Pacific Nurses Associations

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Samoan Nurses Association of New Zealand

Our Background

Samoan trained nurses who migrated to N.Z. in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s pioneered the journey of Samoan nurses in NZ. Their efforts to gain recognition and acknowledgement of their training in Samoan finally came to fruition through the implementation of “bridging” programmes. This saw many Samoan trained nurses gain NZ registration. Samoan trained nurses now have equal opportunity with nurses from the rest of the world to apply and be considered for registration by the Nursing Council of NZ. At their first inaugural national conference in 1988, Samoan Nurses came together from Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland to form the National Samoan Nurses Association.

Our Aim

To increase the awareness and participation of Samoan Nurses in the activities of the Samoan Nurses Association.

Our Mission

To represent Samoan nurses in New Zealand, promoting the Nursing Profession and contributing to and participating in the health development of New Zealand.

Our Purpose

  • Actively lobby the New Zealand Nursing Council on issues relating to Samoan nurses in NZ
  • Actively participate in any proposed legislation concerning nurses and make submissions to the appropriate authority.
  • Promote the development of Samoan Nurses in NZ through nursing education
  • Liaise with the NZ Nurses Organisation and the Māori Nurses Council and other Nurses Associations
  • Ensure the establishment and maintenance of the required standards of professional nursing practice in accordance with the relevant legislation
  • Promote primary health care and discuss any other issues(s) that affect the delivery of health services especially to the Samoan people
  • Promote and maintain social and cultural support for Samoan nurses
  • To offer collegial and professional support

Some benefits of membership include:

Being able to join your unique group of Samoan nurses in New Zealand embracing ALL nurses and nursing students who identify themselves as Samoan whether born and trained in Samoa and/or New Zealand

  • Meet and network with other Samoan nurses
  • Able to make a contribution, at all levels, in any proposed legislation concerning nurses
  • Able to share areas of specialised nursing with other Samoan nurses
  • Opportunities to attend nursing conferences nationally and internationally
  • To represent Samoan nurses to have a collective voice heard
  • Provide ongoing support in various areas of nursing
  • Provide support for nursing students (fulltime/part-time) undergraduates/graduates in the diverse areas of nursing
  • Great opportunity to learn the Samoan language and culture

Who can join the​ Samoan Nurses Association?

  • Any Samoan in New Zealand who is a Registered Nurse (Registered with the New Zealand Nursing Council)
  • Registered Midwife
  • Plunket Nurses
  • Enrolled nurses
  • Nurse aids/Nurse Assistants
  • Student nurses
  • Retired nurses

Contact the Samoan Nurses Association

To join, or for more information, please contact Ellaine Ete-Rasch by email  at [email protected] or by phone on 027 638 4696

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Tongan Nurses Association of New Zealand

Our Background

The Tongan Nurses Association was formally established as an Incorporated Society in December 2000.  The first official meeting of what would later become the TNA was held much earlier in July 1984 convened by well-respected and renowned Tongan Community leader Dr Leopino Foliaki. 

The aims and objectives of the organisation in broad terms have not changed significantly since the organisation was first established. However, more specific strategic objectives have been included. These better reflect the changing socio-economic environment and evolving health needs of Tongans and Pacific peoples living in New Zealand. 

Heading towards its 25th year of existence, the organisation continues to support the growth of the Tongan nursing profession in New Zealand. A key aim of TNA is to help bridge the transition of Nurses who trained, qualified and worked previously in Tonga and want to enter into the nursing profession in New Zealand. 

Our Vision

Tongan Nurses contributing significantly to a healthy and prosperous Tongan and Pacific community in New Zealand and abroad.

Our Mission

The Tongan Nurses Association will be the hub for the Tongan nursing profession in New Zealand. The hub will provide the infrastructure, administration and backroom support for the activities of the members of the Association.  TNA will be the leader for developing excellent nursing practice and health service delivery for Tongan and Pacific peoples.

Our Values

TNA was founded on key Tongan principles including respect, humility and reciprocity

Our Philosophy

The Tongan Nurses believes in a holistic healing philosophy on health:-

  • That the Tongan culture and custom must be respected in all that we do.
  • That health care must be accessible, affordable and available, as well as acceptable, to consumers.
  • That all individuals have the right to attain information necessary for informed consent.
  • That all individuals have the right to make informed decisions regarding their own health care.
  • That all individuals have the right to freedom of expression in speech, culture or actions.
  • That all individuals have the right to be respected regarding their beliefs and values.

