College of Air & Surface Transport Nurses

Save the date! for the COASTN Conference 16 - 17 October 2025 


Welcome! Originally the Flight Nurses Association, the College began in 1996 in recognition of the need for standardisation, education and training of flight nurse practices within the New Zealand aeromedical environment.

The College now has over 400 members drawn from many different areas including adult, paediatric and neonatal intensive care, cardiac and emergency care.


"To provide excellence in the unique area of air and surface transport nursing".


  • To develop minimum training standards for air and surface transport nurses
  • To share air and surface transport nursing knowledge nationally and internationally through regular contact
  • To promote the delivery of quality of care to patients in the transport setting
  • To develop optimum working conditions for all air and surface transport nurses
  • To promote and support continuing education for all air and surface transport nurses
  • To promote official representation for all air and surface transport nurses at local and national level
© Copyright 2014 New Zealand Nurses Organisation. Authorised by NZNO, 57 Willis Street, Wellington