Scholarships and Grants

The Nursing Education and Research Foundation (NERF) and NZNO offer NZNO members a range of scholarships and grants. These grants are funded from various trusts including the Gretta and Harry Hamblin Trust and the McCutchan Trust. NZNO also administers a range of other NZNO local and national grants.

NERF's mission is to promote excellence in nursing and health care by providing funding opportunities for education and research. 

Scholarships and grants are generally only available to current NZNO members.

Learn more about NERF or read stories from NERF funding recipients.

Important to-dos

  • Make sure you use the latest version of the application form! Applications on outdated forms will not be considered
  • Most NERF applications are now available to apply online
  • Read Zoë Tipa's guest editorial in Kai Tiaki Nursing Research The significance of kaupapa Māori research methodology (PDF, 419KB) for information that may be useful to you when considering applying for scholarships and grants.


  • If you have previously received a grant or scholarship through NERF or NZNO, you are not eligible to apply for another one until a full year has passed
  • Priority will be given to applicants who have not received a grant within the previous two years.

Privacy Act 2020

The information collected on these application forms is used by NZNO to:

  • Communicate with you
  • Assess your eligibility
  • Process your scholarship or grant application.

Contact details

Scholarships & Grants, NZ Nurses Organisation, 57 Willis Street, PO Box 2128, Wellington 6140

Phone: 0800 28 38 48


Scholarships and Grants

Air and Surface Transport Nurses Scholarship Fund

Approximately $300 per application

Closing date:

Applications will be reviewed by the COASTN national committee three times a year, i.e. when the committee has its planned meetings for the year.

Available to:

  • Flight Nurses must have been members of the College of AIr and Surface Transport  for at least 12 months and must be actively involved in Flight Nursing
  • The scholarship will assist members with the costs of conferences, courses, post-graduate study or research

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Auckland Nurses Education & Research Trust

Closing date: 30 March

Available to: Greater Auckland Region

To apply contact the Greater Auckland Regional Administrator at:

Regional Administrator
NZNO Auckland Office
PO Box 8921
Auckland 1149

Phone: 09 360 3794


Auckland Region Pollard Fund

Closing date: 30 September

Available to: Greater Auckland Region

Criteria: For education and conference expenses.

Write to:

Regional Administrator
NZNO Auckland Office
PO Box 8921
Auckland 1149

Phone: 09 360 3794


Bay of Plenty/Tairawhiti Education Grant

Closing date: Ongoing

Available to: Bay of Plenty/Tairawhiti Region

For an application form contact:

NZNO Tauranga Regional Office
PO Box 13474
Tauranga 3141
Phone: 07 834 2392


Cancer Nurses Education Grant

Up to $2,000

Closing date: Applications will be considered by the Cancer Nurses College at their next meeting.

Available amount: Up to $2,000.00 subject to conditions.

Available to: RNs and ENs considering postgraduate study.

Criteria: To fund education related registration fees, travel, meals and accommodation.

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Canterbury Region 'The Pop Black Memorial Scholarship' Fund

Closing date: 31 March

Available to: First Year Nursing , midwifery and other health students that have lived in the Waimate region for at least 12 months during their lifetime.

Criteria: Must be a financial member of NZNO, however this requirement may be exempt for some health-related courses.

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Canterbury Regional Council Education & Development Fund

Closing date: Each Management Committee Meeting

Available to: Canterbury region

For an application form contact:

The Regional Secretary
PO Box 4102

Catherine Logan Memorial Scholarship for Postgraduate Study (Perioperative) - Closed

Applications closed at 4:00pm on 2 February 2024

Up to $2,400 was available for the previous round.

Available to: Registered Nurses

Criteria: You will be a

  • NZ RN undertaking postgraduate study related to Perioperative care
  • Qualified RN working/studying in the Perioperative area.


  • You will provide evidence of enrolment in the study programme you are undertaking.