 Our Aims and Objectives

  • To identify Tongan Nurses within New Zealand in order to encourage, create and expand a network.
  • To provide support and assistance to Tongan Nurses in gaining N.Z. registration (students or overseas nurses), in pursuing continuing education and achieving optimum standards of nursing.
  • To promote and encourage the nursing profession as a career for Tongans.
  • To encourage and promote the use of the Tongan language and culture among our nurses.
  • To achieve recognition as a professional organization and to have a voice in health-related issues and policy-making at all levels.
  • To maintain an effective communication between the Tongan community and Health Services.
  • To ensure culturally sensitive delivery of Health Care to the Tongan community.
  • To foster a good relationship with the N.Z. Nurses Organization, the Maori Nurses Association and other nurses associations.

Some benefits of membership include

Being able to join your unique group of Tongan nurses in New Zealand embracing ALL nurses and nursing students who identify themselves as Tongan whether born and trained in Tonga and/or New Zealand

  • Meet and network with other Tongan nurses
  • Able to make a contribution, at all levels, in any proposed legislation concerning nurses
  • Able to share areas of specialised nursing with other Tongan nurses
  • Opportunities to attend nursing conferences nationally and internationally
  • To represent  Tongan nurses to have a collective voice heard
  • Provide ongoing support in various areas of nursing
  • Provide support for nursing students (fulltime/part-time) undergraduates/graduates in the diverse areas of nursing
  • Great opportunity to learn the Tongan language and culture

Who can join the Tongan Nurses Association?

Any Tongan nurse in New Zealand who is registered with the N.Z. Nursing Council as a:

  • Comprehensive Nurse
  • General and Obstetric Nurse 
  • Psychiatric Nurse
  • Midwife
  • Enrolled Nurse
  • Plunket Nurse
  • Karitane Nurse
  • Maternity Nurse
  • Psychopaedic Nurse
  • Tongan Registered Nurse

Any Tongan student nurse employed as a student and is undertaking a programme of training by the N Z Nurses Regulation with a view to registration or enrolment.

Contact the Tongan Nurses Association

To join, or for more information, please contact ‘Eseta Finau by email at [email protected] or Telephone on (09) 2505761 Ext. 216 or 0218094

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Cook Island Nurses Association Aotearoa (CINAA)


The original Cook Islands Nurses Association [CINA] NZ Incorporated was established in 1994 to form a professional network of trained nurses in New Zealand and the Cook Islands. The Cook Islands Health Network Association [CIHNA] NZ Incorporated grew out of the establishment from CINA, and in 1997 CIHNA integrated and merged the nursing profession under the umbrella of CIHNA. The Cook Islands Nurses Association Aotearoa [CINAA] was formed and re-established in 2015 response to a huge need to continue identifying and profiling Cook Islands nurses here in Aotearoa NZ by founding members Sonya Temata, Metua Bates, Mary Kata & the late Tai Boyce. CINAA’s first debut was at the International Nurses Day 12th May 2015 hosted by the Tongan Nurses Associations as part of NZNO Pacific Nursing Sections celebrating the successes & achievements of Pacific nurses.

We continue to raise the profile of our Cook Islands nurses, students & leaders, establishing, strengthening relationships, collaborating and supporting many of our nursing networks here in Aotearoa NZ & across the Pacific. Our membership has grown tremendously with over 60+ members, a very proactive social media Facebook with over 150 members of registered nurses, student nurses and new graduates here in Aotearoa, Cook Islands and Australia.


‘To Navigate Nursing Excellence for Cook Islands Nurses.’

Mission Statement

The Cook Islands Nurses Association Aotearoa (CINAA) Incorporated exists to represent the Cook Island Nurses in Aotearoa/New Zealand and the Cook Islands to promote clinical leadership and governance with commitment to the representation of members.  CINAA is committed to contribute towards improving the health and wellbeing for all people and communities in Aotearoa/New Zealand and the Cook Islands.


