19 Action for healthy waterways: A discussion document on national direction for our essential freshwater NZNO seeks your feedback specifically on section 6 of this plan which focuses on supporting the delivery of safe drinking water. Safe drinking water is a fundamental of public health which is proving increasingly unreliable in Aotearoa New Zealand and poses risks to human health, for example the Havelock North drinking water crisis and excess nitrates in drinking water in areas of intensive farming. We are particular we interested in whether you: support the proposals to amend the National Environmental Standards for Sources of Drinking Water (NES) and agree with the proposal to strengthen the obligations on regional councils and territorial authorities to manage risks to source waters through amendment to the Drinking Water NES. Please find the discussion document here: https://www.mfe.govt.nz/sites/default/files/media/Fresh%20water/action-for-healthy-waterways.pdf Please send feedback to [email protected] by October 10, 2019.