10 WORKSAFE - Worker engagement participation and representation good practice guidelines WorkSafe have released a draft version of the Worker Engagement Participation and Representation Good Practice Guidelines which “provide practical advice and focus on the requirements and duties related to worker engagement, participation and representation in the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.” http://www.business.govt.nz/worksafe/about/who-we-work-with/consultation/open-for-consultation/worker-engagement Worker engagement, along with strong regulation and informed employers, is widely accepted as fundamental to workplace health and safety and was a key recommendation of the Independent Taskforce on Workplace Safety. Worker engagement at governance level is not, however, mandated by new Health and Safety legislation, and provisions for worker engagement, participation and representation are weak. (see NZNO’s submission) and that of the Council of Trade Unions,Te Kauae Kaimahi http://union.org.nz/sites/union.org.nz/files/CTU-Submission-Health-&-Safety-Regulation-Discussion-Document.pdf Feedback Due: Please send feedback to [email protected] by 23 November 2015.