  • Health/ Community/ Connections

Ora’anga kopapa/ Iti tangata/ Piri’anga

  • Culture / Language / Identity

Ta tatou peu / Akonoanga, reo/ Ete tura’nga Maori

  • Family / Extended family

Ngutuare Tangata / Kopu Tangata

  • Spirituality / Humility / Love

Oraanga vaerua / Oraanga taakaaka / Ete aroa

  • Honesty / Integrity / Respect

Oraanga tau e te tiratiratu / Te tu irinakianga / Ete akangateiteianga

CINAA Patrons

The Honourable Cook Islands Consulate Mrs Rosie Blake & Mrs Frances Poppy Topa-Fariu


  • To nurture the Cook Islands culture (spiritual, physical, mental, emotional) in its approach to health and wellbeing.
  • CINAA will work in collaboration with the Cook Island Nurses Association (CINA) and the Cook Islands Health Network Association (CIHNA) to establish and strengthen partnerships between all entities.
  • CINAA acknowledges and respects the traditional custodians Tangata whenua of Aotearoa/New Zealand

Aims and Objectives

  • Actively encourage and promote nursing and midwifery professions as a career for Cook Islands people
  • To maintain a database and increase recruitment annually of registered Cook Islands nurses/midwives/new graduates/students in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
  • To provide support, mentoring and assistance to Cook Islands nurses in gaining New Zealand registration (students and/or overseas nurses, in pursuing further educational outcomes).
  • To actively nurture and promote the Cook Islands language and culture.
  • CINAA will work in collaboration and strengthen partnerships with all Pacific Nurses Associations in Aotearoa/New Zealand, Te Runanga Maori Nurses Association and New Zealand Nurses Organisation.
  • To achieve recognition as an organized body and to advocate on behalf of its members as an active voice in health-related issues and social policy-making at all levels.
  • To promote advocacy, support and delivery of health literacy and education to the Cook Islands community and continued improvements in Pacific and Maori health.
  • To promote and ensure cultural excellence in delivery of healthcare to all individuals in Aotearoa/New Zealand and the Cook Islands.
  • To provide clinical competent practice in guidance of the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in delivery of culturally appropriate healthcare to all individuals.
  • To promote the professional development and benefits of its membership for all members of the Cook Islands Nurses Association Aotearoa (CINAA).

Some Benefits of Membership include

Being a member of a diverse organization of Cook Island Maori nurses in Aotearoa/ NZ. We welcome all nurses and student nurses whom identify as a Cook Island Maori of NZ or Maori of the Cook Islands, either born or trained as a nurse and/ or student nurse here in Aotearoa/ NZ or the Cook Islands

  • The opportunity to network and strengthen cultural connections to other Cook Islands nurses
  • To promote the professional development and benefits of its membership for all members
  • To be actively involved in the Cook Islands Nurses Facebook page and engage with all our other Cook Islands organisations in health, community, social practice, tertiary studies on social media and networks
  • We provide support, guidance, leadership for all our members of nurses/ students and are very proactive in increasing our nursing workforce and development
  • We have a very vibrant and sociable network of nurses who will always showcase our traditional imene (songs), ura (dance) and maintaining many of our Cook Islands traditions at any social event and gatherings
  • Actively encourage and promote nursing/ midwifery professions as a career for Cook Islands people
  • To provide support, mentoring and assistance to Cook Islands nurses in gaining NZ registration (students and/or overseas nurses)  in pursuing further educational outcomes as per Nursing Council NZ requirements
  • To actively nurture and promote the Cook Islands language, culture and traditions
  • To achieve recognition as an organized body and to advocate on behalf of its members as an active voice in health-related issues and social policy-making at all levels.
  • To promote advocacy, support and delivery on issues concerning Cook Islands nurses in NZ and to actively support them in their best interests
  • To support, promote and pursue further continuing professional development for all Cook Island nurses, students and new graduates in further studies, educational seminars and conferences

Who can join the Cook Islands Nurses Association Aotearoa

Any Cook Island Maori person in Aotearoa NZ who is a Registered nurse (registered with the NZ Nursing Council) as a:

  • Registered Nurse
  • General and Obstetric Nurse
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Registered Midwife
  • Enrolled Nurse
  • Plunket Nurse
  • Student Nurses
  • Retired Nurses
  • Healthcare Assistants

Contact the Cook Islands Nurses Association Aotearoa

To join, or for information regarding registration or membership, please contact Mary Kata (Chair)  [email protected] or 021 023 69164

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Tau Nosi Niue (TNN)

Honouring Niue's Legacy in Health and Nursing in Aotearoa New Zealand


Tau Nosi Niue (formerly Niue Nurses Association NZ Inc.) was established in 2009, serving as the collective voice for Niuean nurses in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our mission is to promote the well-being of Niuean’s through collaboration, innovation, and professional excellence in healthcare and nursing. At the heart of our work is the enhancement of the capacity and capability of Niuean health professionals, including registered nurses, student nurses, and other health workers.

We are driven by our Niuean values, which emphasise community, respect, and caring for one another, aiming to uplift and empower our people both locally and abroad.


