18 Proposed changes to the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation (Liability to Pay or Contribute to Cost of Treatment) Regulations 2003 (Cost of Treatment Regulations) Five changes are proposed to the Cost of Treatment Regulations which are: increasing the general practitioner and combined general practitioner/nurse rates for under-six year olds by $5 (including GST) per visit rationalising and updating the dental rates increasing the general consultation rates by 1.9% as a result of the annual price review for most other treatment providers changing the name of the Cost of Treatment Regulations reinstating two items related to counsellors’ costs in the Schedule to the Regulations. You may access the consultation document at http://www.dol.govt.nz/consultation/amendments-iprc-reg2003/index.asp Your opinion is sought on the proposed regulation changes. If you would like to have your views taken into consideration, please respond on the submission form available at the above web address. If you need additional pages, please add them to the form clearly stating which proposed change you are giving feedback on. Feedback Due: 25 January 2013 to [email protected]