5 Health Practitioners (Statutory References to Medical Practitioners) Amendment Bill This omnibus bill amends 7 statutes to increase the range of functions formerly restricted to medical practitioners that may be performed by health practitioners. It will remove some longstanding barriers to NPs and RN practice, specifically with regard to death, work, injury certification, and prescribing. Implementation will be a further two years after enactment. A brief summary is available below, and the link to the legislation, bills digest and debates is here: http://www.parliament.nz/en-nz/pb/legislation/bills/00DBHOH_BILL63296_1/health-practitioners-replacement-of-statutory-references NZNO is particularly interested in your feedback on the Primary Health Care Provider (Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Amendment Bill) and Designated Prescriber Nurse terms Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill and whether they clarify or add confusion. Feedback Due: Please send comments to [email protected] or ring 04 494 637 217 by 30 September 2015 Read or Download NZNO summary HPSRMP bill (pdf, 132.36 KB) - 436 download(s)