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CENNZ Conference Grant

Closing date: 30 July.

Available amount: CENNZ-NZNO will pay the conference registration fees for CENNZ-NZNO members. This does not include travel, accommodation, or any other expenses incurred in the course of attending the conference.

Available to: Full and current CENNZ-NZNO members for the past two consecutive financial years


Funding will not be provided if the applicant has received a CENNZ-NZNO Conference grant within the previous financial year.

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CENNZ Education Grant

Closing date: Quarterly prior to meetings normally held in February, May, August and October

Available amount: Varies

Available to: Full and current CENNZ-NZNO members for the past two consecutive financial years


The grant provides assistance to attend TNCC, Triage, overseas conferences, CATN, ENPC or ANZBA courses relevant to emergency nursing.

  • Funding will not be provided for post graduate study - please see Postgraduate Study Grant
  • Funding will not be provided to attend CENNZ-NZNO National conference - please see Conference Grant
  • Funding will not be provided if the applicant has received a CENNZ-NZNO grant within the previous financial year.

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CENNZ Education Grant for Postgraduate Study

Closing date: Quarterly prior to meetings normally held in February, May, August and October

Available amount: Varies

Available to: Full and current CENNZ-NZNO members for the past two consecutive financial years


The grant provides assistance for CENNZ - NZNO members to participate in post graduate study relevant to emergency nursing, be it for Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate diploma, Masters or towards a PhD.

  • Funding will not be provided for other courses - please see Education Grant
  • Funding will not be provided if the applicant has received a CENNZ-NZNO grant within the previous financial year.

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CENNZ He Puawai Tapuhi Māori (Māori Nurses Education) Grant

Up to $1000

Closing date: quarterly (normally February, May, August and October)

Available to: Nurses who identify as Māori.

To tautoko Māori nurses on their journey within Emergency nursing, CENNZ offers an education grant. Available to Nurses who identify as Māori and work within  the Emergency Departments of Aotearoa. 

Ko wai au?  We invite those that know their whakapapa to share with us their iwi and hapu affiliations if they are aware,  in order to capture and acknowledge your whakapapa.  In a short letter we ask the applicant to share with us your purakau (story) of what you would like to study and what your future aspirations may be.


  • Applicants must be current CENNZ members and must also have been members for approximately one year before applying
  • Funding will not be provided if the applicant has received a CENNZ-NZNO grant within the previous financial year.

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CENNZ Pacific Island Nurse Grant

Amount varies

Closing date: 30 April

Purpose: To assist nurses intending to do voluntary work with Pacific Island colleagues, it is expected that this grant will be put towards the costs relating to travel.

Available to: Full and current CENNZ-NZNO members for the past two consecutive financial years


Preference will be given to those wishing to do voluntary work with recognised health professionals in the Pacific region.

Funding will not be provided if the applicant has received a CENNZ-NZNO grant within the previous financial year.

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Child & Youth Nurses Conference Scholarship

Up to $600

Closing date: Scholarship dates 2024/ 2025:

  • 15 March 2024 at 17:00
  • 9 August 2024  at 17:00 and
  • 21 March 2025  at 17:00.

Available to:

Registered nurses working in the area of child/ youth health who wish to attend an international/ national conference relating to child/ youth health.

Criteria: You will be 

  • A New Zealand resident
  • A current NZNO full financial member
  • A current member of the CCYN for a minimum of one year.

Requirements: Applicants will

  1. Present an outline of the conference to the committee including:
  • Your professional objectives for attending
  • Why attendance is pertinent to your area of practice
  • How attendance will benefit your client group.
  1. Provide a written report for the CCYN newsletter within three months of attending.

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Conference Organisers and/or Speakers - Closed

Applications closed on 2 February 2024

Available to: RN, RM, EN, Student Nurses/Midwives

Purpose: This grant is available to support the organising of a conference, or to provide funding to invite a guest speaker to a conference.

