10 Human Rights Amendment Bill The Justice and Electoral Select Committee are seeking feedback on the Human Rights Amendment Bill. The link to the bill is below: http://www.parliament.nz/en-nz/pb/legislation/bills/00DBHOH_BILL11154_1/human-rights-amendment-bill This bill changes the role and structure of the Human Rights Commission from three equal Commissioners with designated roles for HR, Race Relations and Equal Employment Opportunities to an expanded hierarchical HRC which will have one Chief HR Commissioner, and 3-4 non-designated Commissioners. The function of the HRC will include the promotion of racial equality and cultural diversity, the promotion and equal employment opportunity (including pay equity) and an additional focus : to promote and protect the full and equal enjoyment of human rights of persons with disabilities. This is NOT the same thing as having specified Commissioner roles and it does the latter does NOT establish "a full time Disability Rights Commissioner" as inferred in the Bill's Digest ,since there are no specified commissioner roles. The Bill is more explicit about the HRC being able to comment publicly on the government's position in relation to HR, and imposed extra reporting duties. Feedback Due: Please send comments to Policy analyst Marilyn Head [email protected], 04 494 6372 by December 15, 2013.