This International Nurses Day (12 May 2020), RNZ Concert is celebrating nurses by playing music that restores and rejuvenates them
Pianoforte, percussion or even pan flute, if you’re a nurse tell us about the classical music that relaxes or restores you and why. May 12th is International Nurses Day, and we’d like to celebrate with your music and stories on the radio throughout the day. Email us [email protected]
Open access (free) news and evidence based resources on COVID19
RCN - Nursing Standard
Elsevier – Coronavirus Information Center
Free health and medical research on the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19
COVID-19 - Free Articles from American Psychological Association (APA) Journals
Nursing Times - Coronavirus open access resources
This zone collates essential clinical content to help nurses refresh skills and knowledge they may need to work in unfamiliar settings or to support students and those returning to practice
Articles – Journal of Continuing Education in Education, April 2020
1. Engaging Learners in the Evaluation Process
Lindsey J. Cardwell
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. April 2020. 51(4), 149-151
American Nurses Credentialing Center's nursing continuing professional development accreditation criteria require both active learner engagement and evaluation processes. This article describes a process for using learner engagement as a mechanism for obtaining and using formative evaluation.
2. Exploring Executive Presence: Leadership Traits or Skills?
Michael R. Bleich
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. April 2020. 51(4), 152-154
Executive presence frequently is discussed from a developmental and training perspective. This column explores the meaning of the concept, training, and development approaches to foster awareness of and expectations linked to its meaning, and the challenges of measuring leader-learner outcomes. Four domains for measuring improvement include ego state, focus, impact, and legend.
3. Resources for Patient Health Literacy Skills: Information in Orientation and Continuing Professional Development Programs
Yvette Duncan
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. April 2020. 51(4),155-157
Patients with low health literacy have difficulty using health resources, a poorer health status, and increased morbidity and mortality rates. Nurses are integral to providing health education according to their patients' needs and health literacy level. Professional development educators play a significant role in preparing nurses to develop patients' health literacy skills. There are multiple health literacy resources and tools available to assist nurses in delivering this customized education.
4. Hand Washing in Primary School Students Using “Demonstration, Puzzle, Dance, Song”: A Nursing Project Based on Multifaceted Skills Training
Aysegul Ozcan, Kamuran Ozdil, Senay Sermet Kaya, & Fatma Sezer
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. April 2020. 51(4),158-166
The effects of an educational strategy, “demonstration, puzzle, dance, song (DPDS),” on the hand washing skills of primary school students was examined.This study used a quasi-experimental, training research format with a pre- and posttest research design and was conducted by a research team from a university department of public health nursing.
5. Evidence-Based Practice for Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Nurses: An Educational Intervention Study
Leili Rostamnia, Vahid Ghanbari, Fidan Shabani, Abbas Farahani, & Nahid Dehghan-Nayeri
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. April 2020. 51(4):167-173
This study examined the effectiveness of two educational methods on nurses' skills and commitment to implementing evidence-based practice (EBP).
6. Effects of an Electrocardiography Training Program: Team-Based Learning for Early-Stage Intensive Care Unit Nurses
Soomi Kim, & Chul-Gyu Kim
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. April 2020. 51(4):174-180
Team-based learning (TBL) can be one way of improving professional and practical skills for nurses. This study explored the effectiveness of an electrocardiography training program using TBL for early-stage nurses in intensive care units.
Articles – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
7. Nutrition and PTSD
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Apr-Jun 2020. 26(10), 30-32
An excerpt from the ANMF's Post-Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) and diet tutorial on the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) website. Post-Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) is defined as ‘the lingering, persistent psychological reactions to traumatic events or experiences’ (Sareen & Mason 2018).
8. Living with post-traumatic stress disorder
Gillard, Simon
National Emergency Response, Oct 2019. 32(3), 12-13
In one of my darkest times suffering from chronic PTSD and depression I contacted #Lifeline Wesley Mission when suicidal and not in a cognitive rational state of mind.
9. The Quest to Cure PTSD
Sherman, Carl
Psychology Today, Nov/Dec 2019. 52(6), 62-91.
The article focuses on the quest to finding a cure to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Topics covered include the findings of a study that aimed to determine the neural mechanisms underlying PTSD, the emergence of treatments that targets specific biochemical processes and brain circuits, and the possibility that there are ways to prevent PTSD from occurring.
10. Integrated Brief Intervention for PTSD and Substance Use in an Antepartum Unit.
Shenai, Neeta; Gopalan, Priya & Glance, Jody
Maternal & Child Health Journal, May 2019. 23(5), 592-596.
Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of a brief education session affecting patient perspectives on follow up care of substance use and trauma treatment in pregnant women admitted to a medical hospital.
11. Are we missing PTSD in our patients with cancer? Part I.
Leano, Alyssa; Korman, Melissa B.; Goldberg, Lauren & Ellis, Janet
Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, Spring 2019. 9(2), 141-146.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be defined by the inability to recover from a traumatic event. A common misconception is that PTSD can only develop in circumstances of war or acute physical trauma. However, the diagnostic criteria of PTSD were adjusted in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) to include the diagnosis and treatment of a life-threatening illness, such as cancer, as a traumatic stressor that can result in PTSD.
12. Oncology nursing role in cancer-related PTSD--Part II.
Korman, Melissa B.; Hejri-Rad, Yasmine; Goldberg, Lauren; Leano, Alyssa & Ellis, Janet
Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, Spring 2019. 29(2): 147-150
Cancer-related posttraumatic stress disorder (CR-PTSD) is relatively newly defined, lacks clinician awareness and, therefore, often goes undiagnosed. Untreated CR-PTSD can be debilitating; negatively impacting all aspects of a patient's life throughout diagnosis, treatment, and into survivorship
13. Mint Marketing Sessions: DIY Marketing through Disruption
Date: Thursday 14 May 2020
Time: 9.00am-10.00am
In the current COVID-19 environment, rapid implementation and budget friendly marketing counts more than ever. Presented by Mint Design, this session will provide you with practical tips and tools for marketing that you can DIY.
14. WEBINAR: Emotional Intelligence for Leaders
Date: 10 June 2020
Starts: 12:00pm; Ends: 1:00pm
More information:
15. WEBINAR: The Gender Leadership and Pay Gap and What To Do About It
Date: 24 June 2020
Starts: 12:00pm; Ends: 1:00pm
More information:
News – National
16. Bigger cities more at risk of Covid-19 flare-up at alert level 2 - data modeller
Radio New Zealand – 11 May 2020
Auckland is at greater risk from the coronavirus flare-up than the rest of the country, a leading Covid-19 data modeller says.
17. Covid-19: The prospects facing employees as they head back to the office under alert level 2
Radio New Zealand – 8 May 2020
Staggered starts at work, buses running half full, and limits on the lifts are all prospects facing office workers heading into Covid-19 alert level 2.
News – International
18. Glasgow nurse writes heartbreaking poem about dealing with death on coronavirus frontline
Sarah Pirie shared an emotional poem she wrote after losing a patient to Covid-19 in the hope that it will encourage people to stay home.
19. The reason why some people don't wash their hands
BBC Health – 18 April 2020
There are millions of non-hand-washers hiding among us. Why won’t they adopt this simple hygiene habit – and how can we change their minds?
20. ANMF Evidence Brief - COVID-19: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
ANMF Monday 6th April, 2020
21. Hand Hygiene Day – SAVE lives: Clean your hands
Celebrated every year on 5 May, Hand Hygiene Day mobilizes people around the world to increase adherence to hand hygiene in health care facilities, thus protecting health care workers and patients from infections