Criteria: The conference must

  • Include nurses/midwives and/or student nurses/midwives
  • Be held in New Zealand (preference given to NZNO affiliated groups)
  • Include NERF/NZNO logos in publicity.

You will need to : 

  • Provide evidence of partnership with Maori in conference planning
  • Be open to repaying part or all of this grant if the conference makes a profit.

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Conference/Short Course Attendance (includes graduate/level 700 courses) - CLOSED

Applications closed at 4:00pm on 30 June 2024

Available to: RN, RM, EN


  • Conference/short course will benefit nursing/midwifery/healthcare in New Zealand
  • Evidence of enrolment/attendance receipt required
  • Level 700 Post-registration courses qualify for this grant.

Debi Brook Fund - H254 (financial emergency in times of major illness)

Up to $500

Closing date: 30 July and 30 November 

Available to: RN, RM, EN

Purpose: To benefit nurses and their families in times of stress from major illness or death where other methods of financial assistance are not available.

Criteria: You must 

  • Be a financial member of NZNO
  • Be a registered nurse, a registered midwife, or an enrolled nurse
  • Be facing an unexpected financial emergency
  • Have no other source of financial assistance.

Apply online

Diabetes Nurses Professional Development Grant

Up to $750

Closing date: 28 February and 31 July

Available amount: $6,000 per annum shared among successful applicants

  • Maximum allocation per person of $750 for postgraduate study or conference
  • Maximum of $100 for an accreditation application

Available to: Diabetic Nurse Specialists who have been a College member for at least two years.

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Diana Grant-Mackie Scholarship for Māori Undergraduate Nursing Students - Closed

Applications closed at 4pm on 2 February 2024

Available to: This scholarship is available to first, second, and third year Nursing students who identify as Māori.

Two scholarships are available per semester, one each for:

  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • Enrolled Nursing student.

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Dr Jane Nugent Pharmacology Scholarship - Closed

Up to $2,000

Closing date: 4:00pm on 30 June 2023

Available to:

Registered Midwives or Registered Nurses studying at Level 800 or above on the NZQA framework for post-graduate qualifications which relate to pharmacology, prescribing, pharmacokinetics or medicines management.

This scholarship is also available to students enrolled in pre-registration Masters programmes.


The course of study must be relevant to the practice of nursing or midwifery in New Zealand and contribute to nursing/midwifery/healthcare in New Zealand.

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Effie Redwood Endowment Fund (Aged Care) - Closed

Applications closed at 4pm on 10 February 2024

Available to: EN, Caregivers, Student Nurses in the Private Aged Care Sector


  • To provide financial assistance to individual enrolled nurses or student nurses or caregivers studying or employed in the Private Aged Care Sector
  • Applicants must reside within the boundaries of Warkworth in the North and Rotorua in the South
  • Evidence of enrolment in the study programme you are undertaking.

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Emergency Grants - (For exceptional and unexpected circumstances)

Up to $500

Applications are open.

Available to:

RN, RM, EN, Student Nurses/Midwives


  • Small amounts of money available quickly for specific one-off expenses arising from an exceptional and unexpected circumstance which affects your ability to study or practice. Examples include inability to work due to injury, unexpected vehicle breakdown etc.
  • Supporting letter required
  • Tax invoice/receipts/quotes required

Apply online

Enrolled Nurses Section Education Fund

Up to $200 per person

Closing date:

Applications must be received prior to committee meetings, by 1 February, 1 May, 1 August and 1 November each year.

Available to:

Enrolled Nurses who are current members of the Section for a minimum of 6 months


The Enrolled Nurse must be undertaking training, enrolling in a course or programme or engaging in study that will enhance their clinical knowledge and potentially be of benefit to those who receive their professional nursing care.

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Enrolled Nurses Section Māori and Pacifica Education Fund

Up to $200 per person

Closing date:

Applications must be received prior to committee meetings, by 1 February, 1 May, 1 August and 1 November each year.

