We keep you in touch with Critical Care Nurses in New Zealand.
As of March 2025 we have 1,236 members.
Welcome! The New Zealand College of Critical Care Nurses is representative of professional Critical Care Nursing in New Zealand and endeavours to encourage, support and promote members working in these areas.
Contact the New Zealand College of Critical Care Nurses on [email protected]

Left to right
Back row: Lara Millar (Central), Rachel Atkin (Midlands), David Aveyard (Midlands), Tania Mitchell (Central, Chair), Rachel Yong (Northern)
Front Row: Angela Clark (Professional nurse advisor NZNO), Alicia Osland (Southern), Diane Pollard (MidSouth)
Our Aims
- To be the recognised professional organisation of all Critical Care Nurses in New Zealand.
- To promote Critical Care Nursing and increase the profile of Critical Care Nurses.
- To disseminate standards of practice and standards for education in Critical Care Nursing.
- To provide a communications network for all members including a regular journal, annual conference and disseminating information on relevant issues.
- To encourage and support research into Critical Care Nursing.
- To liaise with appropriate authorities on social, health, education and other issues, relevant to Critical Care Nursing.
- To communicate and liaises with international Critical Care organisations.
- To support the objectives and processes of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (Inc).