Contact the National Committee
The term of office shall be two to three years with right of re-election for a further two to three years. Members shall be re-eligible for re-election after a break of two years.
If you are interested in becoming a committee member, or would like to find out more, contact the College Secretary: [email protected]
Merrilee Williams
Kirsten Arnold
Holly Weale
Committee Member
Kiran Joseph
Committee Member
Justin Augustine
Committee Member (IBD Rep)
Marian O'Connor
Committee Member (Hepatology Rep)
Jessica Southall
Committee Member (Nurse Endoscopist Rep)
Karen Kempin
Professional Nursing Adviser
Julia Anderson
Front row (from the left) Rachel Cashmore (treasurer, out-going), Marian O’Connor (IBD rep), Kiran Joseph, Karen Kempin, Holly Weale (secretary)
Back row (from the left) Jessica Southall (Hepatology rep), Kirsten Arnold (in-coming Treasurer), Merrilee Williams (Chair), Julia Anderson (Professional Nurse Adviser)