
  • NZNO is proud of its network of speciality sections and colleges which brings thousands of nurses with common interests together. If you are passionate about your specialty and want to be engaged in professional debates and developments then this is an opportunity to do so.

    Colleges and sections are run by members, for members. No other national organisation offers nurses and other health workers the opportunity to meet and develop their collective knowledge and strength in this way.

    Two ways to join

    1. Complete our Membership Application form (PDF, 88KB) and return to:

    Pacific Nursing Section Administrator
    P O Box 2128

    Or scan and email your application to [email protected]

    2. Complete the online application form below.

    Your application will be forwarded to the relevant section or college, which will contact you about membership criteria and associated fees (if there are any).


    • You can join up to three Sections or Colleges
    • Membership is subject to you meeting the Section or College criteria
    • You must be a current NZNO member.

    Apply now

© Copyright 2014 New Zealand Nurses Organisation. Authorised by NZNO, 57 Willis Street, Wellington