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Centenarian 'Aunty Vera' passes

Media Release 10 October 2017 - NZNO mourn their kuia Vera Morgan (MBE)

Several representatives of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation were this morning at the tangi beginning at the Pipitea marae in Thorndon to welcome Vera Morgan back onto to the marae after her passing.

Vera Morgan began her involvement with NZNO 17 years ago. She was invited into the NZNO whānau by the then Te Rūnanga Chair, Sharon Morunga. During her time with NZNO she worked alongside Rev Leo Te Kira as they both developed the NZNO Philosophy – “Me haeretahi tātou mō te hauora me te oranga o ngā iwi katoa o Aotearoa: let us journey together for the health and wellbeing of the people of Aotearoa”

NZNO Kaiwhakahaera Kerri Nuku:  “Mai ra e te Rangatira o Waima, haere atu ra ki Hawaiki nui, Hawaiki roa, Hawaiki pamamao.”

“We join with other groups paying their respects to this dynamic, staunch, well known and inspiring kuia, we were honoured to have her with us for 17 years,” Kerri Nuku said.

“We send our condolences to her remaining children and whānau and thank them for sharing their beloved mother with the whole Wellington Community, and in particular the New Zealand nurses.

“Aunty Vera believed in the strength of community in action and always reminded us to walk our talk at all times,” she said.

‘Aunty Vera’ came to Wellington from the Hokianga at age 18 years where she joined the Ngāti Pōneke Young Māori Club.  In 1978 she received a Queen's Service Medal and in 1998 she became a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit. She has held leadership roles with the Māori Women's Welfare League and was a formative leader of the annual NZNO Matariki celebrations. In 2006 she was awarded the NZNO Te Rūnanga Akenei Hei Memorial Award. This award was established to mark 100 years of nursing registration in New Zealand.

E kore au e ngaro; he kākano i ruia mai i Rangiātea.

Aroha mai, aroha atu

Kia mau koe ki ngā kupu o ou tupuna


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027 431 2617  |  04 494 8242

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[email protected]
021 240 3420  |  04 494 6839

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