Media Release 12 May 2018
Health is a New Zealander’s human right
Tomorrow, 12 May, is International Nurses Day. Over 19 million nurses worldwide are using their voice today to call for universal healthcare – because health is a human right.
International Council of Nurses: https://2018.icnvoicetolead.com/
NZNO chief executive Memo Musa says nurses are the backbone of healthcare systems internationally and are crucial to ensuring people all over the world receive good access to healthcare as a basic human right.
“The world health organisation estimates that half the world lack access to essential health services. Nursing is a major driver to achieving accessible, high quality care for all, no matter the setting or location,” Memo Musa said.
“Investing in nursing makes economic and social sense. Nurses are uniquely placed to reach all levels of society. The holistic nature of the profession provides nurses an insight into health needs that no other health professional can provide.”
President Grant Brookes:
“The human right to healthcare is compromised after nine years of underinvestment in New Zealand which means that for some, access to healthcare is restricted. The right to the highest attainable standard of health is being undermined by unmet social needs, such as the need for adequate housing which is warm and dry.
“Nurses at all levels are using their voice to uphold the human right to health, from the nurse executives to the thousands taking action through NZNO’s Health Needs Nursing campaign, calling for the investment to rebuild a quality public health system.”
Kaiwhakahaere Kerri Nuku: “Nurses can provide care that is enshrined in human rights, that is person and whānau centred but need to be empowered and enabled to do so.“
“With only six days until the Budget we have asked the Ministers of Finance and Health to boost health funding significantly with a particular mind on the nursing workforce which is under stress but also to better fund social services like mental health care, primary care and Iwi lead health providers,” Kerri Nuku said.
Media enquiries to: Karen Coltman 027 431 2617.