Chairperson [email protected]
Gayleen Watkins
Anna Carey
Committee member
Aloha Sison
Christy Reedy
Regan Gilchrist
Rosie Winters
Sarah McIntosh
Professional Nursing Advisor
Marg Bigsby
I am currently working with Oceania Healthcare – Primary Care as a nurse practitioner providing primary healthcare services to residents of both the Care Suites and Retirement Village in Waikato. This current role is in a nurse led primary health care model.
I have worked across several sectors in Waikato since moving from the UK in 2007 including DHB, Home care and supports and GP practice.
I have previously been Secretary and Chair of the section and now College of Gerontology. I am very keen that nurses working within the care of older adults are recognized for the multitude and complexity of skills and knowledge that they have and that this is recognized appropriately.
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I've worked in Aged Care for almost 14 years since qualifying - I have had a variety of roles (including a period of time as a NM at a small rural facility) and am currently working as the RN at the Leslie Groves RestHome in Dunedin.
Before retraining, and qualifying as an RN in 2004 I had worked as a Radiation Therapist for over 20 years. I believe that quality of life is more important than quantity. This is very true of Aged Care where we aim to provide our residents with the best quality of life possible as they journey through this last stage of their lives.
Over the years I have witnessed a number of changes across the Aged Care industry (some more positive than others).
This sector requires effective advocacy to ensure the best outcomes for residents and staff alike. I believe that the College of Gerontology Nursing provides such a voice, which is why I've been a committee member of the Otago Section for 9 years, and why I’m excited to have been given an opportunity to become involved at a National level now.
A big passion of mine is Barbershop Singing – I have been involved with Men's and Women's Choruses, across NZ and Australia, since 1985. I’m also an avid reader.
My name is Anna Carey and I am passionate about gerontology nursing and care of the older person.
I believe older people have the right to excellent, quality care that is based on best practice. I am currently the Business and Care Manager of an Aged Residential Care Facility (ARC) in Christchurch. I am a registered nurse having trained in Christchurch over twenty years ago. In one way or another I have been involved in care of the older person for most of my nursing career.
My previous roles include Registered nurse (in acute surgical wards), Nurse Educator (in an Aged Residential Care (ARC) Facility), Quality Coordinator (in an ARC facility) and Nurse Manager of an ARC facility. I also spent several years working in a regional capacity for the South Island Alliance (SIA). I had two roles within the SIA, one was monitoring ARC facilities in meeting their requirements of Certification audit process and the other was facilitating the Quality and Safety Service level Alliance across all five South Island District Health Boards.
I believe in always improving ourselves and extending our knowledge which is why I recently completed my Masters.
Aloha Sison is a Clinical Nurse specialist Gerontology working under the Nurse-led services of Waikato DHB. Her role as a CNS Gerontology is to mentor and work in partnership with health care staff looking after complex and high needs residents in the aged-related residential care.
She is originally from the Philippines and have been a registered nurse for the last 10 years. Since arriving in New Zealand in 2014, she has been working with older adults in age-related residential care and acute orthopedics ward. She has worked in various clinical setting including hemodialysis, medical-surgical wards & intensive care units and have held quality improvement and clinical leadership role. Currently, she is completing her Masters of Nursing as part of the Nurse Practitioner pathway.
As the New Zealand population ages, people are living longer with chronic conditions and complexities. "Across all the different clinical areas I have worked in, I found a real passion for gerontology nursing. It is a specialty practice that requires a sound knowledge and skills in gerontology, an appreciation for life’s unique experience and the wisdom to understand that a life with quality is what matters."
Committee Member
Profile to come
Kia ora! My name is Regan Gilchrist and I am passionate about caring for older people, aged care, as well as promoting and advocating for the care of our most vulnerable.
I have worked in aged residential care my entire nursing career and believe that caring for older people is incredibly rewarding, and am passionate about promoting gerontology as a nursing speciality. I am currently employed as a Clinical Manager at a 124 bed aged care facility in Dunedin, where I am responsible for overall clinical operations as well as education, quality, infection control and professional workforce development. I am a Registered Nurse, and originally from Dunedin. I spent many years working as a HCA in aged care prior to deciding on Nursing, and have always had the complete admiration and respect of this sector. It comes as no surprise I returned to ARC following registration!
My previous roles in aged care have included Registered Nursing positions as well as those in clinical and facility management. I am also a passionate educator, and take any chance to promote ARC as a career pathway for new nurses coming through. I hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences, endorsed in Nursing, and currently undertaking my Masters thesis.
ARC, and our older people, require constant advocacy to ensure that care provided is not only in line with best practice, but meets the needs of our population. I am incredibly honored to be nominated into the Committee, as it provides this key voice and platform of advocacy.
I am a Nurse Practitioner based in Tauranga. I am currently employed by Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora and work in the community team providing specialist geriatric intervention for older adults with increased frailty living in the Bay of Plenty.
I have a particular interest in frailty, improving care of the older person and in developing inter-disciplinary team functioning.
I am keen to raise the profile of nurses working with older adults in primary and secondary care settings including aged residential care and in promoting gerontology nursing as a rewarding and valuable area of practice.
Ko Tongariro te Maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Te Arawa te waka
Ko Ngāti Tūwharetoa te iwi
Ko Ngāti tahu Ngāti whaoa te hapu
Ko Sarah McIntosh toku ingoa
Ko Māori Nēhi ahau
I am currently working in Rotorua Hospital as a clinical Nurse Specialist for Older Persons, Rehabilitation and Stroke services. I graduated with my Bachelor of Nursing degree in 2015 and was the first person in my whanau to have completed any tertiary level study.
I love working with our kaumatua as it is such a privilege to enable older persons to age well within their communities. Aging is a privilege that not all get to experience, and I value the relationships I am lucky to be able to develop as a Māori Nurse. I am currently on the Nurse Practitioner pathway as providing equitable access to health services that is able to understand the needs of my community is important to me.
Professional Nursing Advisor, NZNO
My name is Marg Bigsby and I am a Professional Nursing Advisor (PNA) for NZNO, based in Christchurch. I have the pleasure of supporting the College of Gerontology Nursing with your work following my predecessor, Marg Cain’s, recent appointment as NZNO Competency Advisor.
My clinical background prior to working for NZNO has been in Maternal and Child Health roles (working first as a midwife and then for a well child provider). As a PNA I have gotten to know more about other clinical areas through supporting individual members with professional issues, facilitating professional forums for members from all areas, and through contributing to submissions on issues relating to different sectors. I have also joined the NZNO Aged care sector group, which comprises NZNO industrial and professional staff, and feel confident that this will heighten my understanding of professional issues for nurses in the sector.