NZNO Gastroenterology Nurses' College Travel/Conference Fund

Grant funds can be used for any aspect of education requirements, including contributing to costs of papers, accommodation for meetings/conferences, and long-distance travel to meetings/conferences.

To be eligible for consideration of an education grant, you must have been a member of NZGNC for 12 months prior to applying. Consideration will be given to each application on its individual merits, however there is an annual budgeted limit to support our membership’s professional development.

For full Post Graduate paper funding priority will be given to first time applicants who meet the application criteria. If you are successful in your application for full funding, you will not be eligible to reapply for further funding for 24 months.

Awarded grants will be made once an article for The Tube has been received from the applicant. Applications close at 5pm on advertised dates twice yearly. Late applications will not be accepted. All Grant decisions are the decisions of the Committee and are final.

Closing dates:

  • 1 March
  • 1 September

Download the application form from the NZNO Scholarships and Grants page.

Email the completed form to the Gastroenterology Committee Secretary on [email protected].

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