5 Consultation on two proposals for Registered Nurse Prescribing The Nursing Council of New Zealand is consulting on two proposals to extend registered nurse prescribing and has been invited to make these applications by the Minister of Health. The two proposals focus on community nurse prescribing and specialist nurse prescribing. Reasons for extending nurse prescribing include: improving patient care without compromising patient safety; making it easier for patients to obtain the medicines they need; increasing patient choice in accessing medicines; and making better use of the skills of health professionals. The Council has developed these proposals after considering the best way nurse prescribing can contribute to the health of New Zealanders and improve access for those groups who find it difficult to access services currently e.g. lower socioeconomic, children, youth, Māori, Pacific peoples. meet future health needs and the roles that nurses will be increasingly required to undertake to meet the health needs of New Zealanders with lifestyle and chronic diseases. To view/download the consultation document click the link below: http://www.nursingcouncil.org.nz/download/314/cons-doc-2prop-rn-prscbe-feb13.pdf FEEDBACK DUE: April 12, 2013 to Hilary Graham-Smith, [email protected] Read or Download 2013-02 Registered Nurse Prescribing submission form (doc, 109 KB) - 587 download(s)