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Advanced Choice of Employment (ACE)

The Enrolled Nurse Section NZNO are extremely proud to announce to our section members that Advanced Choice Employment (ACE) is commencing from June 2020.

New graduates applying for an Enrolled Nurse (EN) position in an Enrolled Nurse Support into Practice Programme (ENSIPP) programme across New Zealand must apply via the Advanced Choice of Employment (ACE) process. The documents below specify the business rules that apply to the ACE Enrolled Nurse Process, which launches in June 2020

ACE June 2020

Overview - Final ACE EN Process

Final Business Rules - ACE EN Process


Nursing Council or Nurses Organisation

May 2021 - Enrolled Nurse Section Rules

The updated Enrolled Nurse Section Rules as per below were passed at the 2021 Enrolled Nurse Section Conference 

August 2016 - Enrolled Nurse Section Strategic Plan

The Enrolled Nurse Section NZNO Strategic Plan 2016 - 2021 has been updated following consultation and was endorsed at the 2016 Enrolled Nurse Section Conference and by the NZNO Board of Directors.

April 2014 - Enrolled Nurse supported into Practice Programme

The Enrolled Nurse Section NZNO have developed a paper on Enrolled Nurse Supported Into Practice Programme (EN SIPP). This is for a fully funded 6 month new enrolled nurse supported into practice programme in our District Health Boards to support newly graduated enrolled nurses.

August 2013

"The Enrolled Nurse Section NZNO had the following papers endorsed at the 2013 Enrolled Nurse Section NZNO Conference and by the NZNO Board of Directors. The Enrolled Nurse Section NZNO National Committee will use these papers as guidelines when lobbying on behalf of its members. They are available for all enrolled nurses to use in their workplaces when involved in consultation on enrolled nurse position descriptions and enrolled nurse education and professional development". 

Guideline: responsibilities for direction and delegation of care to enrolled nurses

The Nursing Council of New Zealand Guideline: responsibilities for direction and delegation fo care to enrolled nurses contains information relevant to Enrolled Nurses. It can be obtained from the Council website

Education programme standards for the enrolled nurse scope of practice

The Nursing Council of New Zealand booklet on the education programme standards for the enrolled nurse lists the standards for Enrolled Nurse programmes in New Zealand. It can be downloaded from the Nursing Council website

Competencies for Enrolled Nurses

The Nursing Council of New Zealand booklet on the Competencies for Enrolled Nurses is available to download on the Nursing Council of New Zealand website

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Enrolled Nurse Section Webinars

Upcoming Webinars

No webinars available at present

Previous Webinars

View previous recorded webinars here

Assessment of capacity - Duty of care and the Mental Health Act

Presenter: Tony O'Brien, Associate Professor, University of Waikato

Watch Tony's webinar here

Moral Distress

Education session presented by Sarah Wilson, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Palliative Care, Dunedin Hospital, Southern District Health Board.

Watch the Webinar on Moral Distress

End of Life Choice Act 2019
Rob McHawk, Manager, Regulatory Assurance at the Ministry of Health

Advance Care Planning
Maree Sharp, Advance Planning Nursing Coordinator, Northland District Health Board

Watch the Webinar on assisted dying and advanced care planning. 

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Professional Development for Enrolled Nurses

Level 6 programmes at Whitireia for Enrolled Nurses

The University of Tasmania, Australia

Offer free online programmes for health professionals. Most programmes are over 7 weeks and involve 2-3 hours per week. A certificate is provided on achievement of the individual programme. To check out programme dates, please click on the links below:

Currently they are offering the following:

Understanding Dementia        

Preventing Dementia              

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis

The Quality Health and Safety Commission New Zealand (QHSC)

Offer the following free programme on line:

Health care workers can now access the four eLearning modules through the Advance Care Planning Learning Management System

Advanced Care Planning


Individual values, beliefs, and behaviours about health and well-being are shaped by various factors such as race, ethnicity, nationality, language, gender, socioeconomic status, physical and mental ability, sexual orientation, and occupation.

Cultural competence in health care is broadly defined as the ability of health practitioners to understand and integrate these factors into the delivery of healthcare practice.

Module 1 – Cultural Competence, Legislation and Maori History

This module provides an understanding of the culturally diverse population In New Zealand

He Papa Tikanga NZ Certificate in Tikanga (Mātauranga Māori)

Programme overview:

He Papa Tikanga will give you insight into a Māori worldview. Learn about traditions, concepts, values and protocols and understand why Māori do things a certain way. Find out how to apply some of these concepts in your home, workplace and community. Challenge your thinking and reflect on your own beliefs and values and how they relate to those of other cultures.

Learn from home at your own pace with amazing resources and regular visits from a kaitiaki (support person).

