ensuring union visibility
  • Helping members solve problems at work
  • Building effective relationships with employers and managers
  • Building effective relationships with other health unions
  • Developing professional issues
  • Organisers need an understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi and its significance for NZNO, and also the issues that arise for a women-intensive organisation, such as sexism, anti-women attitudes and pay and employment equity.

NZNO's organising model

Wherever possible, we use the "organising" model which simplistically means, an approach to working with members that empowers them to act in their own interest, with NZNO's elected leadership and staff on a team basis. This approach is distinctly different from that where a staff or elected member "fixes" things for members.

The organising model requires organisers to be facilitators, who encourage the open flow of information and who work with members to develop skills of participation, empowerment and decision making.

Organisers encourage members to understand that they can choose to act in their own interest, and with appropriate information, are enabled to know what is best for themselves.

Organisers are educators in that they "teach" what unionism is about: building a strong organisation with collectivism, action and democracy at its heart.