21 MOH - Strategy to prevent and minimise gambling harm 2016/17 to 2018 The Ministry of Health is consulting on its proposed strategy to prevent and minimise harm from gambling for the three-year period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2019. The Strategy needs to align with the updated Health Strategy and the Gambling Act 2003 requires that it has: measures to promote public health, services to treat and assist problem gamblers and their families/whānau, independent scientific research and evaluation. The strategy takes a public health approach, has a population health framework , and is underpinned by principles of health equity, good outcomes for Maori and Pacific peoples, workforce development, among others which are closely linked to 11 identified objectives. The consultation document and other documents informing the development of the strategy are available at: https://www.health.govt.nz/publication/strategy-prevent-and-minimise-gambling-harm-2016-17-2018-19-consultation-document Feedback Due: Please send comments to [email protected] by Monday 10 September 2015