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Living Well with Diabetes: A [draft] plan for health services for people with diabetes 2015-2020

The Ministry of Health have developed a draft plan for health services for people with diabetes and are seeking our feedback. The draft plan outlines the most important actions needed over the next five years to:

  • achieve the best possible health outcomes for people with diabetes, and
  • support the reorientation of the health system so that it is better able to address the rising prevalence of type 2 diabetes in a sustainable way.

The focus of the plan is on the response of the health system to people with identified pre-diabetes or diabetes. Wider system changes for tackling obesity, which is closely associated with type 2 diabetes, fall outside the scope of the plan.

NZNO has been invited to comment on the draft plan and we invite you to contribute to this submission. A feedback form is below along with the draft plan. Please consider your role and the role of nurses in the plan when reviewing it.

Feedback Due: Please send your comments and feedback to Jill Clendon [email protected]  by July 3rd 2015

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