Available to:

Enrolled Nurses who are current members of the Section for a minimum of 6 months


The Enrolled Nurse must be undertaking training, enrolling in a course or programme or engaging in study that will enhance their clinical knowledge and potentially be of benefit to those who receive their professional nursing care.

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Gastroenterology Nursing Education/Travel Fund - Closed

Up to NZ $800 National or NZ $1,800 International

Closing date: 1 March, 1 September

Available to:

  • Applicant must be a Health Care Professional working within Gastroenterology in New Zealand and a member of the NZgNC
  • Travel must be undertaken within a year of award being made
  • Applicant will complete a report and have it published in 'The Tube' once conference attended.

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College of Gerontology Nursing Conference, Study Day or Post Graduate Study Grant

Up to $5,000 available each year

Available to:

  • RN, EN

Purpose: This grant is available to assist qualified nurses working in aged care to advance their practice through attending conferences and study days, and completing post graduate education.

Criteria: You must be

  • Be a full financial member of NZNO and
  • Be a member of College of Gerontology Nursing for greater than 6 (six) months and
  • Be working in the field of nursing older people.

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Grey Power “Aged Care” Scholarship - Closed

Up to $2,000

Closing date: 18 February 2022

Available to:

  • A Northtec Bachelor of Nursing student starting year 3 who is interested in practising in aged care.
  • Students in an aged care placement in mental health (aged care) in unit 5 and/or gerontology/aged care in unit 6.

You will:

  • Be a member of the NZ Nurses Organisation
  • Provide a written reflection outlining commitment to aged care.


  • Official proof of enrolment required
  • Inclusion of one, preferably two referees who will write a letter of support for the applicant and be available for contact via phone.
  • Letter or email from clinical coordinator confirming placement.

The successful recipient must:

  • Keep in touch with Whangārei local Grey Power committee and attend AGM or a committee meeting.
  • Agree to be in media releases and the Grey Power newsletters. 

Your application (all supporting documents listed in the criteria, plus an optional bio) can be sent to

Hardship Fund - NZ Nurses Memorial Fund Inc.

Closing date: Ongoing

Available to:

  • Nurses who have 2 years full time nursing in NZ post registration
  • Also available to non NZNO members
  • Not available for educational purposes.


For the financial relief of nurses in distress occasioned by sickness, old age, accident or other misfortune.

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Maranga Mai! Fund - Closed

Applications closed on 31 March 2024.

Available amount:

The amount of any grant is determined by the Committee and will be decided based on the total fund amount available once all applications are assessed.

Available to:

This grant is available to all NZNO financial members and is awarded annually.


The purpose of this fund is to provide members with assistance for professional development activities to enhance health care outcomes/provision in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Members can apply for the following:

  • Option 1: Fees for undergraduate and postgraduate study
  • Option 2: Registration fees for ongoing education such as; short courses, conferences, seminars, workshops
  • Option 3: Textbooks related to study
  • Option 4: Travel and accommodation
  • Option 5: Other course related costs may be considered.

The fund is not available for any mandatory training required by an employer which is the employer’s responsibility to provide or fund.

To apply you must be a financial member of NZNO as at 1 January in the year for which you seek funding.

The activity for which you seek funding must:

  • Be relevant to the practice of nursing in New Zealand
  • Contribute to better health outcomes for the people of Aotearoa
  • Not be part of employer mandatory training.

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Margaret May Blackwell Fellowship - RNs Study in Child Health - Closed

Up to $9,000

Closing date: 5.00pm on 13 February 2023

Available to:

Registered Nurses working in child health (0-5 years).


To apply you must:

  • Be a Registered Nurse
  • Be working in Child Health (ages 0-5 years)
  • Be a financial member of NZNO
  • Supply your Curriculum Vitae and two referee letters of support
  • Provide a letter of support from your Employer/Nominator. Your employing agency should be encouraged to grant leave on pay for up to three months
  • Indicate how knowledge gained will be publicised.

