On this page:
Perioperative Nurses College 2024 Calendar. Important dates for Perioperative Nurses College members to note.
20 February |
Hawkes Bay Region Webinar |
Virtual |
24/25 February |
National Committee meeting |
Wellington |
26 February
Dissector Copy Deadline
March Issue |
March |
Call for Abstracts for Debbie Booth & Poster Competition.
Call for remits, changes to rules and subjects for discussion,Service to PNC award
Send to National Secretary |
9 - 12 March |
AORN Global Surgical Conference and Expo |
Nashville, USA |
19 March |
Webinar |
Virtual |
Regions AGM's
Regions Chair Report, Office Bearers
Send to National Secretary
15 April
National Committee Zoom meeting
1 - 4 May |
ACORN 2024 Conference |
Perth, Australia |
7 May |
Wellington Regional Webinar |
Virtual |
12 May |
International Nurses Day |
16 - 18 May |
11th EORNA Congress "Lights of Hope" |
Valencia, Spain |
16 - 18 May |
IFPN 2024 Boardmember meeting during the EORNA 11th Congress |
Valencia, Spain |
19 May
Dissector Copy Deadline
June Issue
June |
Closing date for remits |
National Secretary |
June |
Awards Advertising closing dates |
15 - 16 June |
National Committee Meeting |
Christchurch |
18 June |
Ruahine Egmont Regional Webinar |
Virtual |
30 July |
Otago/Southland Regional Webinar |
Virtual |
19 August
National Committee Zoom meeting |
26 August |
Dissector Copy Deadline |
September Issue |
30 August
Auckland Regional Webinar
Closing date for all other awards
PNC Secretary
18 - 19 September
NZNO conference and AGM
17 - 19 October
48th PNC Biennial Conference "Embracing the Future: Everything counts"
18 October |
PNC 51st Annual General meeting, held during PNC conference |
Wellington |
12 November |
Regional Webinar |
Virtual |
25 November
Dissector Copy Deadline
December Issue
48th Annual Conference of the Perioperative Nurses College of NZNO 2024
'Embracing the future: Everything counts'
17 - 19 October 2024
Museum of New Zealand
Te Papa Tongarewa
Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington
Conference Registrations now open
PNC Annual General Meeting
18 October 2024, 11.30am
AGM papers are available on the right hand side of this page, you must login as a PNC member to view.
The ACORN 2024 International Conference
28 - 30 November 2024
ATC, Royal Randwick
Schedule of PNC Conferences
2026 Auckland/Northland
2028 Otago/Southland
2030 Hawkes Bay
2032 Central North Island
2034 Ruahine/Egmont
2036 Nelson Marlborough/Christchurch/Westcoast
Transforming Cardiac Surgery Nursing
The role of RNFSAS and implementation of endoscopic vein harvesting (EVH)
Tuesday 25 March 2025
7.00pm - 8.00pm
Presenters: Jacque Roberts, Kelsie Abercrombie, Georgia Miller - CNS, RNFSA Cardiac Surgery, Waikato Hospital
Content of session:
This presentation will outline the comprehensive steps taken to introduce this advanced technique, starting with the development of a business proposal, securing grants for overseas travel, observing at an EVH centre of excellence, and creating clinical guidelines and educational resources. Extensive in-service training and multidisciplinary collaboration ensured a smooth integration of EVH into our cardiac surgery unit. A proctor supported the team during the initial implementation phase, enabling the transition to independent practice. The results of EVH have been transformative, with significant improvements in patient outcomes, including reduced postoperative pain, minimised blood loss, fewer wound complications and enhanced cosmesis.
Registrations required
Use the link: https://tinyurl.com/PNCCARDIAC
Past Webinars
Past webinars are available for viewing on My Health Hub: https://myhealthhub.co.nz/pnc/
Back to the future - Anaesthetic nursing in Aotearoa
Presenter: SIÂN MITCHELL, National Nursing Advisor Perianaesthesia, Southern Cross Healthcare
Hip Fractures
Presenter: Aimee Keogh, CNC Orthopaedic trauma theatre, Dunedin Hospital
From Fiji to Dunedin - A journey of growth
Presenter: Roneel Nand, CNC Main operating theatres, Dunedin Hospital
Acute Behavioural Disturbance
Presenter: Anastasia James, Clinical Nurse Educator PACU, Wellington Regional Hospital
The Treaty or TeTiriti? - An Analasys part two - Application to the Perioperative Setting
Presenter: Dean Cowles, Maori Nurse Advisor - Nursing Directorate, Southern Cross Healthcare
Operation Restore Hope
Presenter: Ian Clark, Anaesthetic Technician, Kaweka Hospital, Hastings
Patient Journey - Through the colorectal cancer pathway and ERAS pathway
Presenter: Kim Snoep, Colorectal Clinical Nurse Sepecialist
Operating room nurses’ perspective of patient centered care in intra-operative setting
Presenter: Chen Zhou, Nurse Educator, Operating Rooms, Āhua Tohu Pōkangia, Perioperative Services, Te Toka Tumai, Auckland
The Treaty or Te Tiriti? An Analysys...
Presenter: Dean Cowles, Maori Nurse Advisor - Nursing Directorate, Southern Cross Healthcare
Skin Cancers
Presenter: Juliet Asbery, NP Dermatology, Te Whatu Ora, Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley
Caring for your sterile set-up
Presenter: Diane McClelland, Registered nurse and anaesthetic technician
How to make nursing meaningful
Presenters: Frances Smith RN, Charlene Cotterell RN, Grace Summerfield RN
Sepsis - Early recognition and treatment
Presenter: Cam Howard - Waikato Sepsis CNS, National support co-ordinator - NZ Sepsis Trust.
The Tambourine Man - Alcohol, Drugs and Anaesthesia
Presenter: Dr Tony Diprose
Donor Experiences - Nurse and Recipient
Sharee Johnston, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Vascular, Upper GI and Abdominal Transplant for Adult and Trauma Operating Rooms, Te Whatu Ora Auckland City Hospital
Amy Ng-Thomson, Clinical Quality Specialty Nurse for Surgery, Anaesthesia and Perioperative Services at Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau
Theatre Communication
Presenter: Maryanne Coyle, Medline Clinical Support for REM Systems Ltd
Donor Surgery 101 for Perioperative Nurses
Presenter: Jude Quijano, Organ Donor Retrieval Nurse, Te Whatu Ora.
Scrubbing, Gowning and Gloving & Speciman Management
Presenters: Nadine Harrison-Smith, RN - Operating Theatre, and Bobby Guy, CNS at Burwood Hospital, Christchurch.
Other Events
Perioperative Medicine in Action
Online Course
University College London and the Royal College of Anaesthetists (UK) will soon be opening the third run of their MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) Perioperative Medicine in Action, after a highly succesful launch earlier this year.
This is a free online course that we think would be of interest to our members.
The course provides a unique opportunity to access high quality learning material written by the UK leaders in perioperative medicine, as well as connecting with and discussing key topics with other healthcare providers world wide.
The course is available in English and Spanish.
Kind Regards,
Dr Abigail Whiteman and Dr Katie Samuel
Perioperative Medicine in Action Lead Educators