24 Equal Pay Amendment Bill NZNO seeks your feedback on the proposed amendment to the Equal Pay Act which aims to improve the process for pursuing equal pay claims in Aotearoa New Zealand. It aims to address sex-based discrimination in remuneration and employment terms and conditions across female-dominated industries, such as nursing. The Bill will allow workers to make a pay equity claim within New Zealand’s existing bargaining framework. Additionally, the Bill will: remove previously proposed hurdles that made it very difficult for women to take equal pay cases (making court action a last resort) and allow for a collaborative process whereby employers, workers and unions will negotiate in good faith, with access to mediation and resolution services if they are unable to agree. Please find the bill attached below: https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/bills-and-laws/bills-proposed-laws/document/BILL_80319/equal-pay-amendment-bill Please send feedback to [email protected] by 21 November 2018.