Our philosophy is rooted in the cultural values and principles of Niue, and it drives everything we do.

  • Support & Cherish: We prioritise the health and well-being of the Niuean community by actively participating in the health and nursing landscape of Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Cultural Preservation: We are committed to preserving the Niuean way of life, honouring our traditions, language, and cultural practices in every aspect of our work.
  • Partnership & Respect: We acknowledge the importance of strong partnerships with other cultures, particularly the Māori as mana whenua (people of the land). We also uphold the principles of The Treaty of Waitangi in our interactions and decisions.


Tau Nosi Niue has a clear vision for advancing the role of Niuean nurses and health professionals:

  • Strategic Leadership: Provide leadership and guidance to Niuean nurses, ensuring that we continue to flourish within the healthcare system in Aotearoa.
  • Collaboration & Advocacy: Build strong partnerships with NZNO, other NGOs, and Government Organizations to advocate for policy changes and improvements in education and employment for nurses.
  • Mentoring & Support: Offer mentoring and support to nurses, guiding them on their journey towards advanced clinical roles, including nurse practitioners, managers, lecturers, and researchers.
  • Career Diversity: Encourage nursing students and recent graduates to explore diverse career paths, including primary health care, mental health, research, and teaching.
  • Active Participation: Be proactive in influencing proposed healthcare legislation, submitting relevant and informed recommendations to policymakers.
  • Capacity Building: Enhance our capacity to become a self-sustaining health provider, contributing to the ongoing well-being of Niuean and Pacific communities.
  • Strengthening Ties with Niue: Foster closer collaboration with Niuean nurses in Niue, engaging with the Niue Government and Department of Health to support mutual growth and development.

Benefits of membership include

By joining Tau Nosi Niue, members gain access to a wide range of professional and cultural support, including:

  • Cultural and clinical supervision to ensure that members stay connected with both Pacific cultural practices and contemporary nursing excellence.
  • Opportunities to engage in professional development study days, networking events, and mentoring programs.
  • A supportive community for personal and professional growth

Who can join Tau Nosi Niue?

We welcome all who identify as Niuean, whether you have trained as a registered nurse or a student nurse here in Aotearoa/New Zealand or internationally. Membership is open to:

  • Registered Nurses & Student Nurses
  • Enrolled Nurses
  • Midwives & Student Midwives
  • Health Care Assistants
  • Community Health Workers
  • Community Support Workers
  • Retired Health Professionals
  • Other Health Professionals

Contact us

To become a member or for more information about Tau Nosi Niue, please reach out to us at:
Email: [email protected] 

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Tokelau Nurses and Health Workers Association of New Zealand

Te Malama O Te Tauhunu

Our Vision
To support the health and wellbeing of Tokelau people.

Our Mission and Values
Our primary mission is to support the health and wellbeing of Tokelauan people.

In achieving this mission, we are guided by the following values that underpin our decisions and actions:  

  • Faka-Tokelau (Tokelau way)
  • Ava & Fakaaloalo (respect)
  • Agatonu (integrity)
  • Fakamaoni (honesty)
  • Tautua (to serve)
  • Kafaga (support)
  • Inati (fairness/ equity/ equality)
  • Alofa ki te tamāmanu (love and compassion)

Our objectives include but are not limited to:

  1. To act as a resource for the Tokelauan community in health care;
  2. To share health information which reflects current practice knowledge, research and understanding among members and with our community;
  3. To offer education, peer support and mentoring among members and our community;
  4. To promote a safe, professional and informative environment with the purposes of supporting our vision;
  5. To offer cultural support among members and our community;
  6. To promote ongoing education and professional development of our members and our community;
  7. To develop active working relationships with other health organisations to strengthen our group;
  8. To advocate on any health issue for our Tokelauan community and including Tokelau people that come to New Zealand
  9. To ensure the establishment and maintenance of the required standards of professional nursing practice in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Te Malama O Te Tauhunu (TNHWANZ) began its journey in 2006 gaining both Certificates of Incorporation and Charitable status in July 2008. This was the result of the ongoing efforts of a core group of nurses based in the greater Wellington region.

Membership is open to any nurse or student nurse, allied health worker or student of allied health, or members of the community who share our vision, mission,
and values.  

To join or for more information please contact Kupa Kupa (PNS NZNO Representative) on: Email: [email protected] or Cell: 021-0256 0956.

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© Copyright 2014 New Zealand Nurses Organisation. Authorised by NZNO, 57 Willis Street, Wellington