The TOPP Day
Venue: Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington.
One in five adults in New Zealand – about 770,000 people, live with ongoing pain.
Pain is the most common reason that people attend healthcare, however the assessment and management of pain is poorly taught in clinical programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
With specialist pain services across the country woefully under-resourced, increasingly this burden is unintentionally falling onto primary care. Whilst we are continuing to fight for recognition and investment into joined up community- specialist services across the spectrum of acute-chronic pain, within the health service reforms, we know that progress is slow.
Join us for a practical and clinically focussed one day workshop, to equip yourself with a toolkit to provide good care for your patients living with pain, despite the current resourcing.
We will cover
- Commonly encountered pharmaceuticals
- Non-pharmacological management strategies
- How to engage with someone who has chronic pain to promote evidence-based management.
This event is suitable for any healthcare professional who works with people with pain as part of their broader practice, but outside of specialist pain centres - GPs, practice nurses, HIPs, SMOs, RMOs, community & hospital nurses and physios, OTs, psychologists etc.
Find out more and register here.