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Margaret Nicholls Grant - Closed

Up to $2,200

Applications closed at 4pm on 13 October 2023

Available to: Any NZNO member who does not have access to other funding sources.


You must:

  • Reside in New Zealand
  • Be a current financial member of NZNO.

McCutchan Trust Postgraduate Study Scholarship - Closed

Up to $10,000

Closing date: 5.00pm on 7 October 2022

Available amount: 

Up to $20,000 is offered for the 2020 McCutchan Trust scholarships and grants round, for all five categories of application. This amount may be split between successful applicants across all categories.

Up to $10,000 for individual study / research.  Projects may qualify for more funding. 

Available to:

This scholarship is available to assist individuals to gain a higher qualification after their basic preparation, including specialization in a clinical field. Scholarships may cover costs to enable them to study, practice or carry out research.

Note that 'higher qualification' means at post graduate certificate (level 800) or above. Graduate certificate (level 700) is not considered a higher qualification and is therefore not eligible for funding.

McCutchan Trust Publishing Thesis or Research Paper Scholarship - Closed

Up to $20,000

Closing date: 5.00pm on 7 October 2022

Available amount:

Up to $20,000 is offered for the 2020 McCutchan Trust scholarships and grants round, for all five application categories. This amount may be split between successful applicants across all categories.

Available to:

This scholarship is intended to support applicants to complete or publish a thesis or research study. It may provide funded time or funded release time to write, or where applicable the costs of binding and printing.

McCutchan Trust Research Scholarship - H214 - Closed

Up to $10,000

Closing date: 5.00pm on 7 October 2022

Available amount: Up to $20,000 is offered for the 2020 McCutchan Trust scholarships and grants round, for all five categories of application. This amount may be split between successful applicants across all categories.

Up to $10,000 for individual study/research.  Projects may qualify for more funding.

Available to: RN

McCutchan Trust Seminar Organisers Or Speakers Grant - Closed

Up to $20,000

Closing date: 5.00pm on 7 October 2022

Available amount:

Up to $20,000 is offered for the 2020 McCutchan Trust scholarships and grants round, for all five categories of application. This amount may be split between successful applicants across all categories.

This grant is available to:

  • Enable educational events to be held in New Zealand, and may include the cost to bring experts from within New Zealand or from overseas to participate at the event.
  • The event should be intended to raise the competence standard of professional nursing in New Zealand and to advance professional nursing practice in general.
  • This grant may cover costs, expenses or fees including those related to travelling, accommodation, acquisition of study or research material and hireage.

Midlands Education Grant

Closing date: September


Applicants must:

  • Be a member of the NZ Nurses Organisation (NZNO) 
  • Live in the Midlands Region
  • Be currently studying to complete a recognised course of study through the NZ Qualifications Authority or Polytechnic or University in New Zealand
  • Be engaged in a course of study directly relevant to nursing.

All members will receive notification by email when applications open in July.

NNCA Professional Development Grant

Up to $1,000 per person at the discretion of the NNCA Executive Committee

Closing dates: Quarterly on January 31, April 30, July 31 and September 30.

Available to: Current financial members of NZNO who have been a full member of the Neonatal Nurses College Aotearoa for at least 12 months.

  • This grant can be used to fund courses, seminars, conferences or projects which relate to neonatal nursing and contribute to professional development.
  • Priority will be given to nurses embarking on research or writing for a peer reviewed journal.
  • If funds are not awarded they will be made available the following year, for up to a maximum of two years.

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Nursing Leadership Education Grant

Up to $750

Closing date: Quarterly in March, May and December.


Applicants are expected to:

  1. Be a current member of the NZNO Nursing Leadership Section
  2. Be undertaking study relevant to their health care setting
  3. Provide a letter and supporting evidence with their application
  4. On completion of this education provide a brief written report for publication in Te Wheke the Section newsletter, detailing how their practice has been enhanced.

