10 Update of policy for “Advice re Nurses Becoming Quit Card Providers” The Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) and New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) welcome feedback for the review of their policy document "Advice re Nurses Becoming Quit Card Providers". Policies are reviewed every 5 years to ensure they help readers access the latest relevant research and products, and are aligned witih any changes to nurses' practice. While the scope of practice for nurses to provide Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) has not changed, there have been changes to the availability of NRT to assist people to quit smoking. Not all NRT products are free to Quit Card holders. While patches, gum and lozenges continue to be available free of charge to those with Quit Cards, NRT inhalers and mouth spray can be bought in supermarkets or pharmacies at a cost to the user. As the largest health workforce, nurses who are registered as Quit Card providers are key in helping people that smoke gain access to fully subsidised NRT. We welcome feedback from nurses to help us ensure that all information in "Advice re Nurses Becoming Quit Card Providers" is up to date, and relevant for assisting nurses to help people quit. Please provide feedback to Daisy Ganjia at [email protected] by Monday 27 July 2015.