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Guidelines for nurses on the administration of medicines

Analytics indicate that the ‘Guidelines for nurses on the administration of medicines’ is one of the most accessed publications that Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa (NZNO) produces utilised extensively by members and employers of nurses and caregivers. This revision has focused on aligning it with the legislation and regulation changes in 2015/16 that extend nurse prescribing. It has benefited from significant input from the Professional Nurse Advisers who work with members to address complex clinical scenarios associated with administering medicines, from Ministry of Health officials and the Nursing Council of New Zealand. It has also been an opportunity to rearrange aspects of its presentation to make it more ‘user friendly’.

Please contribute feedback that considers the Guidelines’ relevance and usefulness to nurses in practice.

FEEDBACK DUE Please send feedback to [email protected] by 30th November 2017

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