2 Vaccinating Health Worker Role NZNO warmly invites your feedback on a Ministry of Health (MoH) proposal to expand the scope of the COVID-19 Vaccinator Workforce with the creation of a new ‘Vaccinating Health Worker’ role. A Vaccinating Health Worker would be able to administer a range of vaccines to people aged 11 and up, under the clinical supervision and direction of a qualified health practitioner. MoH believes the new role will support the registered workforce to operate at the top of its ability, and add skills to the kete of healthcare workers such as kaiāwhina, immunisation support workers, and pharmacy technicians. The model for the proposed Vaccinating Health Worker role is the COVID-19 Vaccinator Working Under Supervision role introduced in May 2021. A Background Information Paper is available. Please send feedback to [email protected] by 8 February 2022.