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Embedding Wellbeing in the Public Finance Act 1989

Members are invited to contribute their views and knowledge as nurses on a proposed amendment to the Public Finance Act to include “wellbeing” in its broadest sense at the heart of policies and fiscal decisions.

NZNO welcomes your feedback on the following specific questions from Treasury:

  • Whether you agree with the proposal to require the Government to set out how its wellbeing objectives, along with its fiscal objectives, will guide its Budget decisions? Why or why not?
  • What do you think are the main impacts of implementing this proposal?
  • What else does the Government need to consider when making the proposed changes, eg, to retain sufficient flexibility for future Governments to adapt their approach to wellbeing in response to changing circumstances or new information?
  • Whether you agree with the proposal to require the Treasury to report on wellbeing indicators, alongside macroeconomic and fiscal indicators? Why or why not? 
  • Which of the options do you think best meets the objective to create consistent, meaningful and enduring reporting on wellbeing indicators? Why? 
  • What do you think are the main impacts of implementing this proposal?

Please find the consultation request attached below:

Please send feedback to [email protected] by 5 October 2018.

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Due to scheduled website maintenance our usual Consultation listing is temporarily unavailable.

We expect it to be back soon.