In this area:

Maranga Mai! Fund online application

  • This grant is available to all NZNO financial members and is awarded annually.

    The purpose of this fund is to provide members with assistance for professional development activities to enhance health care outcomes/provision in Aotearoa /New Zealand.

    Members can apply for the following:

    • Option 1: Fees for undergraduate and postgraduate study
    • Option 2: Registration fees for ongoing education such as; short courses, conferences, seminars, workshops
    • Option 3: Textbooks related to study
    • Option 4: Travel and accommodation
    • Option 5: Other course related costs may be considered.

    The fund is not available for any mandatory training required by an employer which is the employer’s responsibility to provide or fund.

    The amount of any grant is determined by the Committee and will be decided based on the total fund amount available once all applications are assessed.

    • Applications close at 4pm on 31 March of the year for which you seek funding.
    • You will be notified as to whether your application is successful or unsuccessful by the end of May in the same year.
    • If successful you will be asked to supply your bank account number.

    To apply you must:

    • Be a financial member of NZNO as at 1 January in the year for which you seek funding.

    The activity for which you seek funding must:

    • Be relevant to the practice of nursing in New Zealand
    • Contribute to better health outcomes for the people of Aotearoa
    • Not be part of employer mandatory training.

    Factors taken into account for all applicants include but are not limited to:

    • In the previous 12 months, your contribution to the New Zealand Nurses Organisation e.g. involvement in Regional Councils, Te Poari O Te Rūnanga, Colleges and Sections, and/or as a workplace delegate
    • The financial importance of the award to you
    • The relevance of the award to your practice.

    Please note:

    1. Funding is for activities in the year in which you apply (from 1 January to 31 December)
    2. Retrospective applications will not be accepted
    3. Receipt of funding from other sources does not preclude an applicant from potentially receiving financial assistance from this Fund
    4. Childcare costs: these will be assessed on a case by case basis, and must be related to the event that the application is for. It will only be accepted once evidence of childcare costs paid for is received by the Committee, e.g. a paid receipt from a childcare facility which covers the dates relating to the event attended.
    5. Clinical supervision and thesis transcription costs: the Committee may accept applications where invoices or quotes are provided. However funds will only be released once evidence of payment by the applicant has been received by the Committee, e.g. a paid receipt from the service provider and a copy of the applicant's bank statement showing payment.
    6. Applications are judged based on the merit of the application and grants are awarded at the discretion of the assessment panel
    7. All decisions are final and no discussion will be entered into.

    Maranga Mai! Fund Grant Assessment Committee

    • Please note that the Maranga Mai! Fund Grant Assessment Committee (the Committee) requires you to answer all questions in full, to help them fairly distribute the monies available.
    • All information regarding your application will be confidential to the Committee and NZNO National Office, Wellington.
    • The Committee is comprised of three members of the NZNO Membership Committee and three members of Te Poari o Te Rūnanga o Aotearoa, NZNO.

    Things you will need to complete this form

    Please have the following information, documents, and written answers ready to upload.


    1. Your current NZNO membership number

    Documents (up to 4MB each file)

    • For Option 1: A scanned copy of your student ID (if relevant) and/or evidence of enrolment in ongoing education. Note that a letter of acceptance to study at an institute for a programme, or a study link student loan receipt will not be accepted.

      If registration has not yet opened or your enrolment has not yet been confirmed, please upload information about the related course and/or link to a relevant website.
    • For Option 2: You must provide proof of registration for your ongoing education, and a receipt for registration fees.

      If registration has not yet opened or your enrolment has not yet been confirmed, please upload all relevant information about the course and/or link to a relevant website. If your application is approved in this instance, granted monies will only be released once the administrator has received an actual receipt for costs.
    • For Option 3: Quotes or receipts for textbook costs. If you have already paid for textbooks please provide receipts.
    • For Option 4: Quotes or receipts for travel and accommodation costs. If you have already paid for travel please provide receipts, not just E-tickets.
    • For Option 5: Quotes or receipts for other course related costs. If you have already paid for other costs please provide receipts.
    • For all applications:
      • Documents relating to any other current scholarship or grant applications you have under consideration
      • Documents relating to any assistance you are receiving from your employer.

    Written answers

    1. An outline of how your use of this scholarship will contribute to improving health outcomes in Aotearoa (up to 500 words).
    2. An outline of your current involvement with NZNO (up to 100 words).

    When you have gathered all these things together you are ready to complete the form below.

    How to save a partial application

    When you save your application half way through, you send an email to yourself which contains a link. Click this link in the email to continue with your application.

    Note: If you later save your application half way through again, the link in your first email will stop working, Please delete the first email and use the link in the second email instead.