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NZNO Legislative and Regulatory Policy Framework

NZNO is committed to the representation of members and the promotion of nursing and midwifery. NZNO provides professional leadership and advice in a range of areas including legislation and regulation.

In 2011, NZNO published 2020 and Beyond: A Vision for Nursing establishing the parameters for future work in each of the areas of the vision. As a result, in 2012, 2013 and 2014, NZNO consulted on and published its education and models of care policy frameworks. This next phase of the work involves developing two further policy frameworks: legislation and regulation; and employment. You will find the initial draft policy framework on legislation and regulation attached below.

Our intention is to consult widely and we are starting by consulting with NZNO member groups. Once this is complete we will send the document out more widely to other nursing and health professional groups and the wider public.

We seek your feedback on the draft policy framework. In particular, we are interested in your feedback on the following points:


  • Are there any gaps or is there too much content?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the statements or the order in which they are presented?

Action points

  • Do you support these?
  • Do you have any recommendations for further or amended action points?

Please feel free to write directly in the framework document itself using track changes. Alternatively you can print it, write in pen, then scan and email or post if this is easier. Please forward to other NZNO members as appropriate. All comments and feedback are warmly welcomed no matter how small or large.

Please forward your feedback on the policy by Friday 4 September 2015 to [email protected] or post to PO Box 1195, Nelson 7040

If you have enquiries please contact Jill Clendon, Nursing Policy Adviser/Researcher on 03 546 3941 or 0800 28 38 48.

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Due to scheduled website maintenance our usual Consultation listing is temporarily unavailable.

We expect it to be back soon.