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Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill

This bill enables local alcohol policy (LAPS) to be fully considered in any decision on the renewal of an existing licence. It gives the community more say over the density and location of alcohol outlets and allows conditions, for example, trading hours, particular licences and one-way door restrictions, to be imposed, but it will have limited effect because it doesn’t apply to new licenses and most LAPs are very weak. NZNO seeks your feedback on the impact of alcohol on health, health services and communities, examples of where LAPs have been effective, or where there have been barriers to advice of local communities and health practitioners, and recommendations for alcohol regulation. NZNO is a member of alcohol action and supports its recommendations.

Further information can be found from the Alcohol Healthwatch website

Please find the bill here:

Send feedback to [email protected] by 21 April 2018

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