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NZNO Member Relief Fund - H255

Up to $500

Closing date: 30 July and 30 November

Available to: RN, RM, EN, Caregivers

For relief from unexpected financial hardship not covered by support or welfare agencies (does not cover strike action).


  • You must be a financial member of NZNO currently employed in the health sector
  • Financial assistance is not available from other support or welfare agencies.

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Perioperative Nurses Best article by a novice writer in The Dissector journal

Up to $750

Closing date: 1 September 2024

Available to:

Awarded to the author of the best 'first time' article contributed to and published in The Dissector journal in the current membership year.

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Perioperative Nurses Best article in The Dissector journal

Up to $1,000

Closing date: 1 September 2024

Available to:

Awarded to the author of the best article for clinical practice contributed to and published in The Dissector journal in the current membership year.

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Perioperative Nurses Best Quality and Innovation article in The Dissector journal - Closed

Up to $1,000


Closing date: Closed

Available to:

Awarded to the author of the best article for quality and innovation contributed to and published in The Dissector journal in the current membership year.

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Perioperative Nurses Christina (Tina) Ackland Memorial Education Award for Services to Perioperative Nursing

Up to $750.00

Closing date: 1 September 2024

  • This award acknowledges an individual Perioperative Nurses College (PNC) member for their outstanding service to the perioperative community.
  • Approval of the person being nominated does not have to be sought by the nominator.

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Perioperative Nurses College Catherine Logan Memorial Award

Up to $500

Closing date: 1 Sepember 2024

Available to Perioperative Nursing College members undertaking postgraduate study with a perioperative focus.


  • Applicants must supply proof of enrolment
  • The recipient will be required to write an article for The Dissector Journal on completion of their paper.

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Perioperative Nurses Dallas Jessiman Award

Up to $500

Closing date: 18 October 2024

Available to:

A Perioperative Nurse College member that is attending their first College Biennial conference.

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Perioperative Nurses Education Award

Up to $500

Closing date: 1st September 2024

This award is granted during the AGM/Biennial conference.


  • Education proposal to be on a subject relevant to perioperative nursing care, education, research or management
  • The recipient is expected to submit an article for The Dissector Journal based on their learning experience.

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Perioperative Nurses Debbie Booth (Free Paper) Award

Up to $1,500 for the winner, up to $500 for the runner-up

Closing date: 5 August 2024

This award is granted during the AGM/Biennial conference to the author of the best paper presented at the Free Paper Session.

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Postgraduate Study Grant - CLOSED

Applications closed at 4pm on 30 June 2024

Available to: RN, Regulated Nurses, students enrolled in pre-registration Masters programmes

  • The course must be approved by a relevant professional body and contribute to nursing/midwifery/healthcare in New Zealand.
  • 700 level courses that are part of completing a postgraduate certificate or diploma qualify for this grant.
  • Applicants must supply evidence of enrolment or an attendance receipt.

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Research & Innovation Grant - Closed

Applications closed on 2 February 2024

Up to $7,300 was offered for the previous grant round.

Available to: RN, RM, EN, Undergraduate student Nurses and Midwives


  • Course of study or research must be relevant to the practice of nursing or midwifery in New Zealand
  • Contribution to nursing/midwifery/healthcare in New Zealand must be demonstrated.

To find out a) what you can apply for, and b) what you need to do to apply, download the list of everything you will need to complete the online application form.

Please note that project personnel salaries will only be funded if:

  1. The proposed research is not part of the applicant's current job
  2. The applicant is not in full time employment.

Computer hardware and electronic equipment will not be funded.

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Respiratory Nurses Education Grant

Up to $500

Closing date: 13 April, 11 June, 3 September and 12 November

Available to: Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Student Nurses

Criteria: Applicants must have been a member of the College of Respiratory Nurses for at least two years.

