In this area:

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Knowledge and Skills Framework - Principles of Best Practice for the Older Person

Welcome to the NZNO College of Gerontology Nursing Knowledge and Skills Framework. Here you will find a variety of information that will be helpful for your practice, along with key resources for gerontology nursing.

The starting point of this framework is the GERIATRIC 5Ms© – a simplified communication framework to describe the core competencies in Geriatrics in a fashion that should be more comprehensible and more memorable to those outside of the field.


The Geriatric 5Ms


We have permission to use the model as follows:

You have authors' permission to use The Geriatric 5Ms for educational purposes with attribution to the authors and without changes. Include the following copyright statement in all materials: Copyright © 2017 Frank Molnar, Allen Huang, Mary Tinetti. 2017. May be used for educational purposes with full attribution and no alterations.

Gerontology Knowledge and Skills Framework

5. Multi complexity

The Geriatric 5Ms - 5. Multi-ComplexityA key aspect of care for older people is supporting them to manage their health conditions, in particular multi complexity patients who have anything from two to seven co-morbidities to manage. This section addresses a variety of issues that can impact their day to day life.

Management and legal

Family and carers

Social, cultural and lifestyle

Relevant interest groups:

Infection Control

  • Hand hygiene - Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand

Wound care

Hospital/residential care

Online education

Go to: 1. Matters most   |   2. Mind   |   3. Mobility   |   4. Medication

© Copyright 2014 New Zealand Nurses Organisation. Authorised by NZNO, 57 Willis Street, Wellington