Upon successful completion of this programme, you will receive the following qualification:

  • New Zealand Certificate in Tikanga (Mātauranga Māori) Level 3

He Tikanga Whakaaro NZ Certificate in Tikanga (Mātauranga Māori)

Programme overview:

Tikanga has been evolving for thousands of years – refined and handed down through the generations. This programme passes on a broad range of Māori knowledge, allowing you to appreciate the depth and beauty of Māori beliefs and values to ensure tikanga practices are nurtured, maintained and embraced for generations to come.

He Tikanga Whakaaro is a home-based programme supported by a kaitiaki (support person) who will meet with you during your studies.

Upon successful completion of this programme, you will receive the following qualification:

  • New Zealand Certificate in Tikanga (Mātauranga Māori) Level 4

You'll learn about:

  • marae protocols and practices
  • tangihanga (funerals)
  • respectful relationships
  • rongoā Māori (traditional remedies)
  • māra kai (gardening)
  • Māori Land Court or governance
  • te reo Māori.

Provisional Vaccinator Training Course (PVTC)

Below is information and links for Enrolled Nurses who would like to do the Vaccinators education and training

ARA Institute of Technology

The ARA has ongoing professional development for Enrolled Nurses. See link below for graduate certificate.

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Committee minutes 

Confirmed meeting minutes of the Enrolled Nurse Section (NZNO) national committee meetings:






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Previous Conference/Study Day Presentations

2024 EN Conference Presentations

Day one

Day two

Day three

2023 EN Conference Presentations

2021 June Study Day

2021 EN Conference Presentations

2020 November Study Day

2019 EN Conference Presentations

2018 EN Conference Presentations

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2017 EN Conference Presentations

2016 EN Conference Presentations

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Enrolled Nurse Title updates

31 January 2011

The National Enrolled Nurse Section wrote to the Nursing Council late in 2010, requesting an extension on the transition process for enrolled nurses. Below is a copy of our letter and the reply we received from the Nursing Council.

The National Enrolled Nurse Section wishes to encourage all Enrolled Nurses to complete the transtiion by 1st July 2011.

29 October 2010

The National Enrolled Nurse Section is preparing a submission on the Nursing Council of New Zealand discussion document "Guidelines: Direction and Delegation". We welcome your input as an enrolled nurse and these close with the National committee on the 16th November 2010 at [email protected]

  • Guideline: Direction and Delegation (PDF)

14 August 2010

The EN Transition working group have released an information sheet for employers. Attaining the new competencies will allow enrolled nurses to work in more areas. If an EN does not complete the competence assessment the Nursing Council will place a restriction on their scope of practice.

21 July 2010

The NZNO National Enrolled Nurse Section is wishing to profile the role of the Enrolled Nurse within Health Care settings in New Zealand. Please click on the document below to access information, instructions and deadline.

16 July 2010

The EN Transition working group have released an information sheet containing transition information for Enrolled Nurses.

This document has been prepared specifically for Enrolled Nurses, to provide information and advice on how to transition to the revised scope and where to get support.

09 June 2010

  • The Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) has announced the transition arrangements for Enrolled Nurses to the new scope of practice.
  • Nurse Assistants will be renamed Enrolled Nurses, and will need to do additional education to transition to this new scope. They will need to undertake an assessment against the new competencies in the next 12 months.
  • Over 3000 EN's have now received letters from the Nursing Council explaining the requirements but details of the transition arrangements can also be found on the NCNZ website at
  • If you are an Enrolled Nurse and did not receive a NCNZ letter or have any questions about what this means for you, please contact the Nursing Council or visit their website in the first instance.

30 April 2010

  • The Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) has announced the new diploma qualification for Enrolled Nursing.
  • This diploma will be level 5 on the NZQA framework. There will be one title, one scope of practice and one set of competencies for all Enrolled Nurses.
  • The details of the transition arrangements for all existing Enrolled Nurses to the new scope of practice and competencies are not officially known yet. The Nursing Council will be writing to all Enrolled Nurses informing them of what this means in the next couple of weeks, outlining what steps are required. Information will also be available via a Nursing Council 0800 number and via their website.

Further information

Nursing Council of New Zealand Enrolled Nurse and Nurse Assistants enquiries:

Des Turia,  Registration Adviser
Phone: 0508 enrolled (0508 3676 5533)
Email: [email protected]

If after speaking to the Nursing Council you are still unclear about how the changes effect you contact NZNO Professional Nursing Advisor,Suzanne Rolls at [email protected].

Enrolled Nurse Title background documents

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© Copyright 2014 New Zealand Nurses Organisation. Authorised by NZNO, 57 Willis Street, Wellington