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Stomal Therapy Nurses Bernadette Hart Award

Closing date: 30 November

Available to applicants who:

  • Have been a member of the College of Stomal Therapy Nursing for at least one year
  • Are committed to presenting a written report on the study/conference programme or write an article for publication in 'The Outlet' which may be published or presented at the national conference.

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Te Wāhanga Rangahau Tapuhi (Nursing Research Section - NRS) Grant

Up to $500 in total per application round

Closing dates: 31 March, 30 September 2023

Available to:

Current members of the Te Wāhanga Rangahau Tapuhi (Nursing Research Section - NRS), NZNO who wish to attend events related to nursing research that will further their knowledge base of the field they work in such as:

  • Workshops
  • Conferences
  • Study days
  • Seminars
  • Post-graduate study
  • Publication, etc.

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Top of the South Education Fund

Available to:

NZNO members who reside in the Top of the South Region


  • Grants must be for nursing education or union education and development purposes.
  • All applicants receiving a grant must supply a written report or give a verbal report to the Regional Council meeting.
  • Applicants are expected to be active NZNO members.

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Travel Grant - CLOSED

Applications closed on 30 June 2024

Up to $250 per application

Available to: RN, EN, Regulated Nurses


  • Travel nationally or internationally for the purpose of benefiting nursing/midwifery/healthcare in New Zealand
  • Itinerary including dates and location, purpose of travel and costs must be provided
  • Does not include travel for purposes of undergraduate or post-graduate study.

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Two Dudes Male Nursing Scholarship

Up to $2,000

Applications open in October 2024

Available to: This scholarship is available to undergraduate nursing students who identify as male.


You must demonstrate:

  • Official proof of enrolment 
  • Academic achievement
  • Contribution to nursing (for example support offered to fellow students, going the extra mile for patients)
  • Contribution to the community (for example involvement in activities outside of nursing - may include family commitments, volunteerism, cultural commitments)
  • Inclusion of up to two referees who will write a letter of support for the applicant and be available for contact via phone.
  • An outline of your long-term goals in nursing

The course for which you seek funding must be approved by the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ)/Midwifery Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).

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Undergraduate Study Scholarship - CLOSED

Up to $2,000

Applications closed on 30 June 2024

This scholarship is available to:

  • Bachelor of Nursing or Midwifery student who has successfully completed year two of their programme
  • Diploma of Enrolled Nursing students who have successfully completed their first semester of study.


You must demonstrate:

  • Official proof of enrolment
  • Academic achievement
  • Contribution to nursing (for example support offered to fellow students, going the extra mile for patients)
  • Contribution to the community (for example involvement in activities outside of nursing - may include family commitments, volunteerism, cultural commitments)
  • Inclusion of up to two referees who will write a letter of support for the applicant and be available for contact via phone.

The course for which you seek funding must be approved by the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ)/Midwifery Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).

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Wellington Nurses Education Trust Scholarship - Closed

Up to $5,000

Applications closed at 4pm on 13 October 2023

This scholarship is available to support nurses, midwives, student nurses and student midwives to:

  • Attend and/or present at a seminar, workshop, training course, conference or other educational activity for nurses
  • Organise a seminar, workshop, training course, conference or other educational activity for nurses
  • Publish or disseminate research or study results e.g. fund the open access fee to have an article accepted in a reputable journal.

Preference will be given to NZNO members resident within the Greater Wellington Region, but NZNO members outside this region may also apply.


You must be:

  • A current financial member of NZNO.

The activity for which you seek funding:

  • Must be relevant to the practice of nursing in New Zealand
  • Must contribute to nursing/midwifery/healthcare in New Zealand.

Women's Health Education Award

Up to $450 per applicant

Closing dates: 1 February, 1 May, 1 July, and 1 October.

Available to: NP, RM, RN, EN/NA who are members of the Women's Health College

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