COVID-19 general FAQs for members

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FAQs for Te Whatu Ora members during the COVID-19 crisis

Vulnerable workers


What about vulnerable workers, i.e. those who are over 70 and/or have an underlying health condition?


DHBs have worked with clinical experts to create an assessment process for everyone over 70 and those at-risk. This assessment process:

  • Has been developed by occupational health physicians from around New Zealand;
  • Considers several factors including, work location, health risks of an individual, and other relevant information;
  • Is evidence-based and allows quick decision-making by the DHB for individuals who are potentially vulnerable or at-risk from COVID-19;
  • Allows flexibility to consider moving vulnerable or at-risk people to lower risk work areas;
  • Provides options for backfilling vulnerable or at-risk people with appropriately skilled colleagues from other areas; and
  • Provides assurance that any health information gathered as part of this process will be held in confidence.

 If you're 70 years of age or older, or you're identified as ‘at-risk’, the Occupational Health and Safety team at your DHB will provide further information about how to complete a self-assessment tool that tells you what to do next.

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